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Hand of the Harper

Hand of the Harper,
Heart of the Harpstring.
-Guy Gavriel Kay
The Summer Tree

Welcome To My Simply Constructed Fan Fiction Site

This site is still under construction. Please check back regularly. :)

Welcome to my site! This is a place where I will be posting my fan fiction.

For those of you who do not know, Fan Fiction is made up of stories written about characters from books and movies and such by the people who do not own the rights of the characters, but like them enough to create thier own stories about them and post them up.

The type of fan fiction I write is slash. Slash is a term for stories about homosexual relationships be it female/female or male/male. If this disturbs you, please leave this site now. Go.

If you are still here, you have disregarded my warning, and are continuing to read. Good for you. I write stories based on the characters from the Harry Potter series, Lord of the Rings, and Guy Gavriel Kay. I hope you enjoy.

But whether you enjoy them or not, feel free to email me and let me know what you liked, disliked, and anything else you might want to say about life, etc.

Here is a list of my fiction, sorted by the source they are inspired from: