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WeLcOmE To My WeBsItE!!!!

Newest updates:
I am selling 2 funny family movies called J.S.S. and J.S.S. 2. I am going to make a movie called Kingdom FartsŪ. Summer 2004.
Shout Outs: Dominic J, Rob I, Anthony A, Vinny A, Mark T, Chris M, Chris G, John H, Anthony A, Justin, Peter B, Gregory L, Nick, Kyle F, Branden F, Ben H, Corey B, Ricky, Timmy, Justin, Brian H, all of the people who work in my school, My family, and anyone else I forgot; tell me if i forgot you.

This is me:

Stare at the blue dot and move towards the screen.

Go to: It's my cousin's site!!

About me

Cousin Pics

If you play the trumpet, RESPECT THE LOW BRASS PLEASE!

Got a question? E-mail me at IM me @ Goofmeister12 (AIM)