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My name is Emma – Louise but people call me Em or Emmy. The first half of my name is from my Mum's Great Aunt and the second half is from Dad's side of the family... nearly every 2nd female in the family tree is named Louise!

That's me in the photo taken a few days after I started work at Coles.

My birthday is 29th March 1980 so that now makes me 24 years old! I feel a little older but not much considering my sister turns 16 this year and my brother is going to be 22.

I live in Maryborough Victoria... anyone who doesn't know where that is don't be too fussed as it isn't on all the maps! (Its about 3 hours drive out of Melbourne heading to the New South Wales border and about 4 hours drive to the South Australian border if that helps)

I live with my parents, Heiner and Jill as well as my sister, Sammi. I also have a brother, Brian who lives in Echuca with his girlfriend. At home we have 2 dogs (Giz and Ben) and 2 cats (Brody and Puss In Boots).

My Mum with me (this is the most recent photo I have of us together)

Without my Mum I wouldn't be here right now.

This wonderful and caring person has pulled me through a lot of rough stages in my life and watched me shine through the best parts. MUM, I LOVE YOU!!!

(If I had photos my Dad, Sister and Brother then with their permission I would have gladly have added them to this page)

I finished my V.C.E. (Year 12) in 1997 at Highview Christian Community College, Maryborough. I then went on to study Community Development at the Victorian University of Victoria in 1998 in St.Albans, Vic. but left after a year. Ended up doing my RSA and Food Handlers certificates at Chisholm Institute in 1999 in Frankston, Vic.

Before setting off for University I used to live in Dunolly (about 25 minutes from Maryborough) where the population was about 900 people. My parents used to own a Café called the Welcome Stranger Café where from the age of 9 I worked both after school and on weekends if I wasn't out riding my horses with friends.

Since leaving schooling in 1999 I have travelled to many places like Fiji, New South Wales and around Victoria. To Mum and Dad's disliking (or liking... I am unsure) I returned home after 5 years.

Now, I am a checkout chic for Coles in Ballarat and have been doing that for the last 4 months. Before i started working at Coles I was a checkout chic for Target in Newcastle, NSW, which I did for close to 3 years. I enjoy my job although at times it can become quite stressful.

I finally bought my own car after the first tax year of working. I bought myself a little '85 Toyota Corolla, which has served me well in the 2 years that I have had it. It made it to and from Newcastle a many times without fault and is still going! After my dear brother said that it couldn't and wouldn't do the trip the first time. There it is with the new Victorian plates on it. (front view & rear view)


There it is with the new Victorian plates on it. (front view & rear view)

Although I don't own the '98 Holden Commodore officially. The owner calls it “my car” as I drive it and make sure that it is in running order

Since being back home I have caught up with a lot of my old and dearest friends as well as kept in touch with new friends... work, on-line and from my travels around.

Susie Que and Clarebear taken the day i bought my FIRST car!


Susie Que and I have known each other since we were in Year 8 and although we have been through a lot we are still good friends. Clarebear and I met when she first moved to Dunolly with her parents and although we didn't really know each other until we played Netball together we have remained good friends to this day. To both of you, thank you for being my friends and supporting me (even if you disagreed).

James darling! What would I do without you?

We met in Talk City and have become very close. You are the greatest person that angels bought on this planet of ours. You make me smile and laugh hasn't happened in a long time.

I love you, James!

Steve (Coley) and me at my 21st which was held at his place.

One of my dearest and oldest friends is Steve (Coley) who regardless of where I am or what I am doing has been there for me throughout the whole time he has known me... since I was 16! This is the best friend that anyone could wish for!

Beautiful Cat (and her bf Mark)

This wonderful and beautiful person took me under her wing (although I am older than her)

when I first begun work at Target and has remained a very good friend despite the distance.

Cat, you are the best!

My other best buddy Tric at my 21st party.

Tric and I met at Uni in 1998. We had good laughs then and still do. I love you, Tric!



We met in Talk City many moons now and you are great at giving advice and understanding when needed. Without you I would be one lost and lonely chic!