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Jedi Academy Mod

Author Michael 'cHoSeN oNe' Nohai

Jedi Knight II
Server Modification


New Features in 1.2
Features in 1.1
Features in 1.0
Installation - making the mod truly server-side
JAC, Trainer, and Knight commands
Emotes, Client, & Admin commands
Damage CVars
Message CVars
Other CVars
Known Bugs
Special Thanks


This mod is the official mod for the Jedi Academy. A server-side only modification designed to keep the peace and order on the servers. This is the final chapter of this great series. With that in mind, I set out and improved this mod a great deal that makes it stand out from its preceding versions. It's loaded with Admin Commands, Client Commands, Emotes, Options, and cVars; Extremely modified to meet any clans expectations. This is truly the only mod you will ever need to get that doesn't alter the normal gameplay of Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast® Please visit us at

New Features in 1.2

  • Admin and/or Knight login access can be Enabled/Disabled to disallow secondary admins . (If both set to 0, the rcon will have only access)
  • All Admin Commands can be Enabled(default)/Disabled.
  • All Emotes now default to Enabled.
  • Cannot challenge or accept duels when emoted.
  • Flag Carriers can only challenge/accept duels when opponent is carrying a flag.
  • g_mFlagTrick - If enabled, Flag Carriers can now use mindtrick only if empowered.
  • mterminator - turns client into a superb fighting machine.
  • munterminator - turns client back to normal.
  • Trainer Admin now has access to use the mnpcaccess and mnpcnoaccess command for NPC's. (amnpcaccess, amnpcnoaccess)
  • g_mDoubleSaberEmpowered - toggles enabled/disabled double saber for empowered clients.
  • g_mDuelStats - toggles enabled/disabled for duelers to see stats after duel. (Winner, HP, Armor)
  • g_mNoDuelSuicide - if enabled, user cannot use the \kill command during duels.
  • Tweaked Admin Commands for other gamemode compatibilities.
  • Client's nick can now be 50 characters rather than 36.
  • Tweaked all (except CTF) messages with the color white to compensate for colored names.
  • Jedi Vs. Merc mode - Mercs get hurt a little easier than Jedi.
  • Jedi Vs. Merc mode - Empowered only works on Jedi, Terminator only works on Merc.
  • Optimized Source code to increase speed and stability.

Features in 1.1

  • New Custom cVar welcome message in console.
  • mgametype - Trainers can now change maps/gametypes.
  • mrandteams - Randomizes teams in CTF gameplay.
  • amhelp - Helps JAT's, JAK's, Students with admin commands. (Custom help messages capable)
  • 4 New Custom cVars to display messages for logged in/not logged in administrators upon use of admin command.
  • Improved Jedi Vs. Merc Mode.
  • g_mBlockThrow - allows client to lose thrown saber if blocked by opponent.
  • Fixed emote(s) exploit during Duels and SaberLocks.
  • Clients can now Duel in Team gamemods.
  • g_mDebugCheats - allows access to hidden features in JK2. (cVar default is 1)
  • mnpcaccess - allows client access to the NPC features.
  • mnpcnoaccess - disallows client access to the NPC features.
  • g2animent - spawns an NPC.
  • g2platoon - spawns a platoon of NPC's.

Features in 1.0

  • Everything is now logged to the server.
  • New Jedi Knight login system and its accompanied commands.
  • amsay - now sends message to both Trainer and Knight.(Trainer & Knight use only)
  • mwhois - allows admin to see who is logged in as a Trainer and/or Knight. (Trainer & Knight use only)
  • mkick - now appends a message to client as well as to the server. (Trainer & Knight use only)
  • mkickban - now appends a message to client as well as to the server.(Trainer use only)
  • mtele - teleports user to a desired location. (Trainer use only)
  • morigin - gets players location on the map.(Trainer use only)
  • mpunish - punishes client. (Trainer use only)
  • munpunish - unpunishes client. (Trainer use only)
  • mreward - rewards client for passing his/her trial.(Trainer use only)
  • mforceteam - forces a client to a specific CTF team. (Trainer use only)
  • mdenyvote - denies a certain client to vote. (Trainer use only)
  • mallowvote - returns voting privilege to client. (Trainer use only)
  • mlockteam - locks a specific team in CTF mode so no one can join. (Trainer use only)
  • munlockteam - unlocks a specific team in CTF mode so people can join. (Trainer use only)
  • All items can now be pushed/pulled.
  • Added 14 new emotes.


Create a directory like this:
where '/home/.../jk2/' is the path where you installed Jedi Knight II. Now you can start the server with the '+set fs_game academy' argument.

./jk2ded +set fs_game academy +exec server.cfg +exec academy.cfg

Create a directory like this:
X:\...\Star Wars JK II Jedi Outcast\GameData\academy
where 'X:\...\Star Wars JK II Jedi Outcast\' is the path where you installed Jedi Knight II. Now you can start the server with the '+set fs_game academy' argument.

jk2mp.exe +set fs_game academy +exec server.cfg +exec academy.cfg

Note: There is an enclosed bat file that does this for you, Just run it from the gamedata folder when in Windows to skip the GUI mod loading.

Installation - making the mod truly server-side

If you install the mod the way as described with a pk3 file, the client will still have to download it when he connects. To prevent this, since Jedi Academy Mod is serverside only, You need to put all files in academy folder. The directory should now appear like ...../jk2/gamedata/academy under Windows or \ ...../jk2/academy under Linux. Under this dir there will be a vm dir with one .qvm file in it as well as the academy.cfg file. Now when a client connects he should not have to download the mod before he can enter the game.


  • Various Trainer and Knight commands
  • Logging of player IP when player connects to the server. Logging happens in the following format:
    mlog_ClientConnect: <player client id> '<player name>' -> '<player ip>'
  • Logging of Trainer and Knight commands. Every command will be logged in the following format:
    mlog_command <playername>
  • Removed the 2 player at a time duel limit.
  • Sabers don't automatically ignite at the start of a duel.
  • "No bacta rule" is now working for duels.
  • Voting system is now limited for Trainer use only.
  • When player wins a duel he now gets up to 25 shield points as well as the full 100% health.
  • Typing !motd or !rules when saying something shows the motd to the player who said it.
  • Typing !version or !author when saying something shows the version number and author.
  • Setting damage for all the moves.
  • Various emotes.

Rcon, Trainer, and Knight commands


[..] are optional

<..> are required

playerid => Can be a client id, full player name or partial player name. For example if there's a player named 'Padawan' and you want to kick him you can use this: mkick pad; mkick pada; mkick wan; etc. (Just watch out if there are more players with the same sequence in their name. At this point only the first encountered player is taken for the command. Also note that the keyword 'all' has special meaning. Most commands take the 'all' keyword to execute the command on all players on the server.

reason => This sends a message to both the server and the client consoles when a player is kicked or kick-banned. For example you can type: "\amkick pada please follow the rules next time." This will send the message "please follow the rules next time" to the server. Also message will be sent to the person's console. (They can scroll up in their console when they are disconnected)

