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Neverending Dream
Tuesday, 27 January 2004
oops, i forgot.
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE check out ....its my website, i just whipped it into shape. I added a link about voting. This is important to me. I wish for everyone to check it out. The end Part II.


Posted by oz/greatdemand at 4:31 AM WAT
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Where to start
It feels as if my feet have once again landed back on the ground. Since November 1, 2003 (my birthday) i hae been unemployed and really fucking stressed and everything. life hassucked worse than it ever has. Like, it sucked so bad that it could IN FACT suck a bowling ball through a garden hose. That was not meant to be funny, twas merely a metaphor. However...i just landed a sweet job at Univest and i am Pyched. look out world justin has just entered the phase of maturity. Ill be on the road in a matter of days, so watch out moms and dads, your daughters have a date with a PIMP DADDY MACK!

In other news

thereis no other news, just sleep...mmmm sleeeeeep. In my dreams, im in total control. I am GOD in my dreams. i think tonight im gonna dream about howling monkeys. The end.

Posted by oz/greatdemand at 4:28 AM WAT
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Sunday, 25 January 2004
by the way i have successfully taught myself how to play the guitar in 2 (READ IT 2!) days


Posted by oz/greatdemand at 2:58 AM WAT
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January 24th, 2004...the day they said couldnt happen, but did
wow, a whole lot of shit has been happening in this extremly slow life. went to the mall today, yeah holler back mallratz, and i went into the FYE that is closing down, and im happy andf lucky that i did cuz i found a Cypress Hill tape, "Temples of boom",and its iller n shit. been chillin alot lately. I look out into the world and i am envious that i am sitting home bored outta my fucking mind but at the same time i feel content. Until i get a car i guess i shall stay content, but im gettin antsy as hell. I have a great job im working to get which, if i get it, will get my ass on the road. The car i supposed to be driving is this white PIMP beater. I mean if i go out im gonna hafta dress like a pimp just cuz the ride. Its kinda weird but it has a bench seat in the front so i can cruise with some bitchez and have the whole benchseat to ....lay out...haha...anyay , in other news i believe i have talked the lovely emily schwartz into recording the "chick" part for my new rap, which, to be honest is just as utterly vulga as my first rap, "can i touch it", only this one kinda follows or tells a story bout ...haha basically the sameshit. Anyway, i asked her if shed do it showed her the lyrics and she sounds interested. We shall see tho i cant guarante anything but ill tell you it would be the shit and a big step for me in y opinion. Alot of people are "hollerin at me" if you will bout my rhymes which comes as a total suprise considering its all a joke. But admitally so, i really am trying to just get people to get together with me, have a good time and spit out some rhymes. If your inerested in layin out a track or whatever gimm a holler through my email, or instant message me ( boomboomfitty ) on aim.

in other news, the blacks have made O.J. black again (chapelle)

Posted by oz/greatdemand at 2:55 AM WAT
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Thursday, 22 January 2004
today i have attempted to create a blog. I have yet to find out what exactly a blog is but....yeah. Anyway, whats up, i dont want to type anything at the moment, i have shit to do but this blog DOES IN FACT exist and ill start entering shit soon.

Posted by oz/greatdemand at 1:15 AM WAT
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