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[[* FiNdiNg NeMo *]] Christine's Blurty -- Entries
Christine's Blurty Entries [entries|friends|calendar]

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[23 Jul 2003|11:45pm]
umm so yes .. yesterday we all made plans to go to st. rocco's feast and it was like pooring rain and thundering and shit so we were like ehh.. 50/50 chance.. so my mom came home at like 4 and was rushing to go to the hospital because my uncle wasn't doing well at all and so yeah,, so ummm,, so my mom called at like 7 and i was telling her that alexa was gonna come pick me up,, and i was like where are you? and she was at her sister's house (my aunt's) and i was like .. why? and she was like because he died.. and i was like oh shit when? and she was like 15 minutes before i got to the hospital and i was like ah man,, then my mom's uncle called,, my great uncle, and he was like where is your mother? and i was like at my aunts and he was like how's your uncle, and i was like he died like 2,3 hours ago, and he was like OH MY GOD!!!! and in the background i heard my aunt say what what? and he was like he died! and she was like OH MY GODDDDDDDDDDDDD!!! OH MYYYY GODDD!! so yeah,, then my other aunt called and she asked for my mom and i was like she's at my aunts because he just died and she was like omg! thats horrible,, its so sad,, and i was like i know and then my mom's best friend called,, my God Mother and she asked for my mom and i was like she's at my aunts because he just died and she was like ARE YOU SERIOUS?! so the world was calling and then Alexa came,, and in the car was Catie, Keely and Caitlin and we went to Maria's and we walked to the feast and there was noooooooooooooo one there!! we saw meryl and josh and talked to them haha it was funny,, but it sooo fucken dead,, it wasnt even raining,, and it was different and ew,, and there were HOT guys there =) then i came home at like 10:30,, and this morning i woke up at like 10:30 watched The Nanny then I Love Lucy and my mom went w/ my sister to her college and then idk what i did,, lol oh yeah i went online,, ate breakfast at like 12:30,, then watched Hey Arnold and a little of the Rugrats then my grandfather came over and i watcheddd I Dream of Jeannie,, 2 episodes then Bewitched then my sister was going to go to the feast w/ her friends so i was like wtf i want to go,, and my mom was like what are people going to think if they see you guys there and she was like fine whatever go,, so i called maria and i took a shower and blah blah i got ready and was going crazy because i couldnt find my shirt,, and i did my hair all pretty, and my mom brought me to maria's house and we hung out for like an hour then walked to the feast,, and it was boring,, no one was there,, i saw stefania and she hugged me,, and she was holding her friends nephew,, sooooooo cuteeeee,, and we talked for a few minutes,, she's tan as helllllll holy shit,, then we walked around,, and blah blah i called jason,, and i hung up on him haha and he called me back and i hung up on him again and then i called alexa and idk what she was doing,, she never called me back so yes,, then stephanie came up to me and we were talking for a few minutes too and she was leaving,, and i wanted to go on the ride that goes upside down but maria was being a chicken haha,, and there were yucky horny mexicans there,, and UGLY BUSTED GIRLS WITH GORGEOUSSSSSSSSSSS BOYFRIENDS!!!!! isegneigtniegnegnigni!!! i dont get it!!! I SWEAR TO GOD ,, GOD SKIPPED OVER GLEN HEAD WITH BLESSING GUYS WITH HOTTNESS ,, IF YOU LOOK AT NORTH SHORE GUYS YOU'D BE LIKE EW EW EW,, THEN GLEN COVE ONES YOU'LL BE LIKE =O =O =O!!!!! so yeahhh,, AND OMGGGGGGG!! i saw my love that used to rape me in 8th grade!!! it was like sexual harassment hahahaha,, and i was like staring at him because yes i was lol,, i love him! =) but i didnt see my other love and i was like ah =( =( and this guy called my cellphone and i was telling him off and screaming at him and he was yelling at me and then i said something to him and i hung up on him,, and here i am now talking to stefania, brooke, kim, and michelle,, ill write more tomorrow,, im dead tired! ilyy xoxox
FiNd NeMo

[21 Jul 2003|11:48am]
[ mood | mellow ]

ahoyyy haha .. (JuLiE lol) hmm i fell asleep at like 12:30 last night and woke up at like 7:20 because it was raining and thundering and i went back to sleep and woke up at 10:50 and i watched like 5 Minutes of The Nanny then i watched I Love Lucy and now i'm watching Hey Arnold and Arnold lost his hat =O lol well Helga stole it or something and now she found it and he hugged her and aw lol =) yesterday i watched my cousins and the 3 year old is dramatic lol,, and she kicked me off the comptuer "I WAS HERE FIRST!!,, STINE LET ME ON THE PUTER!" ahah Stine,, so we played some Nick Noggin games lol then my puppy was in the room and she's deathly scared of my little fluff and she ran,, he touched her feet omg she was hysterically crying and screaming like someone was killing her,, okay he's only 8 pounds and he's little as hell,, and soooo cute and everyone else loves him,, my other cousin is 1 1/2 and was such a doll,, i love him =) .. well i have to go eat breakfast before my schedule gets all fucked like it usually does,, breakfast at 1,, lunch at 5 and dinner at 10 ,, so i'll eat breakfast at 11:45 and watch the Stoop Kid Episode on HEy Arnold! ill write more later, i promise ;) MwAh! ilyyy xoxox CiAo

