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Touching your body where it hurts is a basic instinct, like running from danger or eating when you're hungry. And experts say that massage, no matter how simple it may seem, can be a powerful healer. Other than relaxation, they believe that it offers other benefits such as, improved blood circulation, better digestion and intestinal function, increased mobility in joints, relief from chronic pain and reduced swelling and inflammation. 

Massage therapy has clearly been shown to be  very beneficial, particularly in areas where conventional medicine has not been as successful, including chronic arthritis, musculoskeletal syndromes and chronic headache, among others."

Back in the days before pain killers, heating pads and Jacuzzi's, humans have treated their aches and pains the old fashioned way...with massage. When someone twisted an ankle, they rubbed it. When they had a pain in their temples, they rubbed them. And when they ate too much and their bellies ached, they rubbed it!

These are some of the elements of a good massage Care, Sensitivity, Time and Good pair of hands.


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