Rcon command Trainer command Knight command Description
minfo aminfo aminfo Show all the available commands. The aminfo version also works for normal clients, but only Trainers and Knights get to see the admin info.
mhelp amhelp amhelp Quick Help for commands available in mod.
mwhois amwhois jkwhois Shows you which client is logged in as a Jedi Trainer and/or Jedi Knight.
  amlogin <password> jklogin <password> Trainers and Knights use this to login as an admin.
mstatus [playerid] amstatus [playerid] jkstatus [playerid] Altered version of status. This version sends less info to get passed the bug in the regular status where not all lines are send to the console. If a playerid is given the selected player will get a full screen display of the status. This is primarily for binding admin commands:
bind m rcon mstatus <Your player name here>
mkick <playerid><reason> amkick <playerid><reason> jkkick <playerid><reason> Same as kick but enhanced to also take a clientid or a partial player name and a reason from the admin for being kicked.
mslap <playerid> amslap <playerid>   Slaps the selected player. Knocks player in a random direction and knocks him down for several seconds.
mempower <playerid> amempower <playerid>   Empowers the selected player. The selected player gets duel saber and all force powers. The player also enters 'Jedi Master Mode' which allows him to do double damage. Empowered players also can't be pushed/pulled. This mode is primarily for admins having to deal with misbehaving players.
munempower <playerid> amunempower <playerid>   Undo the effects of mempower.
mterminator <playerid> amterminator <playerid>   Threaten those empowered Jedi and become a dangerous individual with this command.
munterminator <playerid> amunterminator <playerid>   Undo the effects of mterminator.
msilence <playerid> amsilence <playerid> jksilence <playerid> Silence players so they can't talk.
munsilence <playerid> amunsilence <playerid> jkunsilence <playerid> Use on a silenced player to let him talk again.
msleep <playerid> amsleep <playerid> jksleep <playerid> If there's someone on the server behaving badly this can be used to put them 'to sleep'. When asleep the player lies on the ground and can't move, jump, attack, etc. Player can still talk however. This can work wonders on those players that keep coming back after you keep kicking them.
mwake <playerid> amwake <playerid> jkwake <playerid> Wake the player if he's asleep (undo the effects of msleep).
mrename <playerid> <new name> amrename <playerid> <new name>   Renames a player. If a player comes into the server with an offensive name this can be used to rename the player to something more appropriate. Note that at this time the player can still rename himself after this command.
mshowmotd <playerid> amshowmotd <playerid> jkshowmotd <playerid> By default the motd is shown whenever a player enters the game. This can be used to remind someone of the motd/rules by showing it to them again.
mbunny <playerid> ambunny <playerid>   Turns player into a 'bunny'. In this mode the players saber is removed and replaced by something less deadly, the force powers are also removed. The player also starts jumping around randomly.
munbunny <playerid> amunbunny <playerid>   Undo the effects of mbunny.
mexplode <playerid> amexplode <playerid>   Blows of someone's head.
mpsay <playerid> ampsay <playerid> jkpsay <playerid> Send a message to a specific player.
mtimescale <timescale> amtimescale <timescale>   Sets the timescale for the whole server. 1.0 is normal speed 2.0 is twice as fast. 0.5 is half speed (This might cause some lag on slow connections).
mkickban <playerid><reason> amkickban <playerid><reason>   Bans and kicks the player at the same time with a reason why they were kicked. No need to enter an ip.
[NOTE1: This command doesn't ban ranges so if the player who gets banned has a dynamic ip he can probably get back by reconnecting to his ISP. However with this you can ban them faster then they can connect >:) ]
[NOTE2: Be careful with the keyword 'all' since typing 'mkickban all' will also work and everyone connected will get banned!]
mtele <playerid><x><y><z><yaw> amtele <playerid><x><y><z><yaw>   This can teleport any client to any desired location.
[NOTE: The clients destination is read with using the amorigin command. This will get you the X, Y, and Z coordinates on the map. The YAW is the angle the user is facing, any number from 0 to 360 degrees will work just fine.]
[CAUTION: This command can cause serious lag to the server and/or other clients if used abusively.]
morigin <playerid> amorigin <playerid>   This gets client's X, Y, and Z coordinates on the map and prints them to the console.
mpunish <playerid> ampunish <playerid>   Client becomes 'punished' by freezing their movement, canceling their ability to chat, it takes all weapons away (except for saber), no force abilities, and user is put in a choking animation.
munpunish <playerid> amunpunish <playerid>   Client becomes 'normal' again. All weapons, force, weapons, movement return to normal.
mreward <playerid> amreward <playerid>   Gives the student temporary strength and a nice congratulations message once he/she passes their trial. 'Temporary strength' diminishes upon death.
mforceteam <playerid><team> amforceteam <playerid><team>   Transfers a client to a specified team in CTF gameplay. (Red, Blue, Spectator)
mdenyvote <playerid> amdenyvote <playerid>   Disables use of voting to a specific client.
mallowvote <playerid> amallowvote <playerid>   Allows client to use the voting feature again.
mlockteam <team> amlockteam <team>   Locks a specific team in CTF mode so no one can join. (Red, Blue, Spectator)
munlockteam <team> amunlockteam <team>   Unlocks a specific team in CTF mode so people are allowed to join. (Red, Blue, Spectator)
mrandteams amrandteams   Randomizes Teams in CTF Gameplay
mnpcaccess <playerid>     Gives the client ability to spawn NPC's
mnpcnoaccess <playerid>     Denies the client access to spawn NPC's
mgametype <gametype> <map> amgametype <gametype> <map>   Allows Trainer to change Map and Gameplay.
[NOTE: The Gametypes are as follows:
0 = "Free For All"
1 = "Holocron FFA"
2 = "Jedi Master"
3 = "Duel"
5 = "Team FFA"
7 = "Capture the Flag"
8 = "Capture the Ysalamiri"]
Spawn's an NPC of your choice.
[NOTE: All clients will have access to the command, granted the admin gave them the ability (mnpcaccess) to create an NPC.]
More Help
Spawn's an Group of NPC's of your choice.
[NOTE: All clients will have access to the command, granted the admin gave them the ability (mnpcaccess) to create an NPC.
More Help