1 FoUnD nEmO | | FiNd NeMo

[20 Jul 2003|03:04pm]
[ mood | restless ]

heyy.. okay well last night i went to bed at 12.. and i just like layed there and at 12:20 i listened to my Justified CD till 1:20 and then i couldnt fall asleep .. so i put my radio on and it was pissing me off so i turned it off and i finally fell asleep at like 2:30 am .. i had an odddddd dream .. it was really weird,, then i woke up at like 11 something and i ate breakfast,, then Joe, Rosabla and Tom dropped Matthew and Gillian off .. they're my cousins they're 1 1/2 and 3,, soooooooo cute =) so Joe Rosalba Tom and Chesca are at the Yankee Game! ahhh lucky.. they're sitting close too! i should've gave them a camera to take pictures of my SeXxXxY DeReK ;) Oh babyyyy soooooooo Finnnneee .. but i always realize everything later because i'm stupid,, and my dog goes crazy and gets really hyper when people come over but now he's calm and in here w/ me and he's lying down,, then my sister and my cousin came in and i was like GET OUT!!!!!!! cuz he was flipping,, then i brought him outside and he didnt go to the bathroom and i died from the heat so here i am,, in my NiCE COLD HOUSE sitting here writing this to and talking to Brooke, Steph, Kristen and Jay .. and i'm watching Gullah Gullah Island,, but its over and Dora the Explorer is on and im not watching that show lolol.. okayyy so if my life gets more interesting i'll be sure to fill you in,, even though you prob dont give 2 shits! okayyy ciao!! ily xoxox

FiNd NeMo

[19 Jul 2003|11:51pm]
[ mood | bored ]

heyyy.. okay i havent written in here in like a week! like my new layout? i did it all by myself and it took me about a million hours but it was pissing me off so yes here it is!!!! =) .. my uncle isnt doing well,, blahhh i dont want to talk about it on here .. so yes,, i havent been out of my house since monday .. and i went out last night to glen cove,, and i saw How To Deal,, NEVER GO SEE A MOViE AT GLEN COVE THE FiRST DAY iT COMES OUT!!!!!!! i LEARNED MY LESSON AFTER GOING TWiCE TO 2 DiFFERENT MOViES! okay so How To Deal was okay .. lol there was like no plot but you may think different and they cant fucken dress in the movie! it was pissing me off!!! and Mandy Moore has ugly short hair, and yes lol.. ah i cant believe he wasnt there!! =( okay well idk what to write
lookie!! i just did it for brooke =) i made it all pretttttttttyyyyy

yayay diana is home from the hospital!!!!!!!!!! they gave her medicine that like made her high and this is what she said:

I6 bAbI x dEe 9I (11:39:47 PM): it was fun
I6 bAbI x dEe 9I (11:39:51 PM): that was the best part
I6 bAbI x dEe 9I (11:39:53 PM): you know the song
I6 bAbI x dEe 9I (11:40:03 PM): 'i feel good dananannanana i knew that i would
I6 bAbI x dEe 9I (11:40:04 PM): LOL
I6 bAbI x dEe 9I (11:40:07 PM): they said i was singing that
I6 bAbI x dEe 9I (11:40:08 PM): lmao


I6 bAbI x dEe 9I (11:48:19 PM): omg
I6 bAbI x dEe 9I (11:48:57 PM): looking outside reminded me of the time my parents were like having sex (EWWWWW) and i was trying to take the air conditioner out of my window of my room and it fell out the window and broke
I6 bAbI x dEe 9I (11:48:59 PM): LMAO


so ciao i'll write more later! ily xoxox

2 FoUnD nEmO | | FiNd NeMo

[13 Jul 2003|05:01pm]
[ mood | sleepy ]

wow, ok, i dont even know where to start..

FRiDAY~ went to walt whitman mall w/ my mommy and sister to look for dresses for the wedding,, and this one,, sooooooo gorgeous!! ugh but only had petite sizes for short fucken 5 feet tall people and even if i did get it it would be too short cuz my shoes are like 5 1/2 inches ugh so yeah,, and i bought other stuff after that,, this skirt thing and 3 t-shirts but i wanted these pants from abercrombie and bebe sooo badlyyyyyyy and my mom said i can get them this week because we had to go,, and we were there from like 2-7 and i was TIREDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD.. and i got a yummy starbucks frap and i wanted these steve madden sneakers but noooooooo they didnt have my size, and the guy that worked in there was SOOOOOOO hotttttttttt he might have been gay,, he was tan kinda muscular and had on a tight shirt and had an ARMY tattoo on his left arm and he had spikey dark hair and tinted sunglasses and amazing gorgeous and hot and there was this hottt yankee jersey,, you know how its pin-stripe with the white and the navy blue pin-stripe they had it in white w/ the pink pin-stripeeee ahh i wanted it SOOOOO badlyyyyyyyyy!! but my mom was gonna let me get and i said no because i'm so fucken stupid,, so i came home and yes,, oh and there were HOT guys there,, oh babyyy.. i usually see the gays one in walt whitman w/ the prada messenger bags =O

