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Sam Miller
Latin 1 project
April 20, 2003
Clarke County High School

Rome... In A Nutshell

Rome was the first real civilized empire, they had a government, economy, and even running water. Some things which would only be rediscovered a few hundered years later.

The Roman empire was divided up into several different periods:

The Octavian
The Augustan Age
The Julio-Claudian Era
The Flavians and "Good" Emperors
The Severan Period
Crisis and Chaos in the Third Century
Diocletian and Constantine

Romans were also known for the architecture. Many of the orginal buildings and statues are still standing today, 2000 years later.

Roman Daily Life

Roman's lived similar lives to the ones we lead today. From schools to social events thier lives were as busy as ours. Many of their everyday activities resemble those in which we participate in modern times!