Emotes, Client, & Admin Commands

Emotes can be used by all clients. Client Commands can be used by all clients. Admin Commands only for logged in admins.
Rcon command CVar to turn on/off feature Description
amsay <message>   Sends a message to all logged in Trainers and Knights.
amkiss g_mAllowKiss Kisses another player if you are close enough. This only works if this option has been enabled on the server.
amhug g_mAllowHug Hugs another player if you are close enough. This only works if this option has been enabled on the server.
amsit g_mAllowSit Sits down or stands up. You can turn on the CVar g_mOnlySitOnGround to only allow players to sit down on the ground.
amsit2 g_mAllowSit2 Another Sit command. You can turn on the CVar g_mOnlySitOnGround to only allow players to sit down on the ground.
amnod g_mAllowNodShake Nods your head.
amshake g_mAllowNodShake Shakes your head.
amtaunt g_mAllowTaunt Does the SP saber spin taunt.
amspin g_mAllowSpin Does a special spin move.
amspin2 g_mAllowSpin2 Does another special spin move.
amwave g_mAllowWave Waves your hand.
amthumbsup g_mAllowThumbs Stick up your thumb.
amthumbsdown g_mAllowThumbs Stick you thumb down.
ampunch g_mAllowPunch Make a punching move. Does not currently hurt the player.
amcrossarms g_mAllowCrossArms Crosses your arms. Use the g_mOnlySitOnGround cvar to only allow players to execute this move on the ground.
amlaugh g_mAllowLaugh Make a laughing movement.
amwave2 g_mAllowWave2 Make another wave movement.
amdontknow g_mAllowDontKnow Make a shrugging movement.
amcomeon g_mAllowComeOn Waves your arm in a 'come on' movement.
amtaunt2 g_mAllowTaunt2 Does another taunt movement.
amkneel g_mAllowKneel Makes you Kneel. Use the g_mOnlySitOnGround cvar to only allow players to execute this move on the ground.
amhandhips g_mAllowHandHips Makes you put your hands on your hips.
ampoint g_mAllowPoint Does a pointing gesture.
amscratch g_mAllowScratch Makes you scratch your head.
ambeg g_mAllowBeg Person gets on hands and knees. Use the g_mOnlySitOnGround cvar to only allow players to execute this move on the ground.
amcocky g_mAllowCocky Makes a pointing gesture at yourself.
amflip g_mAllowFlip Flips your light saber.
amtossback g_mAllowTossBack Throws your weapon behind you.
amtossover g_mAllowTossOver Throws your weapon off to the side.
amtossup g_mAllowTossUp Throws your weapon up in the air.
amwait g_mAllowWait Makes person put hands behind their back. Use the g_mOnlySitOnGround cvar to only allow players to execute this move on the ground.
amsurrender g_mAllowSurrender Puts your arms up in the air. Use the g_mOnlySitOnGround cvar to only allow players to execute this move on the ground.
mtele g_mAllowAdminTele Allows Admins to use the Teleport Command
mkick g_mAllowAdminKick Allows Admins to use the Kick Command
mkickban g_mAllowAdminKickBan Allows Admins to use the KickBan Command
morigin g_mAllowAdminOrigin Allows Admins to use the Origin Command
mreward g_mAllowAdminReward Allows Admins to use the Reward Command
mgametype g_mAllowAdminGameType Allows Admins to use the GameType Command
g_mAllowAdminLockTeam Allows Admins to use the Lock and Unlock Team Commands
mrandteams g_mAllowAdminRandTeam Allows Admins to use the Random Team Command
mforceteam g_mAllowAdminForceTeam Allows Admins to use the Teleport Command
mwhois g_mAllowAdminWhois Allows Admins to use the Whois Command
mstatus g_mAllowAdminStatus Allows Admins to use the Status Command
mslap g_mAllowAdminSlap Allows Admins to use the Slap Command
g_mAllowAdminEmpower Allows Admins to use the Empower and UnEmpower Commands
g_mAllowAdminTerminator Allows Admins to use the Terminator and UnTerminator Commands
g_mAllowAdminSilence Allows Admins to use the Silence and UnSilence Commands
g_mAllowAdminBunny Allows Admins to use the Bunny and UnBunny Commands
g_mAllowAdminPunish Allows Admins to use the Punish and UnPunish Commands
g_mAllowAdminVote Allows Admins to use the Vote and DenyVote Commands
g_mAllowAdminSleep Allows Admins to use the Sleep and Wake Commands
mrename g_mAllowAdminRename Allows Admins to use the Rename Command
mpsay g_mAllowAdminPSay Allows Admins to use the PSay Command
mshowmotd g_mAllowAdminShowMOTD Allows Admins to use the ShowMOTD Command
mtimescale g_mAllowAdminTimeScale Allows Admins to use the TimeScale Command
mexplode g_mAllowAdminExplode Allows Admins to use the Explode Command
mpsay g_mAllowAdminPSay Allows Admins to use the PSay Command
mhelp g_mAllowAdminHelp Allows Admins to use the Help Command
amlogin g_mAllowAdminLogin Allows Secondary Admins to use the Admin Commands
jklogin g_mAllowKnightLogin Allows Knights to use the Admin Commands

