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my, how the mighty have fallen!

fun things to check out when youre bored

deep thoughts
my sister's site
well, if you're gonna jump off the bridge anyway....
what's goin on with me (your god)
the page of my site where i get to bitch and moan

the little bastards i intend to kill first

okay, where do i go from here? i have typed in all of my information on this thing and now its expecting me to make some kind of speech or statement about somehting. this is the problem with websites, when youre setting it up youre not really sure what you want to say on it but everyone has one and that means you have to have one too otherwise you're not part of the technological human race. not that you should want to be anyway. yes, i have a website, its my little way of pretending that im communicating with the world when really, im not. and i have no intention to. i feel that the need to communicate with the rest of the world is highly overrated. we really have nothing of use to say anyway so what really is the point of communicating if nothing is accomplished by it? the word "fine" for instance, thats our answer for everything. "how are you?" "fine." "hows the wheather?" "fine." "hows the family?" "fine." yes, we get it, everything is fine. but we already knew that now didnt we? because we all say it. so whats the point in communicating with other people if you can predict that their answer will be "fine?" well, i havent got ananswer to that. i guess its because that question cant be answered with "fine." see what im saying? no? fine!
