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General info about =KaoS= Kill all on Sight


MOH:AA server on

Spearhead server on

=Käø§= (Kill äll øn §ight) was founded on June 25, 2000. We have established one of the finer online first person shooter squads.  We are an extremely competitive and highly respected squad.  We aim to always maintain high moral and ethical standards, this sets us apart from the pack.  Our history began with Novalogic's Delta Force 2, naturally we moved into what was Novalogics next release in the series, Delta Force: Land Warrior.

When EA Games launched the Medal of Honor: Allied Assault demo, we became hooked on this fantastic new game. Novalogic's failure to address major issues with their Delta Force series forced many of us to abandon their games.  We then played Medal of Honor: Allied Assault as our sole online competitive game.  We will continue to play this game for some time, as we all love it.  Now we have Spearhead and it looks good too.

 =Käø§= doesn't hold tryouts in the conventional sense.  All of our new members are picked by our existing members from the open pool of  players which frequent the =Käø§= server.  Remember that we are looking for quality people, being a highly skilled player isn't enough.

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