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The Kritix

The Kritix is a sort of free form for people all over the world to discuss topics. Topics that are possibly controversial to particularly controversial. This is a way for people to state what they belive on a particular topic and possibly have their horizons broadened by what other people have to say. These topics will not always be two sided discussions, their may only be one side to the story and people may just have something to say about the topic. The Kritix is a way for people to be heard and hear others in a controlled environment. A way for the opinionated to be heard and the willing to be taught. Respect is the key, you respect others and they will in turn respect you. All are entitled to their opinion, and no one is wrong until they agree they are wrong.

How it works: I feel the only way that I can be sure all statements are appropriate is to monitor all of them. I will post a topic and possibly write a statement on the topic, expressing both views (if there are two views) and then express my opinion, if I feel the need. You will then E-mail me your opinion or answer to my opinion. I will examine all E-mails completely unbiased checking only the content to be sure they are not too long, approiate in content, and approiate for the topic. If I feel the letter is inapproiate in anyway I will return it to you giving you the chance to make changes if you wish.

The Rules: -Judge not, lest ye be judged yourself.
-You are not better then anyone here, we are all equal, that is the beauty of the kritix, even turf.
-Cursing is not forbidden, but will not be directly displayed on this sight, please edit yourself and only use strong words when completely necessary.
-Direct disrespect will not be tolerated in anyway shape or form, dirogatory comments will never be exceptable. However, understand someones beliefs or opinions may cause them to not like an individual or their opinions/beliefs, but there is no reason to be disrespectful in one's reply.
-Have fun, and be yourself, no one is judging you. Say what you truly belive, no matter what everyone else is saying.
