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My Weightloss Success Story

I'm not proud to be the author of one of those cheesy this is how I lost weight webpages but I feel the need to share my story with others. My driver's license reads height: 5'1" and weight: 132 lbs so, I was always just a little overweight. But between March 2003 and March 2004, I managed to gain about 15 lbs. My clothes became tighter and tighter but I refused to go shopping. I started eating salads for lunch instead of cheesburgers and french fries. I joined the YMCA but never had the time to go more than once week. My weight was making me very uncomfortable with my appearance and by April of 2004, I had only one pair of pants that fit me. The weather was getting warmer and I knew that my boyfriend, Chris, would want to go to the beach soon. I had to do something and none of the fad diets were appealing to me. So, I called up an acquaintance that distributed Herbalife weightloss products and purchased from him the Formula 1 shake mix and the Total Control tablets. It wasn't cheap, but I reasoned that it was cheaper than getting that $6 burger everyday from Hardee's and buying a whole new wardrobe because none of my clothes fit me anymore. I was skeptical at first but hopeful at the same time. I have kept a daily journal and taken pictures of my progress. Just click on the links below.

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