6:43PM on 9/30/03
I did the new layout! :) Like it?

5:22PM on 9/30/03
Tomorrow is the first day of Halloween! *l0l* Ok, to MOST people it's the first day of October, but I'm all Halloweeny for the whole month cuz I LOVE Halloween!!!!!! *l0l* I'm really lazy lately about making layouts, but I'm gonna make a new one for Halloween...Well, that's all for now! Oh, I changed my email *again*. took too long to load. Well, ttyl. byebye!

5:35PM on 9/21/03
OMG! I am SO sorry I havent updated in SO long! I was way busy with school and stuff. Today I'll try to add a lot, like welcome and enter signs, and other stuff I have. So sorry again! Please sign the gbook before you leave. Thanks! buhbye

8:44PM on 9/9/03
Hey! Sup? Stacey from neopets wanted to be sister sites so I created a section (below the links below...l0l) for sister sites. if u wanna be one sign my gbook or neomail me. My email isnt working. Hotmail is all messed up right now. Sorry!! :(:(:(

8:01PM on 9/7/03
I added a Quiz page! I only have a few so far...darn...I'm working on a mailing list page. You can read details on that when it comes out. Well, guess that's it for the site! This thursday I'm going to the mall primarily to get these awesome shoes, but I'll probably get some other stuff too. :) *l0l* Well, ttyl. Sign the gbook before you leave! Thanks! buhbye

9:13PM on 9/6/03
Ok, it didn't take me this long to do the blinkies! I had to unexpectedly go to work and I just got off about an hour ago and I had to do some stuff. Anyway, I also added dollz so check those out. I might work on some more stuff now. O, I gotta find a gbook. *l0l* I'll go do that. :) ttyl!

1:36PM on 9/6/03
Ack! The dumb message board doesn't work! I have no idea why, so I had to take it down...I wanted a message board instead of a gbook because neopets doesn't like sites with gbooks, and at the end of neomails and such i like to put my site url and then 'Please sign my gbook!' ANYWAY, it's down. I'll find a coolish gbook to put up. :) I HAVE to finish the blinkies today, and I will. :) Promise!! :) byebye!

5:34PM on 9/3/03
Sorry i haven't updated in a few days...School just started and I've been really busy. I was thinking that since this is my site I should put some personal stuff on it. So I thought 'How about this textbox be like an online Journal?' Then I thought that I also gotta please the public. So here's what I came up with: I'll put all webbie-news here first, then any personal stuff that's goin on. :) Ok, now that THAT is outta the way *j/k*, the backgrounds page is done and I think it looks really cool. :) Today I promise to do the blinkies! I think I should only promise one think each time I blog because the other day I promised 2 things and only did 1 and that's happened before. *l0l* I'm kinda hyper today...O, I did get a GOOD counter too (scroll down to see it). Well, that's it for now. :) PLEASE sign the message board before you leave! Thanks. bye..

9:11PM on 8/31/03
I took the music off because it wouldn't load...I'm working on putting backgrounds and blinkies up.

11:00AM on 8/31/03
Hey! Welcome to the new and improved inZane! Ok, it's not exactly improved yet, but I'm working on it!! :):) The *new* layout and banner are up (scroll down for the banner), and the music corresponds with the layout now. It may take a while for the music to load, but please be patient. :) I'm going to be working on several Neopets-related things such as banners, logos, layouts, lookups, and blogs. Along with normal webbie stuff like layouts, blank buttons/banners, and other stuff. I'd really appreciate it if you'd email me or post in the message board any ideas you have. My email is below with the other links.

I also have this cool idea: Some people know how to make good graphics but don't know how to make a site. If you want your graphics on a site, let me know (email or post). I'll help you to make a site, or make a page off inZane for your graphics to be put on. Free of any charge! :) Again, let me know if you're interested in this. :)

I guess that's all for now. Please post all comments on the message board before you leave. Thanks! Bye!


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¤ Email Me
¤ Backgrounds
¤ Blinkies
¤ Dollz
¤ Quizzes
¤ Enter Signs
¤ Welcome Signs
¤ Credits


Sister Sites


About the Layout
The picture was made by me in my normail 'Paint' program. I found all the pictures in Google Images by typing in 'halloween'. The CSS I made, and the table code I found at Sparkle 2001.
For links to these site(s), check the Credits page.

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