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Stark, haunted and eerie. Feathers spun from shadows -- and eyes, grotesque in deepset sockets: milk white, blank and staring. Ropelike and thrashing, a long bruised rat's tail, banded soot and colbat. Fluttering projections, draped with feathers, a vast cape of ebony and azure was slung over protruding bone, possibly wings. Scaled feet, thick legs, or possibly just oversized pants? Face, or lack thereof, layed open to the bone, a skull's beak and sockets. A mask... or not?

Bracket notations:
[Skull crow.] [I love Rp. I live for Rp. Rp with me!] [Good rp only.] [Bipolar.] [Borderline insane.]

Like what you see? Comission the unique art stylings of Kaylis! I'll give you an amazing quality character picture, or even one of something else, for a port space. *Que cheesey car commercial voice* This offer wont last long, so act now!
I would also be delighted to offer you more then one peice of artwok for tris, classics, a pheo or a gryffe. Ask me for details! ((Interested in art trade? Whisper me and we'll talk.))

You know who I love? I love Mic. I loooove Mic. She does the MOST AWESOME ports ever. Really. They kick ass. Whisper me for info on her, too. Seriously. Commission both of us. I'll love you and so will she.

All material is © Kaylis unless otherwise specified. Steal it, take it, use it as yours or alter it in anyway and I'll sick my lawyer on you. All my uncles are lawyers, so be warned.

More? You want more!?

Kaylis dancing. Sort of. Is just spawned on to the screen as my fingers drew.
Kaylis denying homicide.. yah, likely story..
Angst. WHOO! I can draw ANGST!