Damage CVars

Commands that can be used to control the damage certain moves do. Note that certain moves have a min and a max damage. The min damage is in the beginning and ending of the move the max damage is usually the middle of the move. Values are interpolated over the whole range of the move. As a rule of thumb the number of hp that will go off is about equal to half of the damage. Standard values are the normal JKII values.
CVar Description
g_mSaberDMGIdle Damage a saber does when idle.
g_KickDMGModifier Modifier for kick damage. Making this 1 leaves everything the same. Making this 2 does about double kick damage. Making this 0.5 does about half kick damage.
g_mSaberDMGThrow Damage a thrown saber does.
g_mSaberDMGThrowReturn Damage a thrown saber does on it's way back.
g_mSaberDMGRedNormalMin Min damage for normal red slashes.
g_mSaberDMGRedNormalMax Max damage for normal red slashes.
g_mSaberDMGRedDFAMin Min damage for the red Death From Above move.
g_mSaberDMGRedDFAMax Max damage for the red Death From above move.
g_mSaberDMGRedBackMin Min damage for the red backslash move.
g_mSaberDMGRedBackMax Max damage for the red backslash move.
g_mSaberDMGYellowNormal Normal damage for the yellow slash.
g_mSaberDMGYellowOverheadMin Min damage of the yellow downward slash.
g_mSaberDMGYellowOverheadMax Max damage of the yellow downward slash.
g_mSaberDMGYellowBackMin Min damage for the yellow backslash move.
g_mSaberDMGYellowBackMax Max damage for the yellow backslash move.
g_mSaberDMGBlueNormal Normal damage for the blue slash.
g_mSaberDMGBlueLungeMin Min damage for the blue lunge move.
g_mSaberDMGBlueLungeMax Max damage for the blue lunge move.
g_mSaberDMGBlueBackMin Min damage for the blue backstab move.
g_mSaberDMGBlueBackMax Max damage for the blue backstab move.

