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I hold on to my heart.....
Friday, 15 August 2003
This day is for you Mary.
Today i went to mass at 5:30 am in the morning. I slept early luckly, at 1 something.. I felt so bad, i couldn't stay up anymore. And no one could ever cheer me up from the people that were online that night anyways. So the only hope to clear my mind, and to feel the purity i was searching for was to talk to the Lord. I cried before i actually slept and it felt great to release everything out..

Mary, Mother, I didn't come today only because it was mandatory, I felt I been neglecting you. And I'm sorry. For you are also very important to me, your not only the one i turn to when i'm in pain, you my friend, my mother, my love. And I really can't believe I haven't talk to you in ages. *sighs* I'll try my best to talk to you more often. =)

------------------------------my AIM info....
May the lord hear my prayers.....

Dear God,
Help my friend the way that only you can do, I can't do it myself, i wish i could lord, but it won't help. The only way now, is to pray. Here i am, Lord. Down on my knee's praying you'll help my friend in there time in need. I need you to show my friend its not always going to be this way. Its jus a part of life. Please let my friend know, thats she's loved, and hugg her every day for me with your glourious powers.
Thank you, your daughter,
Lynda --

-----truthfully speaking--to all friends
You will always be more important to me then I am to myself.

Posted by oz/dyhnx at 2:54 PM EDT
Updated: Friday, 15 August 2003 5:55 PM EDT
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