SATURDAY~ yesterday morning..ah at like 9 something? 10 something? i dunno i was lying in bed wanting to sleep longer but i got up cuz the phone was ringning and my mom was on the phone and i came out of my room and i found my uncle was in an accident and he fell 25 feet into a cement hole while he was working, and my family is full of fucken drama and tragedys.. i swear you know the KENNEDY CURSE? my family is the "ITALIAN CURSE!" with all the shit that happens,, so every italian in glen cove is calling my house asking if it's true because it was in the newspaper and ah he's not doing well.. then i went to the mall tania and yes saw interesting stuff like SCHAwishhhh together and 3 hot gay guys feeding each other and toe nail scratches on abercrombie sandals and then black guys sat down at our table and idk

SUNDAY~um woke up and i dont know what i did i dont remember and the cable dude came and my mom got this new thing and we have about 300 channels now =] and i watched "SALUTE YOUR SHORTS" Best sHOW =] and my mom just went to the hospital and im not in the mood to write in here so adios

FiNd NeMo

ThaNks FoR rUiNiNg My NiGhT [10 Jul 2003|05:39pm]
[ mood | indescribable ]

UMMM NOOO! ok so today was B-O-R-I-N-G!! i got up at 9 something.. 9:30 i think.. something is fucken wrong w/ me i cannot sleep anymore!! maybe cuz its i fall asleep at like 1:30 in the morning,, ok so i got up and blah blah i watched I Dream Of Jeannie, I Love Lucy, TRL, Tail Daters, and Say What Karaoke, the usual, then Hey Arnold ha for like 10 minutes and then I watched some Plastic Surgery show on MTV and it was really gross i covered my eyes about a million times from the yuckyness,, and now i'm watching Arthur on PBS =] lol and i'm writing this to you,, so yeah tonight i'm stuck in my fucken house i wanted to go into Glen Cove but everyone was being gayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy so that is out of the picture!! =[ i miss him so much!!! ahhh,, so now my mother is bitching and im telling her to shut up because she is pissing me off,, tomorrow early dayyyy to babysit my cousins, then saturday im going shopping w/ my mom in guam to go buy dresses for the wedding,, weee fun =] not!!! my mother ordered IO which so sunday we have to wait for the dude to come and probably gonna go out shopping again, um not cool, well yeah...

I really like what you’ve done to me
I can’t really explain it
I’m so into you

.*i dOn’T think yOu knOw hOw much i need yOu and hOw much i really dO lOve yOu*.

.*I’ve learned that you know your in love*.
.*When you want to tell everyone about it...
.*Even if they haven't asked*.

DiAmOnDs aRe NiCe sO aRe ToYz
BuT tHeRe iS NuTiN LiKe iTaLiAn BoYz

*×XøXø×I LiKe CaNdY....I LiKe ToYz...BuT dErEz NuFfIn SwEeTa ThEn iTaLiAn bOyZ×XøXø×*

=] you make me smile =]

ciao everyone!! ily xoxox

1 FoUnD nEmO | | FiNd NeMo

[09 Jul 2003|10:51pm]
um no um no,, this week is gonna be a waste of my life!! tomorrow i HAVE to stay home and babysit the fucken phone!! fuck that shit my sister can babysit the fucken phone cuz my whole fam is going into queens and if someone important calls and they dont get the message ,, GOD HELP US ALL! whats the point of an answering machine? oh yeah italian people dont know how to use it so yeah i plan on sneaking out and i'm not gonna write where cuz you people maybe have big mouthes!! ah so on friday i have to wake up at like fucken 6 o'clock and be in farmingdale by like 7:30 am to babysit my cousins,, errr fun, they're cuties though i love them =] then i dunno what i'm gonna do after that,, maybe i'll hang out w/ people,, saturday i HAVE to go shopping w/ my mom for the wedding, whoa gonna be a BORING day! everyone better be calling my cellphone!! sunday probably another shopping day and thats my week! fun right? yeah it is,, adios
1 FoUnD nEmO | | FiNd NeMo

[09 Jul 2003|08:43pm]
[ mood | mellow ]

again for the fucken 3rd day in a row,, what time did christine wake up at? 9:40!! i dunno what is wrong w/ me,, so um i got up and played w/ my dog and at my reece's puffs cereal! yum yum in my italian tum =] then i watched i dream of jeannie and then i love lucy and then i watched the last 3 episodes of the osbourne's because i missed them...who names their dog chicken? i mean, HELLO?! then idk what i did i went online and talked to people and then i watched TRL and i talked on the phone then i watched Tail Daters then Say What Karaoke and then i took a shower...i blew out my hair then i went to the mall w/ mommy, and i got rocket dog sandals,, weeeeeeee =] and sour patch kids lollipops lmao =] another weeeee! and here i am doing this and im fucken bored so i'm gonna shut up! ily all xoxox