Message CVars

These CVars are custom messages that can be set for certain commands. This is what players see when a command is executed. Note that some commands allow the use of %s to be replaced with the affected player's name. Also note that in most CVars a \n can be used to insert an enter.
[Get's shown when using a command with the all keyword]
[Get's broadcast to everyone but the target of a command]
[Get's broadcast to the target of a command]
g_mMessageUnEmpowerEveryone g_mMessageUnEmpowerBroadcast g_mMessageUnEmpowerTarget
g_mMessageEmpowerEveryone g_mMessageEmpowerBroadcast g_mMessageEmpowerTarget
g_mMessageUnTerminatorEveryone g_mMessageUnTerminatorBroadcast g_mMessageUnTerminatorTarget
g_mMessageTerminatorEveryone g_mMessageTerminatorBroadcast g_mMessageTerminatorTarget
g_mMessageUnSilenceEveryone g_mMessageUnSilenceBroadcast g_mMessageUnSilenceTarget
g_mMessageSilenceEveryone g_mMessageSilenceBroadcast g_mMessageSilenceTarget
g_mMessageWakeEveryone g_mMessageWakeBroadcast g_mMessageWakeTarget
g_mMessageSleepEveryone g_mMessageSleepBroadcast g_mMessageSleepTarget
g_mMessageSlapEveryone g_mMessageSlapBroadcast g_mMessageSlapTarget
g_mMessageUnBunnyEveryone g_mMessageUnBunnyBroadcast g_mMessageUnBunnyTarget
g_mMessageBunnyEveryone g_mMessageBunnyBroadcast g_mMessageBunnyTarget
g_mMessageUnPunishEveryone g_mMessageUnPunishBroadcast g_mMessageUnPunishTarget
g_mMessagePunishEveryone g_mMessagePunishBroadcast g_mMessagePunishTarget
g_mMessageTeleEveryone g_mMessageTeleBroadcast g_mMessageTeleTarget
g_mMessageRewardEveryone g_mMessageRewardBroadcast g_mMessageRewardTarget
g_mMessageExplodeTarget g_mMessageExplodeBroadcast g_mMessageExplodeEveryone
g_mMessageForceTeamEveryone g_mMessageForceTeamBroadcast g_mMessageForceTeamTarget
g_mMessageVoteAllowEveryone g_mMessageVoteAllowBroadcast g_mMessageVoteAllowTarget
g_mMessageVoteDenyEveryone g_mMessageVoteDenyBroadcast g_mMessageVoteDenyTarget

Other CVars

CVar Description
g_mAdminPassword The password for the Jedi Academy Trainers.
g_mKnightPassword The password for the Jedi Academy Knights.
g_mPushItems If this is set to 1, Clients are able to Push/Pull all items.
g_mDebugCheats If this is set to 1, Clients are able to access hidden features in JK2.
g_mBlockThrow If this is set to 1, Clients are able to lose there thrown saber if blocked by opponent.
g_mNoDuelSuicide If this is set to 1, Clients are not able to \kill command during private duels.
g_mDuelStats If this is set to 1, Duelers are able to see stats after private duels.
g_mWelcomeMessage Shows custom welcome message in the console.
g_mHelpInfo This info aids clients on the server.
g_mLoggedInAdmin This displays custom message to client when they log in as an admin.
g_mNotLoggedInAdmin This displays custom message to client when they fail to log in as an admin and attempt to use a command.
g_mLoggedInKnight This displays custom message to client when they log in as an knight.
g_mNotLoggedInKnight This displays custom message to client when they fail to log in as an knight and attempt to use a command.
g_mMOTDContents The contents of the message of the day.
g_mMOTDShowTime The time to show the message of the day in milliseconds. So if you set this to 5000 the motd will get shown for 5 seconds (plus about 3 seconds of fading time).
g_mBunnyJumpPowerXY Sideward power of bunny jump.
g_mBunnyJumpPowerZ Upwards power of bunny jump.
g_mBunnyJumpChance Chance that someone who is a bunny will jump.
g_mSlapKnockDownTime Time someone who is slapped will lay on the ground.
g_mSlapPowerXY Sideward power of slap.
g_mSlapPowerZ Upwards power of slap.
g_mEmpowerShake If this is set to 1 then there will be an 'earthquake' whenever someone uses the mempower or mterminator command.
g_mDoubleSabersForAll values
0: No double sabers except for empowered users.
1: Double sabers for all users.
2: Switch to single saber from off. Switch to double saber from single saber. Switch to off from double saber.
g_mDoubleSaberEmpowered If this CVar is 1 then empowered client gets double bladed saber.
g_mPlayerDuelShield If this CVar is -1 then nothing changes. If it is between 0 and 200 on a duel start the players stats will be saved and the hp will become 100 and the shield will become g_mPlayerDuelShield units. After the duel the stats of the remaining player is restored. This should make duels a bit more fair.

