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The LeChat guide to Fileshareing and Leeching

Firstly this guide is provided for information purposes only I do not condone piracy and will not be help responsible for any illegal acts you find yourself capable of achieving due to this FAQ nor any damage due to malicious virii Trojans or spyware you should have all your antivirus software up to date before attempting any of the acts detailed herein be running a quality firewall and run adaware regularly to remove any spying or ad programs if you do find yourself downloading a quality game or movie than buy it the movie and game industry work hard to provide quality titles and should receive due payment for it!

This FAQ is provided as is and can be freely distributed with nothing more than an acknowledgment for the work I done fell free to post this on you website

For info on how to work with multiple archives such as *.rar,*.r00, *r01 ace and tar files and how to repair corrupt tars rars and ace files please click here

Filesharing guide

Just my 2 cents on filesharing there is nothing more annoying than getting a fake file that you've waited hours for so please if you get a fake file rename it as a fake to save anyone else the hassle this should stop phreakers from faking files in the first place when they realize it isn't working anymore as for file corruption the answer is simple share smaller segmented files in rar format that way when a file is corrupt you only need to recover 14meg instead of 700 I am currently supporting a boycott of the .tar file and .tar.gz until someone comes up with a decent file recovery option the tar file is very easy to corrupt and currently impossible to repair past the corrupt portion it is unrecoverable if you do share or leech a file please make it in rar or zip formats sorry all you guys using UNIX and linix systems but I'M at zero tolerance for tar corruption.

o.k so you've decided that your days of leeching are over and its finally time you gave back some of the hundreds of gigs you've taken so freely first things first you decide how you want to share those files and if you want something in return if you were to share your files on kazaa which is by far the easiest option than expect nothing in return however..

Mirc -

If you share files in a channel on mirc and you have a decent connection expect fellow filesharers to upload to you, usually the better your connection the more ppl will want to upload to you to improve the quality of their chan. So how do you share on mirc well first you need a fileserver alternately you could use a ftp or even a xdcc server.


setting up a fserve can be a little tricky but I'll point you in the right direction in later versions of mirc you could have the fserve built into the program but I recommend a third party plugin or script I recommend using rfs by ren-ren nice and easy to setup and simple options its as simple as setting a trigger and the channel you want to advertise to then the directory you are sharing :)



an ftp can be a bitch to setup if you don't know how. I recommend bulletproof ftp not that much easier to setup than any of the others but it has all the options you need the website has a complete tutorial on how to setup




So you want to share on kazaa, what you aren't already? well it couldn't be easier simply grab the latest version of KAZAA LITE not the normal kazaa that's packed full of spyware and will use your computer and connection for pretty much anything it wants as stated in the disclaimer such as toppling third world governments and creating a world akin to matrix or terminator anyway suffice to say you want a client you can trust So just get kazaa lite once you got it its as simple as putting files you want to share in your download directory I recommend not sharing bin ISO or img files as the kazaa file segmenter is flawed and will more than likely corrupt the ISO files beyond recognition (trust me its happened to me) what you should do is serve the rar or zip files all movie files are fairly safe against corruption except for divx and xvid you could repair the corruption but if you want to convert to svcd that extra corruption will just complicate matters also since kazaa is known for its fake filenames it would be greatly appreciated if anyone who get a fake file would ether delete the file rename to the correct filename or move the file out of the share directory, there's nothing worse than spending hours getting nightshift nurses and getting Disney's c the little mermaid because someone thought they were funny or cool!