YoU make me smile =] xox <3

Spice Girls! - lmao fel! ily

FiNd NeMo

[08 Jul 2003|09:01pm]
[ mood | cheerful ]

last night i went to bed at like 11 something and i listened to christina aguilera's album till about 1:30 in the morning, ha her cd is amazing i love it..hmm so this morning i got up at the same time again!!! at around 9:40!! grr i hate being up so early so i ate my reece's puffs cereal again! weeeee =] yummy and i watching "i dream of jeannie" and then "i love lucy" and some mystery show haha then i got a phone call this morning from my cousin that my cousins aunt died this morning from cancer,, ah its horrible so for the next 3 days i'll probably be in farmingdale babysitting for my cousins kids.. fun fun! i love them though, they're cuties! sooo yes mommy came home and went to angel tips and i got my nails done and i was flipping cuz i wanted my tips on and mommy gave in! so i got them done and one of the girls that works in there needs to fix her eyeliner! ah it was pissing me off so much, but thank God she didnt do my nails she was a witch today and the guy did them and i love how he does them!!! and then he went bye bye and another girl did them for me,,and she like broke my hand cuz she files like a crazy woman so now i'm online and weeee, i'm listening to Ashanti Chapter 2 i love her cd, haha she was at CVS yesterday and my mom's friend went up to her and ashanti thought she was crazy hahaha,, and ew i saw fat boy today!!!! i didnt see him at all this summer and i didnt want to see him but i did, ew ew ew ew,, i found out what islander lives on my block! another weeeeeee =].. felicia, brooke, and diana might come visit me in like 2 weeks, but for them to come they have to go to queens lmao even though they live in massapequa/bethpage/plainedge to transfer cuz their mommy and daddys wont drive to glen cove haha i love those girls! felicia and wayne are TOO cute!! i just read both of their journals and weeeee =] lol i'm talking to tania now, lmao pimples on his ass! and popping them and mayonase and black heads! haha dont even ask! haha OMG YOU ARE LIKE SO GAY!-ME HAHA! WOW I'M SO FUNNY! hhahaha tania,, dont even ask its another stupid joke to show how stupid A KID IS! weee =] glad tania's sugery went okay!! okay now i'm gonna go byebye cuz i'm bored of this and you!! ilyyyyy xoxox

146 <3

1 FoUnD nEmO | | FiNd NeMo

[08 Jul 2003|11:39am]
[ mood | sad ]

RiP Tina Heaven Gained An Angel O:-) :-(

ily all atleast she's not suffering anymore

-cancer is terrible, and i dont understand why God takes all of the amazing people when sick ones like terrorists and murderers, are still alive and are killing innocent people its horrible- =[

well like 10 minutes ago not even my cousin called me and told me that her aunt just passed away this morning! aw i feel sooooooo bad!

but for the next few days me and my sister are going to be babysitting my baby cousins =] i'd do anything for my family because they were always there for me! ily all SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much!

FiNd NeMo

HoT [07 Jul 2003|07:09pm]
[ mood | hopeful ]
[ music | ChRiStInA aGuILeRa *InFaTuAtiOn* ]

um well i woke up,, at like 9:40 something, so fucken early! and i watched a little tv and i ate my reese's peanut-butter cup cereal! wee yummmyyy

babi gurl 977 (6:52:24 PM): omg i had reese's peanut butter cup cereal this morning toooooo

(haha i love you kristen!)

and i watched i love lucy and i went online and yes yes yes i got dressed at like 2:45 haha and ah it's sooo hot outside,, i died out there! well at like 3 i went walking around town w/ my girl and we went to joanne's and god there were these 2 guys there that had like over 3 slices EACH,, sooo sick! then we went to the highschool and walked around,, i dunno why we did that though then we walked to CVS and it was hot! and we got "hot honks" hahaha nasty mexicans! and i bought eyeliner because i need it and then we went to 7-Eleven and i got a Coke slurpee weeee yum yum lol and then we came home and i changed into my pajama's because i live in them and i got fucken blisters! ah they HURT stupid adidas sandals can go suck their dicks yes here i am now writing to you,, OH AND YOU BITCHES, YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE, I'LL KICK YOUR FUCKEN ASSES IF YOU START UP WITH ME AGAIN!! I SWEAR TO GOD!! ahhhsonoinhsnhhnhn20h9h these bitches todaY! i was smack them! okayyy now i'm talking to alexa and julie kristen and diana d. and i love them all! julie has alot of boy problems eh! haaahhahaaa *luv ya jewelz* =] me and diana d. are having orgasmic moments, not with each other! LMAO! we're sending each other pictures of our husbands!!! hahahah ily dee!!!!

