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Get the Update on Oplates!


OPLATES, the BEST service the Bureau of Motor Vehicles offers is tumbling downhill. The fearless Leader of this group has been absent and it shows.

Follow our investigation into the downfall of the State's premier service to consumers. Without the presence of their Leader, employees were lost, they played and eventually lost control.

Look at the way this employee kept track of her messages.......

This employee is in charge of giving the customers refunds and credit....

Is that your credit under her foot??

And this employee's desk at 8:00 AM.......

And at 8:10 AM

We are assuming he must have been looking for this.....

Ohhhh....but that isn't the only thing that is happening with your tax dollars.....

Recently an email from the Top had to be circulated because of these employees!

We did some research and this employee is NOT reading the Ohio Revised Code!

And we have no idea what she is doing here.........

We found so much going on, things we could not even explain.....

The Patrol almost had to be called in on this one, but the group got together and got things under control.....

But the calm didn't last......the Top Gun had to be called in......

Does anyone work in this section???????

All kidding aside Carol, this was created because

And we are anxious for you to return to this


Your Gang!