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Imran's PWC Internship Website
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The Internship Experience...

I now realize the vast amount of experience and corporate knowledge that can be gained by interning at a large firm such as PWC. My summer experience, though far from over, has already shed light on the fast-paced and exciting world of work that PWC has to offer its employees. I am surrounded daily by intelligent, compassionate, and charismatic people who care about the jobs that they do and strive to perform their best. I highly recommend applying to become a PWC intern, though I suggest you start early. The process is competitive and only the best candidates will be accepted. Here is the link for those that are interested:   PWC Campus Recruiting


Both the individual and the company benefit from the different viewpoints and experiences that employees provide. People from vastly different backgrounds, countries, and ethnicities can bring unique and intriguing solutions to PWC that will enhance productivity and allow the company to better serve its clientele. Diversity in the workplace allows for a more internationally and culturally aware establishment that can better meet and understand the needs of the increasingly different customer base.