D K N Y 298 (6:56:54 PM): *picture of justin timberlake half naked on the rollingstone cover =]*
D K N Y 298 (6:57:17 PM): oh yes
D K N Y 298 (6:57:22 PM): orgasmic
I6 bAbI x dEe 9I (6:57:29 PM): HO
I6 bAbI x dEe 9I (6:57:30 PM): LY
I6 bAbI x dEe 9I (6:57:32 PM): SH
I6 bAbI x dEe 9I (6:57:33 PM): IT
I6 bAbI x dEe 9I (6:57:34 PM): lol
D K N Y 298 (6:57:36 PM): hahaha'
I6 bAbI x dEe 9I (6:57:49 PM): look what britney gave up....
I6 bAbI x dEe 9I (6:57:53 PM): that dumb bitch
I6 bAbI x dEe 9I (6:57:56 PM): lol
I6 bAbI x dEe 9I (6:58:00 PM): more for christine:-)
D K N Y 298 (6:58:37 PM): YES
D K N Y 298 (6:58:38 PM): LOL
D K N Y 298 (6:58:40 PM): I KNOW

and if my night gets more interesting (dot dot dot...) i'll be sure to fill you in! kayyy love youuuuus!! <3 *MwAh*

His skin the color of cinnamon
His eyes light up and I melt within
Feels so good it must be a sin
I can't stop what I started
I'm giving in
He brings life to my fantasies
Sparks a passion inside of me
Finds the words when I can not speak
In the silence, his heartbeat is music to me


6 FoUnD nEmO | | FiNd NeMo

[07 Jul 2003|05:51pm]
100 italian
100% Italian!

How Italian are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Bella! You are beautiful and perfect, so all your
cousins are probably jealous of you.

Which of my Grandmom's Italian Words Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

You're 100% Lawng Islandah!

How Long Island Are Ya?
brought to you by Quizilla

You're Spongebob! Oh wowie! Ok lets see here..
You're funny, dumb, cute, annoying and you have 2
1/2 friends! (Pat, Gary, Sandy) But you're also
special! I mean come on.. you have a TV show
named after you!

Which character on Spongebob are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

You're Nemo!
You're Nemo! You love to explore you're boundaries
and don't like to be stuck at home especially
with overprotective parents. You're most likely
a outgoing person and love to make friends!
You're a likeable person so don't change!

What character from Finding Nemo are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

You are Bisou Bisou
You are Bisou Bisou

What Designer Clothing Brand Are You ?
brought to you by Quizilla

You should wear Tom Ford for Gucci. Sexy, Bold,
Confident, you're a balance of inovative and

What designer's clothes should you wear
brought to you by Quizilla

weeeeeeeee =] too cool lol
FiNd NeMo

Hiiiiii [06 Jul 2003|10:11am]
[ mood | loved ]
[ music | BeYoNcE aNd JaY-z *CrAzZzY iN LoVe* ]

hmm.. well =] =] =] =] lol, ha my friend dyed her hair it was suppost to be a reddish color but not that red lol, and it turned out BRiGHT orange ahahahahahaahahhahaahhhaa it looks better now though lol not that hot orange its more red now,, and hmmm this week has been =] and =* <3 lol wellllll on tuesday i got ashanti's new cd CHAPTER 2 on wednesday i went into glen cove to see the first showing of legally blonde 2 and the lady gave me a child ticket,, i dont look fucken 12,,i'm gonna be 16 in like 5 months,, one time they gave my sister a child one too and she's almost 20.... lol first the film wasnt on the screen right it was half way on it then after like 10 minutes it turned upside down and they started talking backwards so um wtf lol the manager or something comes in and says he'll try to fix it and he didn't soooo they gave us tickets to go see another movie or come back another time,, and my mom gave me this VIP ticket thing that you don't have to pay for a ticket and i went to see Finding Nemo! Soooo cute!!! =] it was sad at some times and i wanted to cryyyy lol but i didnt then i went to *Bucks and got a Frap.. they had no whip cream,, how gayyyy but it was yummyyyyy =] then on thursday i went to the movies w/ maria the ticket taker was SOOO hot,, lol he was a hottyyy and we went to see legally blonde 2, the film AGAIN wasnt on the screen right but they straightened it out,, and yes it was funny at times and i loved it! lol then we went to staples hahaha and then we went to Marra's (not going to get started on thattttttttt =] =]) agiiohwninhwinhw9nhawionhwianoh wrnhshisrhinpiny935 0nh3805nheitonhi enhiseohne;hls hnslnhisen hiehneionheo nheiosnh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and we ate and i called alexa to see what she was doing and she was hanging out w/ boysssss lol then i called jason's cell and pranked him hahaaha and then we left marra's and yes that was it lol,, on friday it was the 4th Of Julyyyy and i went by my aunts house in Bethpage and yes yes yes i went in the pool for like a half hour but the pool was 71 degrees and cold so i got out,, and i went in the front and my cousins were doing fireworks and i lit some muhahaha it was cool,, and illegal,, the neighbors were setting off hotttttt ones ok and i lit one and it hit my finger and i got a white puffy little scar on it and yes it hurt for like a few seconds then i lit these ones a bunch of them in the middle of the street and there 2 17 year old boys were there and didnt know the fireworks were there and it went off right next to them and they were screaming like little girls and ran down the street hahaahah i was dying lol and then my cousins lit this BIG one and it went the wrong way and landed next to a car and they called the cops and we ran inside lol and then i did some sparklers in the backyard and yesterday i went out to eat w/ family friends and yes then by their house and i played with their son sega hahaha i suck at it lol and yes here i am today bored, and up early,, i'm out lata xoxox luv ya