Leeching Guide

So you figure the world has given you nothing and feel you owe nothing in return then you are a leecher named after those little blood sucking things that suck the life out of you don't worry I aint mad at ya got nothing but love for ya - tupac I spent 5 years as a leecher of course that was b4 I realized that I had no cap on my uploads So I started uploading 10 gig a day (that's all my bandwidth could do) about that time my isp figured that unlimited uploads weren't such a good idea long story short you should check how much you can really upload. Anyway on with the guide


So you want to leech using kazaa here's the good news kazaa is heaps easy to use simply search for the file you want then double click to download now the bad news there is no real guarantee that you are getting what you pay for or don't pay for in this case there are a few things you can do to help you for starters if you have a movie file you should preview it kazaa is crap at previewing but kazaa lite comes bundled with a file previewer failing this or if it is a different file you should copy the file and rename it to its real file extension for example change no_serious_this_is_a_real_file.dat to no_serious_this_is_a_real_file.avi and it should open in its respective application be it isobuster winrar or media player that is if you have enough of the file to open 256k should be considered an absolute minimum



leeching off a ftp is fairly easy but like emule and edonkey getting an open slot or getting on can be the tricky part So patience is the order of the day and please don't hammer ftps by trying to reconnect this will get you banned or at the very least slow the connections for other users who are connected I recommend using cuteftp its by far the easiest to use simply copy the address port number and username and password to their respective locations you could also use Internet explorer getright or opera but the address must be in this format ftp://user:pass@123.123.01:69 here's how to decipher a ftp address if it is in this format the first two words are username(user):password(pass) than it is @ ip address(123.123.01) :portnumber(69)


there are many ways to get files off of mirc the 3 most popular are fserve xdcc and ftp (outlined above)


an fserve is often very tricky to use in these days of GUI (graphical user interface) I remember the days when everything was done in DOS prompt well no I don't IM not that old but back in the days of win 3.11 I did learn my way around and this is how an fserve usually works if the thought of getting files and actually using the keyboard makes your head spin than I recommend using rfn by renren it will turn all those nasty DOS commands into a simple explorer type interface just double click to download a file.

here's what a fserve ad looks like

<mircuser> [Fserve Active] - Trigger:[!trigger] - Users:[0/5] - Sends:[1/1] - Queues:[24/30] - Record CPS:[32.8kB/s by guy] - Bytes Sent:[93.78GB] - Accesses:[2682] - Upload Speed:[32.8kB/s] - Message:this is fserve Just type the trigger

everything you need is right there in the ad users online sends in progress queues waiting top speed and record speed and of course the trigger just copy and paste this to access the fserve

here's a list of common commands.

dir or list will give you a list of all the files and folders in that directory

cd change directory must be followed by the folder name you want to access e.g. CD mypictures

queues will tell you how many ppl are queued before you

sends will tell you what send are going and maybe even how fast and how long till they finish

CD.. go back one directory

get the most important command will either queue the file or instasend if it is small enough and it is enabled must be followed by the file name you want to get e.g. get file.jpg


xdcc can be tricky if you don't know what's happening but easy and the best option for finding files its currently the most popular way of fileshareing on mirc for a list of xdcc packets I recommend using just search for the file you want to download and click on the link if you are using Internet explorer this will open up a new connection in mirc than just copy the trigger and wait for your file to send

here's what a xdcc ad looks like

<mircuser> ** 2 packs ** 1 of 3 slots open
<mircuser> ** Bandwidth Usage ** Current: 32.4KB/s, Record: 309.6KB/s
<mircuser> ** To request a file type: "/MSG mircuser xdcc send #x"
<mircuser> #1 59x [435M] lechat the movie dvd rip
<mircuser> #2 0x [685M] lechat the game
<mircuser> ** #lechat-rules - for everything lechat... **
<mircuser> Total Offered: 1110 MB Total Transferred: 24.34 GB

look a bit confusing? well its not really everything you need is in the ad there lets break it down the ad says 2 packs that's the number of packets being served 1 of 3 slots open that means out of 3 sends he has 2 going and one free for you to take if you want what he is servingbandwidth currently he's is sending at 32.4kb/s his record is 309.6kkb/s So there might be extra bandwidth for you then he has his trigger or request which is usually the same for all of xdcc that is /MSG mircuser xdcc send #x where x is the number of the packet you want So if you want lechat the game you would type /MSG mircuser xdcc send #2