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How to Crack

Windows XP Service Pack 2 Activation

By: Ballsacian1

Step 1: After installing Windows XP Service Pack 2 and it prompts you for activation click activate. Once it denies your CD Key and asks you to enter it in again (As it should if you are looking at this), click the help button that should be Blue and underlined. This should load up internet explorer. Nice Hu :)

Step 2: Next type into the address bar "C:\WINNT\system32\dllcache" and proceed to delete or rename the file "msoobe.exe".

Step 3: Again type into the address bar "C:\WINNT\system32\oobe" and proceed to delete or rename the file "msoobe.exe".

Step 4: As a precautionary step (Even though everyone says you don't have to) type in the address bar "regedit" or "cmd" then in the command prompt "regedit" if the first choice doesn't work. Pilot your way to "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" and modify "RegDone" to be "1".

Step 5: Now your done you should restart login as usual and receive a prompt telling you that you are missing or have corrupt files and should reinstall those files... Click cancel and you’re done. After press cancel you can put the files back that you deleted and it will work fine. (But you don't have to)

Side Note: I am the creator of this method and would like my recognition so if you could please always include my name in anything you reproduce that is based off of my works. I spent my own time figuring this out and would like to be the one known for it.

Also: I have found out that this crack is permanent until reinstall if XP. Uninstalling the service pack won't reset the activation and neither will resetting the registry key given above. This does work on windows update and I have no problems using it. As a warning if you would rather not risk a reinstall of your system don't try this.


This Site Was Last Updated: June 3, 2004