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Southern Soccer League

After 8 years and 16 seasons, Spring 2010 was the last season for the Southern Soccer League! We tried to have a "Saturday" league, where the poor kids could play soccer games at a low cost, but the "elitist" attitudes of certain club leaders killed us. What we did, we did for the kids! Always remember; if you play soccer on most Sundays what are you teaching your kids? That soccer is more important then God? If you are in this for you own ego, and some of you are, get out! You are part of the problem and not part of the solution. Jesus, in the Bible, said life is about serving others, not self. Below is the contact info for the FIVE area leagues that I know about. Randy Halcomb is not endorsing any of them, I'm just providing the information. Good Luck.

Areas Soccer Leagues:

I-10 Soccer League (John Guidroz)
Costal Alabama Soccer League
Beach Soccer Florida League (Bo)
Escarosa Soccer League (John Stacey)
WASL (Leo Flanagan)

It's only kids playing a game....

This Web Site Contact Information
CLICK HERE: Soccer Players Band
Opening for REBA at BayFest Oct 2nd