2 FoUnD nEmO | | FiNd NeMo

SuMmEr! [26 Jun 2003|10:08pm]
[ mood | tired ]
[ music | TV *iNtErViEw WiTh EmInEmS mOmMy!* ]

kayy i dunno where to start with anything,, summer is here, and of course it is boring as hell,,last thursday was the first day of summer and it was boring i went at like 10 at night to CVS and i looked like shit and of COURSE I saw the kid i used to be in love with,, hmm just my luck,, friday i went to the subway series game and derek jeter looked amazing as hell,, and today is his 29th birthday and blah blah last saturday me and tania went to maggie moos and it was gay,, sunday,, um um, i dont even know what i did probably stayed home, monday i stayed home but went to my aunts house at night, tuesday, guess again! i stayed home, wednesday i went with brooke to the mall and the hindus, arabs, and the spanish men in there are yucky lol haha i looked at myself in the mirror at the food court at that thing were u win spongebob stuff and i'm like "OMG I LOOK LIKE I JUST WOKE UP FROM SEX!" hahah,, yes yes yes,, i bought a pretty nextel cover and i opened it and it was all cracked and chipped and i was like what the fuck! so we went to visit our hindu friend and i returned it for the other pink one,, the cover was $24.99 and for the hindu man to install it it would've been fucken $69.99 um no thats really CHEAP and a RIP OFF! and yes i bought a pooh in the disney store and my sexy yankee necklace and brooke bought yummy lipgloss! lol and yes,, today is derek jeter's birthday!! happy 29th sexyyyy! ummm today was the high school graduation and i wanted to go but i didnt but congratulations guys! ily and i'm gonna miss you all so much! (you know who you areeeee =]) and their prom was on tuesday and i saw pictures and the girls looked gorgeous and the guys looked SeXy lol umm so i went to this millionares house in sands point and their fucken backyard is hugeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee and u park and these cheaufeurs come and pick you up in cars, but noooo who i went with wanted to walk and i died from the heat! i was in white capri's with pink on them and a pink shirt that is cut low with a white tank-top underneith and yes it was hot and i died and their backyard, my goddd a hotttt pool and a the fucken sound in their backyard! on one side you can see glen cove and across is conneticut and i went into the water and it was cold but it felt good! =] and i came home and the cheaufeur was SEXYYYY soooooooooo hotttttttttttttttttttt =P lol.. well *OnE FiNe DaY* just ended i love that movie and now i'm gonna watch some thing on Eminem and his Mama lol,, ohhh and happy 1 year anniversary to Kristen and James and happy 6 monthes to tania and jerry (saddd those 2 cant count they thought it was their 7th month but i had to count for them =/ lol its okay lol) and julie-ily girlie,, dont worry about anthony at allll! he's just a stupid smelly senior boyyyyy! luv ya julez xox if you need me i'm here =].. omg it was so sad i over heard my mom and her co-workers talking and this patient that has cancer has no one here for him, no relatives at all, only friends =[ and where my mom's work they told him they're a phone call away if they ever need him and i thought it was sooo sadddd =[!! kayyyyyyy other then that i'll write more later!! luv ya all! xox *MwAhHhHhzZzZz*

FiNd NeMo

hihihi [16 Jun 2003|10:45am]
[ mood | bored ]
[ music | CraZy iN LoVe *Beyonce + Jay-Z* ]

