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After the brutal attack by Green Demon and Phantasm. Fondoom was rushed to the hospital for examination.

Doctor1:What is wrong with this patient?

EMT:He was attacked thrown into a wall. He has a gash over his head and eye he is in shock when we picked him up.

Doc2:Well we need to get this patient up in the surgery room. It looks like he has a broken arm too. We will need to get this patient into surgery now.

They go into the surgery room and surgery lasted for two hours. Bobby and Wolf was waiting for him when he got out.

Bobby:Can you tell me what room Fondoom in please.

Nurse1:Who sir let me check. I'm sorry sir but we have nobody by that name.

Wolf:He meant to say Fontez Merrifield ma'am.

Nurse:Oh okay well let me see, yes here he is room number 227. That's up the elevator turn left and the tenth door down.

Bobby:Thanks alot.

Wolf:Thank you ma'am so second floor left tenth door down right.


They go to the elevator and wait on it and talking to one another.

Wolf:Man I hope he can return Bobby.

Bobby:Yeah I know but this Green Demon went to far this time. I wonder what he is going to do?

Wolf:He may bring in you know who the person he was talking about.

Bobby:Yeah and the sounds of things how Fondoom explained him. This isn't going to go so well for Demon nor Phantasm.

Wolf:Yeah man this is taking this elavator a long time to get here.

Ding then the doors open and Wolf and Bobby gets on to see Fondoom.

Bobby:Well all we can do is wait to here it from him.

Wolf:Yeah lets see what he has to say.

Ding Ding Bobby and Wolf finds the room. When they get there they see another nurse giving Fondoom some pills. He was bandage head and a cast on his arm.

Wolf:Hey pal how you doin huh?

Bobby:Yeah man look don't look so good buddy.

Nurse2:Excuse me you can't be in here right now. I'm going to have to ask you to leave.

Fondoom:No it's alright nurse they can stay. I need to talk to them it's important.

Nurse2:Okay they can stay for only ten minutes. Nothing longer than that but they can come back tomorrow.

Nurse walks out of the room.

Wolf:Hey man what happened that day man was bogus. Me and Bobby will do anything what you need for us to do?

Bobby:Yeah see Demon messed up, and Phantasm wants to join him. Well I already took care of Phantasm but I will do it again.

Fondoom:Aight then this is what I want you guys to do. Bobby I want you to go and find where Demon and Phantasm be hanging out at. Wolf I want you to call this person for me tonight. But wait until Bobby finds out where they be hanging out first then call. Give me a piece of paper there is some on the desk.

Wolf heads over to the desk and grabs paper and pen. He hands it to Fondoom.

Wolf:Here you go man.

Fondoom:Thanks now here is the number for the person you need to call.

Wolf:Who do I ask for?

Fondoom:Don't worry he will answer it's his cell nobody answer it. Well besides him it's me and his alert phone that we use.

Wolf:Aight then I will do this as soon as Bobby calls me.

Bobby:How did you break your arm?

Fondoom:Well when I got thrown to the door I place my arm out. So when I did that the pressure of it just broke it. Now I am out of the ring for six weeks now and it pisses me off.

Nurse2:Sorry gentlemen but time is up for now. Like I said you can come back here tomorrow.

Wolf:Aight Fondoom man get your rest.

Bobby:Yeah man we will be back tomorrow with what we got.

Fondoom:Aight guys hey don't forget Blacksheeps Hatebreed forever.

Bobby and Wolf heads out back down stairs. Then they exit the hospital and stands out in front.

Bobby:Hey you need a ride to your hotel man?

Wolf:Naw I am going to take a taxi there you just go and find that out.

Bobby:Aight then hey well I am going to go do that then. I am going to stay at my house since we are in my hometown and I will give you a call when I get that.

Wolf:Okay then see ya Taxi can I get a Taxi.

Wolf gets in the taxi and Bobby heads to his vehicle.


Later on that night Wolf gets a call in his hotel from Bobby.

Ring Ring Ring


Bobby:It's me Demon be hanging out at the local pub. He has about three beers then goes to his motel.

Wolf:Great alright then let me give this person a call. Bye I will see you tomorrow man.

Bobby:Aight then man see ya tomorrow.

They hang up with each other and Wolf calls the number.

Voice:Hello who is this?

Wolf:This is Wolfram I know Fondoom he told me to call.

Voice:What is wrong with him?

Wolf:Well he is in the hospital. He has a broken arm and twenty-six stitches in his head.

Voice:Do what who did this shit to him tell me now!!

Wolf:Well it was Phantasm and his cousin Green Demon.

Voice:I will be there at the hospital first thing. What time are you guys going to be there?

Wolf:we will be there at ten when visiting hours start.

Voice:Aight then see you then man got to get some sleep.

Wolf:Bye man can't wait to see ya heard bunches bout ya bye.


They hang up with each other and Wolf then goes to sleep. They all three meet up at ten in the morning in front of the hospital. They then head up to Fondoom's room where he was wake waiting on them.

Fondoom:Good morning guys I have been waiting on you. So you guys finally meet Dryve Bi.

Bobby:This is Dryve Bi he is the one you been talking bout?

Wolf:Well nice to meet you in person finally. I'm the one you talked to last night on the phone.

Dryve Bi is wearing all black 6'1" 218 lbs. He is mainly muscle and is stalky.

Dryve:Yes it's me do you have a problem with that Bobby? Yes I know Wolf I knew you guys before this. So Fondoom what do you want us to do man.

Fondoom:Well you know what I want Dryve. I want you to teach Green Demon a lesson did you get where he be at Bobby?

Bobby:Yeah I did it was simply. He goes to the local pub has a few then goes to his hotel.

Fondoom:Good then go there tonight and take care of it. Then give me a call here and tell me how it went. Please don't let me down on this one guys.

They all said they wont then Dryve begun to speak.

Dryve:You know I won't let you down.

Wolf:Us too Fondoom well lets go and do this guys.

They all leave and wait on for tonight to roll around.


They all went to the pub that night. Demon was already there drinking his drink. When they come up behind them then Dryve begins to say something.

Dryve:Demon you wanna jump my friend.

Demon turns around and gets a glass busted over his head. Then Wolf throws him over to the pool tables and then powerbombs him off of them. Bobby then gets a poolstick and starts beating him with it hitting him in the ribs. Bobby and Wolf sets up Demon for Dryve Bi then goes for his finisher. Wolf goes and get some bottles of liqour. Dryve Bi does the Blok Enda(vertabreaka) on to the liquor glasses.

Dryve:So before you go and jump people. You think before you do it about the consquences that will happen you got that?

Wolf:Yeah you can answer that when you are cohearent.

Bobby:Yeah now you are in the same boat as Phantasm. Once a Blacksheeps Hatebreed always one.

They leave the pub and Dryve calls Fondoom to tell him.

Dryve:It's finished we left him there.

Fondoom:Good to hear now lets see who fucks up next. Well hey I have to go and get some sleep see you around. Oh yeah when Phant gets out wrestle him.

Dryve:My pleasure I will well see ya when you get out.

They hang up with each other then scene fades out.