Please see the enclosed academy.cfg file for an example.

Help for NPC commands

Command Type Alignment Weapon Model Sound Health Owner
0 = StormTrooper
1 = Rodian
2 = Jan
3 = Custom
1 = Bad
2 = Good
8 = Static NPC, Attacks ONLY when attacked
9 = NPC attacks ALL but Owner
0 = None
1 = Stun Baton
2 = LightSaber
3 = Bryar Pistol
4 = Blaster
5 = Disruptor
6 = Bowcaster
7 = Repeater
8 = Demp2
9 = Flechette
10 = Rocket Launcher
11 = Thermal Detonator
12 = Trip Mine
13 = Det Pack
Model path can be found in pk0.pk3 for use.
(example: /models
Sound path can be found in pk0.pk3 for use.
(example: /sound/chars/rodian/misc)
0 - 999
Playername or ID#
0 = StormTrooper
1 = Rodian
2 = Jan
3 = Custom
1 = Bad
2 = Good
8 = Static NPC, Attacks ONLY when attacked
9 = NPC attacks ALL but Owner
0 = None
1 = Stun Baton
2 = LightSaber
3 = Bryar Pistol
4 = Blaster
5 = Disruptor
6 = Bowcaster
7 = Repeater
8 = Demp2
9 = Flechette
10 = Rocket Launcher
11 = Thermal Detonator
12 = Trip Mine
13 = Det Pack
Model path can be found in pk0.pk3 for use.
(example: /models
Sound path can be found in pk0.pk3 for use.
(example: /sound/chars/rodian/misc)

Known bugs

  • When changing some message CVars you can use '%s' to add the player name to the message. When changing the message in the console however, the '%' becomes a '.' so the name won't be displayed. A workaround for this is to only change the values in the config and rerun it.
  • The am/jk commands need a '/' or '\' (without quotes) in front of them when executing. Else the command will be shown as a talk command to all players.
  • When sitting, crossing arms, kneeling, begging, surrender, or waiting on someone's head; Or on moving platforms a player will remain in the air and not fall down. You can use g_mOnlySitOnGround to only allow players to sit on the ground thus alleviating the problem.
  • When sitting, crossing arms, kneeling, begging, surrender, or waiting - the player will become invulnerable to attack, this is due to the nature of how these animations have been implemented and can not be changed unless client side code is changed.
  • When running a Non-Dedicated Server, and using the \map_restart command the server crashes - Workaround: Place the VM folder inside dummy.pk3 and reload the mod.

Special Thanks

My thanks go out to the following people:
  • Raven™ for making a truly great game
  • Thanks to the Jedi Academy for their great support.
  • Thanks go out to the Jedi Outcast community, for ideas and inspiration.
  • Finally, thanks to George Lucas, the true innovator of the Star Wars saga.


Use this mod on your own risk. I take no responsibility what so ever for anything that might happen when using it. The mod has been primarily tested in all modes and gameplays. The mod also has been tested on both Linux and Windows servers. This mod may not be distributed without including an unaltered copy of this readme.