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::Scene opens with Johnny Devastating sitting behind a desk.On the desk is a name plate,it reads "gWo".Johnny is dressed in a dark red suit with a black shirt and dark red tie.Johnny is talking on his headset for his phone,he is in mid conversation.::

JD::Vinny,you betta not f*ck this up.This job was fool proof,but then again it IS you.I dont care what you gotta do to get it done,just frickin do it already,only the best are able to run with The gWo.You wastin time that you dont have.I got otha shit to take care of call me tomorra with some more info.Lata.

::Johnny hangs up the call and takes off his headset,placing it on the desk.Johnny stands up and turns towards the window,pulling the curtains aside.::

JD::God,watta view!!

::Scene cuts to an over the shoulder view to see New York's Central Park from about 12 floors up.Johnny Secretary Veronica Cane walks in and the scene cuts back to its original view as the door closes behind her.Veronica struts up to the desk::


::Johnny turns around.::

JD::Roni,what can I do for ya?!

Veronica::Shannon is outside.

JD::Great,send her in.Oh by the way,unless I am in a meetin,just let her in.

Veronica::Ok from now I will just let her in Mr.Devastating.

::Veronica walks out and in walks Shannon Kelly,Johnny D's girlfriend and ABC Reporter,dressed in black capri pants and gray tank top with black and gray airwalks.::

JD::Baby,hows it goin?!

::Johnny smiles big and walks out from behind the desk to give Shannon a kiss.::

Shannon::Everything is great Johnny.How are you so far?

::Johnny shrugs his shoulders.::

JD::Eh,Business is Business.What brings ya by?!

::Shannon sits down in the chair and Johnny leans up against the desk.::

Shannon::Nothing really,I was just near by having lunch with one of my girlfriends and decided to stop by to see when we are leaving for Philly for Xposure.

JD::Oh!Well I was thinkin maybe leave Saturday aftanoon,this way we can check into the hotel and spend sometime round Philly before me and Blade kick Mayhem Inc's asses.

Shannon::Sounds great baby.Its always rough gettin into town the day of the show.I am glad we can just go out the night before and relax after.It will do you good to.

JD::Yeah I know.This last week has been big.The Band is back togetha and we are even bigga then before.Business is boomin.God,its great to be part of the best.

::Johnny gets up,walks behind the desk and sits in his chair.::

JD::Baby,what do you think bout The gWo reunion?

Shannon::Johnny,I honestly think its gonna turn VcW upside down.Four of the most dominant men in wrestling history on one team is always a force.The gWo is as strong as ever.

JD::Yeah I think your right.Only one in doubt is that Meyhu.He is good,dont get me wrong,but...

Shannon::But what Johnny?!

JD::Eh,nuttin.Meyhu still has to prove his worth.He's gotta show that he is able to run with the best.This is the elite group,if he wants to pussy foot he can go join Mayhem Inc.This here is were us Big Boys play.

Shannon::Spoken like a true leader.

JD::Nah,I am not the leada.I just care bout this workin.Blade got this back togetha.Blade is by far the head of this group.I just win matches,beat some asses and win titles.We all have a hand in Business,but I am not the leada.The gWo is one group not individuals.Where you see one the othas are sure to follow.Thats why Mayhem Inc. isnt a threat.We know we are The Cream of The Crop and the best damn Threesome,oops I mean Foursome wrestlin has eva seen.We have held more gold then Mayhem Inc. could eva dream of holdin.They are good,but we are so much betta and thats that.

Shannon::Oh,I love it when you talk like that.

::Johnny smirks.::

JD::I know,but listen,I need to take care of some stuff.Why dont you go get ready and we will go out to dinna.Where somethin nice cause we are gonna go out in style tooooonight!!!!

::Johnny gives Shannon a kiss and Shannon leaves the room. Shortly after Johnny's phone rings. Johnny presses the speaker button and yells to the phone..::

JD::Send em in!!!

. o O The speaker phone clicks to a dial tone and the camera angle pans out of the office and to the front lobby where a robotic secretary sits behind a desk and John Blade and Matt Meyhu wait patiently. O o .

Robot Secratary:You-may-now-see-Mr.Devestating. Have-a-nice-day.

John Blade:Thanks R2. *Turning to Meyhu while passing through the doors.* Looks like Devestating is really moving up in the world.

Meyhu:Like Pac did?

Blade:Yes Meyhu just like Pac. *Wipes a hand down the front of his face.*

. o O Just as Blade and Meyhu are walking in, a woman is walking out. The woman brushes shoulders with John Blade as she exits the office, wiping a milk mustasch off with a hankerchief all the while.O o .

Shannon:Excuse me.

Blade:Anytime. And uh I think you got a lil somethin' on your lip there...

. o O The woman gives John a bad look before "humpfing" and turning away leaving John and Matt to stare at her backside for three long seconds before they enter the office. The duo enters a finely decorated office, with a persian rug and scenic window view of the city. John Blade walks over to a collection of samurai swords along the oakwood wall, Blade even picking one up and running a finger along it's fine edge. O o .

Johnny Dev:*Standing up with hands outstretched.* Fellas fellas, welcome to my humble abode. And Blade m'case es su casa. Want a beer? Meyhu, want a lolly pop?

. o O Johnny pulls out a ceramic wrapped lolly pop and Meyhu eagerly grabs it, fiddling with the wrapper and devouring it. Blade shakes a hand at the offer and then begins to pace around the room, admiring the furniture, paintings, and antiques around the room.O o .

Blade:Damn Devestating you got a nice crib herre. What happen, chu hack into a 9/11 charity fund?

Devestating:**Laughing while pouring himself a glass of burbon.** Ha, nah hommie, I just made da proper investments and what have you.

Blade:Investments...*Gesturing a finger across his nose.* I gotcha... I hope you invested in some wrestlin' gear while you was busy being the corporate man, cuz we gots-a match dis Sunday chico.

Devestating:I'm way ahead of you, and I got Vinny sending a message to Mayhem Incorp as we speak.

Blade:Ha. Yah Mayhem Incorp. What a bunch of lucky bastards. Dey gets the pleasure of walking down that aisle and step into the ring with true greatness, with living legends, John Blade and Johnny Devestating...And at the end of da night they gets the luxuary of goin' home and tellin' dere wife and kids dey got beat by John Blade and Johnny Dev.

Devestating:Unless I tell their wives personally. *Perkiing a few brows.*

John Blade:Right right, might as well send dere wives a ham already cuz theres not gonna be any celebrating in the Fenix household dis week. Or fo' da rest of da month either. Homeboys want a war, we'll start the first battle just like the Rebs' did at the First Battle of Bull Run. But it aint gonna be what they expect though, they're in for a long run, and a long war which is gonna end at WrestleFest 2. GWO style.

Johnny Devestating:You know this Blade. And they betta get some heavy artillery. I heard Twisted might be joining the war effort.

Blade:Well he better come strapped, and wearing a vest, cuz chits about ta get real ugly up in VC-Dub. We got our solders ready, on the front lines, and this Mayhem Incorp is gonna be the first of many stable casualties.

Johnny Devestating:I'll drink ta that. Cheers.. or should I say 'Pour out a lil liquor.'

John Blade:Cheers is fine. **Holding up a glass* Cheers, to our final run in VCW.

. o O Johnny Devestating goes to sip his glass but stop short looking back at the words "final run", but continues anyways taking a deep chug of his burbon along with John Blade who does the same. The camera angle then pans out the office's window view showing the emense size of Devestating building, which is over 30 stories high. O o .

Bye Nice Knowing You.