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The jewish horde is a Kings Of Chaos alliance of all different races. Many of the members are officers of rakim126's army and bab329's officers(shits..ha). The alliance's primary function is to justify the creation of this website and to start a cool KoC club. It's nerdy, but cool. So lay off. If you wanna join, you gotta know one of the members (its very exclusive in that regard) and you have to be cool. No suckas allowed.


Jake (rakim126)- co-founder of the jewish horde.
Ben (bab329)- co-founder of the jewish horde and only jewish member of the jewish horde.
Dyer (REYD1234)- second officer of Jake, and only orcish member of the jewish horde.
Kent (turtleface)- first officer of Jake, biggest jay and silent bob fanatic of the jewish horde.
Zach (stasheff)- Jake's commander, introduced Jake to KoC who, in turn, introduced it to all the other goons in the horde.
Will (kurtsim72)- first officer of ben. very irish.
courtey (jew-unit)- doesnt actually play KoC. only female member of the horde.
lionel (sir_leo_the_great)- officer of ben. very dutch.
doug (yoda1024)- officer of zach, he's got a beard, which is braggable.

ben's shit #1
ben's shit #2
ben's shit #3
ben's shit #4
ben's shit #5
ben's shit #6
ben's shit #7

Hit List

This is a list of punkass goons who we will devote our every waking moment to hating and attacking. The goons who are unlucky enough to make this list will be raped, pillaged and burned (eat the babies) untill they send hand-written letters of apology to each and every member of the alliance(or if they convert to judaism).

now...the actual list

chinchan12 - attacked Jake and took 4,000 gold.
hellfire1087 - just cuz dyer said so.


QUOTE OF THE DAY: "Dude, we get out at 9:30 tomorrow, right?...shit what are we gonna do?" - Greg

Here are some pics of the gig me, ben and greg played at two weeks ago. it was a good time even though there were a bunch of old ladies.

ben rockin out. nice, dude.

rock on.