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How Zeus and Hermes Went Visiting

Zeus decided that he and his son Hermes should go down to Greece and see if the Bronze Age was as horrible as the Silver age which he had destroyed before. Hermes and Zeus made a deal that if two out of the three families that they visited were kind that mankind would not be perished. Zeus and Hermes first went and visited in Arcadia with Zeus disguised as an old man and Hermes as his Grandson. First they visited the king of Arcadia and his 50 sons which happened to all be cannibals and wanted Hermes to be apart of their feast, since he looked so strong and in shape. The King on this day had nothing to eat so he took his son that did not approve of his father and killed and cooked him. When the boy came out on the plate Zeus said that he was not fit for a man and turned him into wolves. He then gave the young good boy his life back and bade him rule justly and well. Then they traveled to a mountain top near Tyanga and stayed with a very poor family in a cottage thatched with straw. Philemon and Baucis were very kind and when Zeus' wine was gone Philemon went to fill his cup and when he came back Zeus' cup was already filled with the richest wine. Philemon then knew that the old man was in fact Zeus. So Zeus told them to come outside and made them kings. Zeus then asked them what they most desired and they said that they want to die together and be Zeus' priest and priestess, so Zeus granted this. Then they went to The King of Thessaly and they treated the Gods with kindness and honouring. So they tested their hospitality and found out that they were very simple and kind. He then said that he would go back to Mount Olympus and let loose a great flood over the earth and all those who are not fit to live shall drown in the flood. All the people that are fit to live shall climb to the top a mountain and be safe. And he told Deucalion to build a big and strong ship and to put a roof on top of it. Then to bring clothes and food and his wife and children. he did as he was told and it rained for nine days and nine nights while Poseidon stirred up the waves. Only the mermaids and the sea nymphs and dolphins were happy. Then Deucalion and his wife were to go and to shed the bones over the land and they after thinking about it for a while decided that their mothers were earth. So they threw rocks over their shoulders and sure enough they heard a murmur and new people were born. Then Zeus decided to bring forth animals which was not good because earth made Giants as well as the animals. Also she made the most feared monster ever who she called Typhon.