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It all started back in the 60's when i was playing bass for James Brown in the motown scene. He had to replace Boosty Collins with me because he wasn't quite funky enough. Ok, ok, I'm just kidding. Actually I started playing bass my freshman year in highschool. I started playing because my sister's boyfriend (at the time) played guitar and he had a cheap bass lying around. So he showed me a couple misfits songs and a dead kennedy's song or two. After he left and took his cheap bass with him, I decided I should get my own and really work on learning how to play. So guess what I did...i got my own bass. Of course I slacked off and never palyed it. At the end of my freshman year however, I got to know a guy named Tim Allen. No, not the tool man. i learned that he played guitar and we eventually became really good friends. It wasn't long before he invited me to his church (Lamb's Chapel) and I started playing in the little youth band they had there. At this church I ended up meeting a lot of great musicians who really encouraged me and taught me a lot about music. I got a lot of experience on the bass here. About a year and half later, the guy who played bass for Lamb's Chapel on sunday mornings (Bob Hitch - an excellent, excellent bassist) left to move to Atlanta. So I got to take Bob's place and have been playing bass there every sunday morning for about the past year and half. Well somewhere in there I met Stephen and Shane. Those guys are awesome. They're like brothers to me. Yeah we argue, yeah we hit each other in the balls, but when it comes down to it there are no two guys I would rather steal sweat shirts with hahahaha. We went through a few drummers together before we met Bran. Bran bran the cereal man. (I don't know.) Anyways we love bran, he is the man and an awesome drummer. He's also pretty good when it comes to gumballs....hmm....

I play a fretless bass. I really love jazz music and Jaco Pastorius especially, that's why I defretted my bass. Some of my other bass influences are Jaco Pastorius of course...Marcus Miller, Timmy G. (RATM), John Patitucci, and Stu Hamm. I love all kinds of music literally. If it sounds good I'll listen to it. In the world of rock music my favorite bands to listen to at the moment are...The Used, Radiohead, and pink floyd. My favorite things to listen to for relaxation purposes right now are...Jack Johnson, Vince Guaraldi, Frank Sinatra, Victor Wooten/Steve Baily, and NPR(the jazz hours). Well that's all for now. If I can think of anything interesting about myself I'll be sure to put it up.