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Page Created By: Doug want to thank all you quoting Genei! Quotes of the Genei

Quotes of the Genei

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"There is no off position on the genius switch." -Nick Livak

"If you don't like the moose i don't like you." -Doug Foulk

"If you (are a guy and you) like the penis, then you are gay." -Kyle Pruitt

"When the hic-ups get ya, hold your breath and drink some water." -Steve Pope-Rolewski

"Poop tastes like shit!" -David Mora

"I'm not here and i don't think i wanna be!" -Zach Tarbet

"Okay dokay mamiokay!" -Kyle Pruitt

"That's how the rat sticks." -Steve Pope-Rolewski

"Every time i look at myself i can't believe how awesome i am!" -TJ Pepping

"I hope you don't mind me refering to you as hot." -Kyle Pruitt

"Don't let the men who have the power defeat your purpose as a guy!" -Zach Tarbet

"Don't say 'fiend', say 'ox'." -Steve Pope-Rolewski

"If you don't have anything nice to say, say something mean." -Doug Foulk

"When in need of a brush, use thy shoe." -Steve Pope-Rolewski

"Life is like a roll of toilet paper; the closer it gets to the end, the faster it goes" -Zach Tarbet

"The more you study, the more you learn. The more you learn the more you know. The more you know the more you forget. The more you forget the less you know." -Doug Foulk

"You can be beastly or you can be weastly." -Micheal Richards