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this is my webpage [an error occurred while processing this directive] joke of the week God''''s Identity One day a little boy asks his mom questions about God. He goes up to his mother and asks, "Well, son, he''''s a boy and a girl" Not really know what to say the mother just says, "Well, son, he''''s black and white." So he asks his mother, "Mom, is God black or white?" Again not really knowing what to say, the mother tells her son, "Well ,son, he''''s black and white." So the little boy looks at his mother as though he finally understands and says, "Ohhhh, I didn''''t know that God was Michael Jackson!" This Page Is DISCONTINUED (no longer updated) due to lack of responses!!! OH NO!!! Yea sorry folks! Stupid Question for 4/21/2003: How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? "I don't think that we'll ever really know. The first question that I have regarding this matter is, "Do we know that a woodchuck desires to chuck wood? Is it something lacking in their diet?" - Jason Walker "Well if a woodchuck could chuck wood you must consider that it really isn't supposed to chuck wood so its wood chucking wouldnt be as effective as a wood chucker. Estimate it can chuck about 4 cubic inches per hour, approximatly a total of 10 hours per day, assume a lifespan of about 7 years and that it can't chuck wood for the first 3 months of its life so about 8420 cubic feet in a lifetime" - Jason Gerstein "It depends on the capacity of the woodchuck's chucker. It also depends on how much wood is available for the woodchucker to chuck. And his current dental state is likely of consequence as well. Oh, and how much space is there for him to chuck wood? Is the woodchuck motivated enough to chuck as much wood as he possibly can? Plus, how fast does he chuck wood, and how much time does he have? Does he have all the necessary resources to chuck wood? Is he inclined to get splinters? Is there an emergency team standing by in case he skewers his gums? Do they have those new liquid Band-Aids? 'Cause I'd really like to try those out. If I could make up my own figures and circumstances, I'd guess six and a half metric tons." - Chrissy Westfall "It wouldn't chuck any wood because its lazy." - Dale Stupid Question for 4/14/2003: What is the most embarassing thing you've ever done? "One time I actually used an AOL CD." -Jessica "I've installed the content of a AOL-CD!" -Comm@nder21 "When I was taking a Dump, the door was open and I saw my friend passed by and saw me." - Nightmare23455 3/30/2003 and 4/6/2003 Stupid Question: Why do we park on driveways, drive on parkways, and pay on freeways? "Because we can." - Kribrock9 Stupid Question for 3/23/2003: What is QWERTY? DUH!! Qwerty is the name of a keyboard manufacturer!! or is it????? i wouldn't know. - Annie Stupid Question for 3/16/2003: What is 2 + 2? "2 + 2 is a mathematical equation involving two even numbers which will result in the generation of a further 'third' even number, this number will (in 100% of cases) be 4." - Martin "It's really simple, really. All you have to do is add the two numbers. To add is to join. Therefore, 2+2 would equal 22. :-D..DUH!" - Eliza Stupid Question google