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Jodi's Poetry Page

I Found You

written especially 4 Mason by Jodi

i found you when i thought there was no one around,
i found you when i was feeling down.
i got to know you and i liked you a lot.
i got to love you,
you're the only one i got.
we started out slowly
it really seemed strange
got into each other
my life sure has changed.

Is It Love?

what did i do,
what did i say,
is this love just a passing phase?

i try to be strong,
but i am only weak,
so many times i wonder,
should i turn the other cheek?

i love him so much,
but is it all worth the pain?
maybe in another life
it would all be the same.

so my friend, if your in love,
make sure it feels right,
because love should always be
strong and tight.


how long is forever?
can our love last?
we walk in the shadows
forgetting our past.
we don't know where we are going,
and we don't know how fast,
but one thing is for sure,
our love will always last.

My Love 4 U Will Never Die

if i could have one dream,
i would dream of a never-ending love between you and me.

today, tomorrow, and always, my love will be there for you.

never doubt my love is true, for i will never stop loving you.

these are the things i can promise you.
the rest of my life belongs to you.

so tell me you love me,
tell me you care,

tell me our love for each other,
will always be there.

Will Our Love Last

what would it have been like,
if i would have never met you,
would life still be loving, tender, and true?

i sit back and think,
of the days gone by,
my life has new meaning,
since we met eye to eye.

my troubles are gone,
heartaches are past,
but one thing i wonder,
will our love last?

love can cause heartache, pain, and despair,
but you have shown me,
that new love is in the air.

you treat me so good,
with your tender touch,
but how do i know,
how long it will last?

New Love

From the first day I saw you,
I knew you were right,
it was undoubtably,
love at first sight.

I was afraid to love,
didn't want to get hurt,
didn't know if you were serious,
or just a big flirt,

You took away my heartaches,
you wiped away my tears,
you scared away my nightmares,
and chased away my fears,

I never had a love like this,
so honest, loving, and true,
you make my world seem brighter,
in everything you do.

You mean the world to me,
you're special in everyway.
I want to spend my life with you,
you're in my heart, you have the key.

Please tell me I didn't scare you away,
because thats not what I want to do,
Just please remember, and never forget,
how very much I love you.


You tell me to open up, and tell you how I feel,
but that is hard for me, as I've never done that before.

You want me to tell you how I feel,
but I don't even know where to start.
This thing called love, is difficult for me,
because it always falls apart.

I've never been so happy,
never had a love like this,
it all seems so different,
it comes from the heart.

So this is what I say to you,
give me time to think,
Life is hard enough right now,
don't rush me, I might sink.