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Introduction, For First Timers.

Please read. I know you know how.

You are here because I have no life. I made this website because I realised how many poems I write and I wished to share all the stupidity of them with the general public. If you are here, you probably are my friend or "friend" and got sucked into it. So, if you wanna read stuff I wrote, go ahead. (that's what the site is here for) But please, on a note. Some of the things I say in the poems may not be true. Whatever you do, don't be offended. I write when I feel like it, how I feel like it, about what I feel like. So, sit back, relax. Read. These are my memoirs:

Sorry, one more thing: Please, on a note, I am not really depressed. To my knowlege, two other people have seen this website and really, I haven't gotten a good review on my sanity level. AGAIN! Do not be offended, and some of the things I say in the poems are not rue or are blown out of porportion. I write poems when I'm sad, so there you go. I'm not a total loser and I DO do other things than be depressed.

An Overview: What's On the Pages

Depressio crap stuff- This will be the biggest one. Mostly about how bad my life is, tho, it's really not that bad. I might put a journal entry in... If you're lucky. I AM NOT DEPRESSED!!!

New Stuff- Stuff I wrote on May 30, 2003 and onward.

Contendio. Excelent.- Any stuff that doesn't have a sad ending. Now I can write good stuff. lol.

Contact Me-Duh, Contact Me. Try and name it something that shows it's from the website. Like: Website. Or something.


June 7th
-So, I gave up on this website for while. I didn't like the way it was going, so I quite. I knew I'd be back, so it doesn't matter. I updated the home page, just made it easier to figure out. Anyways, I'm gunna try and expand the base of the website to include poems AND my rants and ravings. I'm also gunna get a clock thing to see who all comes on. It'll put me into a depression, but hell, what the heck. I'm also going to put a "Contact Me" thing in. By the way, I still have a couple of poems to put on, and I added some to New Stuff.