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Hannah's Pimp Zone

Well you want it?  You got it.  A website all about me and my annoyance!  You have now entered the twilight zone!  Nah...just a place that everyone doesnt wanna be but you're here now so deal with it.    Any questions?  Didn't think so.

Now to me! I'm fixin to be 14 and im around 5'3 or 5' decide. I have a sister Kitty which is gonna have youngin and another sister Lesley which is lazy,  but ya can't help but love her! I go to Pontotoc Jr. High and I hate it.  This guy named Adam Betts that I was in band with just died due to injuries from a car accident. It makes me sad cause I used to be so mean to him! That's another thing I gotta fix!

Some of my favorite bands are: Saliva, Nirvana, Audio Adrenaline, Matchbox 20, Santana and his featurings, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Blink 182, Foo Fighters, Stereo Fuse, Audioslave, The Ataris, Coldplay, Something Corporate,  Creed,  and Good Charlotte. I've got WAY more than that but that's all ya get for now!
The little movey thingies on the sides are from my favoritest band ever and some of ya's may have went to their concert or have heard of em or somethin. But whatever you do you best not judge my babies. ESPECIALLY the guy with the mohawk.

So anyways.   Since you're here you might as well sign my guestbook and get it over'll feel a lot better! Oh, and I aint a pimp, I just thought it'd be funny.  So...I'll go now so you can get to signing that guestbook.  Byez you guys!!
Yadda yadda stuff
Audio Adrenaline
My other website
Foo Fighters
Just in case ya wanna know
Hannah Hand
I'd smile more often...but my life partially sucks right I'll smile later.
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Marie is my middle name in case you all are wondering!!!
We hold these truths to be self evident that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights, which among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
I only regret that I have but only one life to lose for my country. - Nathan Hale
Isn't love great...hehe..dirty dirty!!
Love with all you have,  live like you never have before, have fun like there's no tomorrow.
<---hehe...awww....doesn't everyone dream of that right there?
Hannah Banana