kayyy so i havent written in this shit for about a million years! lol this week was the whole worlds birthday! everydayyyyyyyyy was someones b-dayyyy! Saturday was SOOOOO hottttttt! I got up at around 12 and got ready and shit and went to Maria's house at 4:30 there was a thunderstorm which was really cool because i love those lol and we waited for everyone to come,, and it took about a 2469276 hours to put her necklace on cuz the clasp is so small lol then everyone came and she opened her presents and then the limo came at 7 and we all got into the cadillac escalade limo <-- SOOOO HOT and we were listening to music and yes i heard the Uh-Oh song like a million times and 21 Questions! "I love you like Eddie Loves Cake" haha lol,,and we ate at Mars 2112 in Times Square! The food was good,, i didnt like mine too much but i liked Chi's I was eating all of her's, and we all most of us got Lemon Drops..those were good lol haha And the Aliens were SO GAY! I was arguing w/ one and he was gay or something and he told me he was gonna turn the oxygen up higher for me and another was like whats ur name? and i was like christine... and he was like CHRISTINA AGUILERA!!!,, and Meryl wanted to dance w/ one to the Rock Your Body Remix and he was chasing her all over haha,, and yes and we had cake for Maria!! And then we left there at around 10:30 and we were walking around Times Square,, so many fucken people on the street! OMG I was walking behind Alexa and Catie and this kid must have been idk 17 or something and he popped up with a mask and said BOO! omg we all died he scared the shit out of us..and he followed us and he said he wanted to "Chill" with us but Maria's Brother and his Girlfriend were like,, no they're with us,, and the kid was like all those girls for you guys? and he left thank god! then at like 11 we went to Little Italy and stayed till about 12:30 and we were walking around,, the Go Go store had hot jewelery in there lol,,and yeah yeah yeahhhh we went back in the limo and came home every was sleeping,, some of us were laughing,, listening to music of course again! lol and then there was traffic we got back at around 1:30-2 it was sooo hot though! HAPPY SWEET 16 MARIA! Oh and i didnt like the Limo Driver lolol i dont think he liked me very much either,, i was staring at him for like an hour and how ugly he was haha andddd he was mean cuz he had all the alcohol up front w/ him! but there was some beer in the back with us! ohhh babbbbyyyy! lol and yes 2 MORE MONTHES TILL THE JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE CONCERT!!!!!!!!!!! I AM BEYONDDDDDDDDDDDDD EXCITED!!!!!!!!! =] =] =] =] =] =] =] =] =] =] =] =] =] =] =] =] =] =] =] =] =] =] =] =] =] =] =] =] =] =] =] =] =] =] =] =]!!! Well i got back home like a half hour ago,, i went to math extra help w/ meryl and we left at like 9:30 and we went to visit our best friend mr. shea haha and yes.. last night i got the Justin and Christina Rollingstone Magazine,, yup yup and i watched meet the parents! And later i'm going shopping later and going to return a few Thingys lol!

Oh! I didnt write about our field Trip bus story!! hahahaha we were on the bus last monday going to our Field Trip in Glen Cove and we wanted to do a prank muhahahaha so we were going to do a prank! lol so meryl looks out the window and goes "OH MY GOD CHRISTINE LOOK WHO IT IS!!!" and we were cracking up.. so i look out the window like 3 minutes later and i was like "WHO IS IT MERYL?!?!!?!.. OH MY GOD!!! ITS ASHANTI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" and the whole bus turned around and looked out the window and was like "WHERE?! WHERE?!" hahahaha was so great!... she wasnt even there ! haha! kayyy now i'm donw!! ilyyyyy xoxox

FiNd NeMo

[06 Jun 2003|11:33pm]
[ mood | sad ]

yo yo yooooo!!! right now my feet are fucken killing meeeeeeee i wore these 5 inch sandals today to gay moving up day and it was gayyyy yes it wassssssssssssssssssssss!!!! i went for the yearbook really thats it lol and the cover is um ugly lol the yearbook is kinda fruity on how they set it up..
next year im gonna miss the seniors so much you're all amazing (only the ones i like and you know who you guys are) Congratulations Guys,, ily all so much and you guys are SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Lucky to finally leave the HELL HOLE!!! aka North Shore Faggot High School!!! but woohoo only 2 more years and i'm OUT OF THEREEEEEEEEEE!!! ummmmm ummmmm before i went out w/ friends to glen cove stephan is soooooooooooooooooooooo cute i LOVE that kid lolololol and in the car when they were driving we were listening to italian music,, it was so great,, im gonna go to bed soon ill ttylllattttttazzzzz ily all xoxox <3

FiNd NeMo

don't be soooo quickk tooo walkkk awaayyyyyyy...danceee withhh meeeeeee [05 Jun 2003|09:09pm]
hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ... mitchy i hope you have the most amazing time tomorrow since i can't go with go with you =[ ummmmmmmmmmm yes today i had school,, haha oh god,, you all know what happend lol,, thennnn i came back to my house w/ tania and we got my dog and walked back to the school and she left with her boyfriend and alot of ppl were petting my little puppy =] lol then i was going back home and i saw mike and he gave me a ride home thennn i went with my mom to look for a blue shirt tomorrow for moving up day (nice how i wait till the last fucken minute) to wheatly plaza and we went to banana republic and i got nothing then we went to the gap and i got a shirt then we went to annie sez and i got another shirt then we came home then we went back out to americana in manhesset because i still didnt get a blue shirt and we went to Bebe and OF COURSE they have no fucken blue shirts and i found one and OF COURSE it had to be missing a rhine stone,, and yeah yeah yeah i was talking to the manager and she was soooooooooooooooooooooo sweet and she took a rhinestone off of another shirt for me to put on it hahaha it was soooo nice of her and she didnt have to do that,, and i got a make-up case there and a headband =] i love that store,, and ALL MY FRIENDS ARE MEAN BECAUSE THEY ARE NOT GOING TO MOVING UP DAY TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ---well not all of them but ALOT!!--- and yes,, i got pissed before cuz my nextel didnt work and i was flipping out and now its allllllll better =] whoaaaa i g2g watch the MTV Movis Awards because 2 hot people are hosting it *justinismuchhotter* ilyyyyyyyyyyy xoxoxoxxoxoxoxoxoxox <33333
FiNd NeMo

