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Wisdom of Vank

1. See, guys dont like girls for who they are, it's the OOMPH factor we're talking about!
2. When sharing a bed with someone and thou requires comfort, the best way to obtain that comfort is to kick thou's partner in the arse.

3. When wishing to be polite, thou shall only utter "frig".

4. Thou should not make terrorist jokes at the America/Canadian border, EVEN IF others find it humorous.

5. When only KINDA listening, it is best to smile and nod.

6. Thou should obtain the family information of everyone, because the guy sitting next to thou on the bus might be thou's fourth cousin.

7. When learning a new language, it is best to make THAT obvious by speaking and making a fool of oneself.

8. If thou has just discovered that her favorite store has better men's clothing, then thou shall buy the men's clothes and dress her brother!

9. Thou shall get mad at her brother every Saturday.

10. Thou shall dine with Kit ;).

11. If thou looks skinny, short, and sparkly, 'tis not queer - 'tis SASSY!

12. Thou shall swing dance.

13. Rice and leftovers is the lunch-meal of champions.

14. If thou has style, then thou shall certainly enjoy blowing into different sized sticks.

15. Thou shall not utter "Arbitrary".

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