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Welcome to my world! Wow you are really here, I have so been hoping that you would stop by and check out my site its not much but I like to call it "MY WORLD".....LOL! I wanted to make a web page about myself but I am having a hard time find things to put on here. I wanted this place to an interesting place with all kinds of info about all the things that I am interested in. Ok here we go I am interested in Vampires, I have been interested in them for sometime now. I am also interested in Wicca, there is so much to learn about this craft. I love to read Tarot card thanks to my dear friend in England that bought me my first deck. I am interested in haunted places, ghost, and anything that would make normal people pee their pants......LOL!!! I love to watch scary movies, as well as old Black and Whites. Yeah I know some combo. I love to play this game called Unreal Tournament G.O.T.Y. I have been into that since May of 2003.I am also into email pals, chat and snail mail. If you are interested in chatting, writing or email me please check out my info page. I love all kinds of music from contry to 50's, you name it I prob will like one of he songs from that group. Thank you for visiting my page at Angelfire. Please come back and visit again!


My Blog
Vampyres Only Website
Vampyric Lore, Fact and Fiction
My Info