[03 Jun 2003|11:00pm]
hiiiiiiii! school was kinda fruity w/ the stupid egg project thing that you have to bring it everywhere,, even to the fucken bathroom with you,, and i have a fieldtrip on monday and i have to bring it w/ me there too,, today it was in a little food container but tomorrow im putting it in a little spongebob lunchbox,, its so cute and tiny =] after school i got my nails done with tania and chi then we went to chi's house and hung out lol then i came home and went to go get my free ice coffee from dunkin donuts lol yum yum =] now its all done =[ i think moving up day can go kill itself,, i dont have any fucken blue shirts cuz i dont like blue,, last year i didnt have green cuz i dont like green next year i wont have yellow cuz i BARELY wear yellow,, and white will be easy,, they should've made the colors,, red, pink and black cuz those are fun colors to wear =] lolol imagine all the guys in pink ahahaha! tan 4th period today LOOK AT HIS ASS!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahaha too bad that he's graduating and that he has a girlfriend lol,,, after 2nd and 3rd period everyday we all have to run out of math and see if the dick ignores her,, today awww they were holding hands!!!!!!! lolol tan i got to thank you for the letter about the whining and making noises in each others mouthes when u eat and then sitting on top of each other lol LOL WHAT QUEERS!! i wish i could've went to zootopia =[ oh well maybe jingle ball =] ahhhhhhhhhhhhh i CANNOT wait for my sweet 16 =] =] =] =] =] =] its gonna be so pretty with the christmas lights,, ok im done and ew summer is coming and i dont like the summer cuz its hot and i hate when its hot so i loveeeee the winter =] ummm and idk what else to write,, yesterday was too fun meeting ashanti,, and to all you people that thinks that she's a bitch you are wrong she is sooo sweet!!!!! and i CANNOT wait to get my pictures backkkk!!!! oookkkk time to go watch i love lucy!!!!!!! fun fun funnnnnnnnnnn!! xoxox i love all you cuties =]

ps - im listening to britney spears *i'm a slave 4 u*
FiNd NeMo

[02 Jun 2003|06:01pm]
[ mood | happy ]

heyyyyy!!! i just got home and i just met ashanti! omg she is soooo gorgeous and beautiful and suchhhh a sweet-heart, she is amazing, and has an amazing voice,, she was wearing this GORGEOUS Diamond Star necklace.. it was soooooooooooooo sparkly and sooooooooooooooo pretty and thid cool Dior shirt and she has the nicest hair! She signed my book and the cd and i took tons of pictures and you all should go buy her cd!!! i asked her if she remembered my cousins girlfriend (they've been dating for about 5 years and im SURE they are going to get married) and ashanti said she did which was cool =]!!! Wow idk what else to say!! ily all and ill write later!!!!

FiNd NeMo

Ummm Nooo! [01 Jun 2003|10:27pm]
[ mood | anxious ]

heyyy ummmmm this weekend was really boring,, thursday friday and saturday i babysat and i made $165 which was pretty good i guess,, last saturday i got a nextel =] i love it lol,,, today i went to a Victorian Tea Party thingy,, ummm it was pretty boring and there were raffels and shit and i didnt get ANYTHING! On the other hand,, my mother,, oh boy,, ok there were 2 raffels,, the red and blue ones (which was shitty shit) and the orange ones (with really nice things ... except the mets tix) and my mom won 2 of i think the 8 prizes,, she got a gift certificate to this really nice restuarant (one of my favs =]) and a REALLLLYYYY beautiful Victorian Porcelin (dunno how to spell that) Doll,, she is gorgeous w/ a hand made dress,, i love her lol i wanted to put it in my room but noooooooooo it HAS to go in the living room! last night was really weird,, something was wrong w/ me and i wrote and wrote and wrote 2 pages of just stuff on my mind,, i never do that but idk why i did, the rain and the thunder storm ,, i love both of those i guess got me going to write! tomorrow i'm going to meet ASHANTi!!!!! I am sooooooooooooooo excited!!! She is an AMAZiNG Personnnnnnnnn!!! =] =] =] =] and i'm not telling you where because its a SECRET PLACE!! =X! ALOT of my friends have been acting REALLLLLLLLYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY Gay lately,, especially the 2-Faced Lying Backstabbing Bitch *COUGH* Who is JUST like her fake mother!!!!!!!! Ohh so more about my day today,, i got home from the tea-ma-bob thing and then i went to americana in manhasset w/ my mommy and we went to tiffanys because there is ALWAYS something wrong w/ my jewelery from that place and we went to Sephora and Bebe and The Gap and The Gap PISSED me off!!!! AGH! And I wanted to go to abercrombie and it was closed cuz they are re-doing it and all the manacans dudes were naked lol,,, okkkkkkk its time to go do my hair cuz its dripping wet and i hate when my hair is wet!!!! ily kiddies!!! OH AND I CANT FORGET,, LAST SUNDAY I MET SPONGEBOB SQUARE PANTS!!!!!!!!! Ok NOW i'm Done!!!!! Adiossssssssssssssss!!!!!!!! =]

FiNd NeMo

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