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There aren't that many rules you'll be glad to know :D

Okay, I've tried to be nice but there are far too many people stealing all my props, or the majority of them. So I'm saying now, please don't take any props from my dollmaker(s) at all. I edit a lot, make a lot, and crop/cut/recolour too many props for you to just take them. With the exception of any props which say '' on them, please don't use my images in your dollmaker. Of course, there are ways around the block code I've put on the page...if you're willing to get past the code, then I think it would take you at least 24 hours of solid work to take all my props. And no one, not even me, is prepared to put that much work into something like this. So I guess it's kinda fool-proof...for the majority of people at least ;)

If you put the dolls you make here on your web site, please link either to or the dollmaker. Thanks.
Direct linking (or hot linking) of props is not allowed at any time.

You have to have Internet Explorer (preferably version 5 or above). If anyone knows how to make dollmakers that work in Netscape, please tell me and I'll make them ;)
I made the dollmaker in a screen resolution of 800x600 which is preferrred, but not necessary. If you don't know what that means it doesn't matter :) Paint (a basic program found on most PCs) is needed, or any other program which enables you to take screenshots and crop images.

Using Paint
1. Place items together to create a doll.
2. Press 'Print Scrn' (next to F12 on most computers).
3. Open up Paint, and press 'Ctrl' and 'V' together.
4. Use the cropping tool (it looks like a dotted rectangle) to draw around your doll.
6. Copy your doll (right-click the mouse in the middle of the rectangle you just made and select 'Copy').
7. Paste it into a new file (don't save the other one).
8. Save your doll!

Using Paint Shop Pro
1. Place items together to create a doll
2. Click 'File' > 'Import' > 'Screen Capture' > 'Setup'
3. Under the 'Capture' heading, make sure 'Area' is selected, and press 'Capture now'.
4. PSP will then minimise and the dollmaker should show up. Right click your mouse and the cursor should turn into a cross.
5. Draw a box around your doll and then let go.
6. Your image will then show up in PSP, just save it!

Link to my Dollmaker
Want to link to this dollmaker on your site, especially if you like it or have made lots of dolls here? Why, thank you! Just use one of the codes below.

+ Click here to visit KuteKitten's Salon Doll Maker!+

Stats. Etc.
This dollmaker was made by me in March 2003.
New rule: Please don't steal any of my props.
Drag and drop script from
All images were created/edited using Jasc Paint Shop Pro 7 and Jasc Animation Shop 3. Go to for details.
If you are interested in: making your own dollmaker, editing props, colourising props, prop tips, finding other dollmaker links, or making transparent backgrounds for dolls, please go back to the 'Cartoon Dolls and Makers' section of my site and look there for tutorials.
Contact Jenni here
All props are from the Palace and other smaller sites whose permission I got to use them.
If you recognise any of these props as your own (which you shouldn't), please let me know.

1. How do you make dollmakers?
Look it up in my Cartoon Dolls or Tutorials section :)

2. How long does it take you to make a dollmaker?
At least 10-15 hours because I try to do everything carefully and I only pick out props I like, to edit, which can make it a long job.

3. Where do you get your props? A number of different cartoon doll sites, I go through about 50 of the biggest and best to get a wide range of props.

4. I have a layering problem (props won't go over other props etc...) There shouldn't be any layering problems any more, I've tried to fix them all ;) If you have a problem with heads going over the top of bodies instead of under, use the heads at the bottom of the page instead of the top.

5. I've made some dolls on your dollmaker, can I send them to you? Sure, just e-mail me with them. Remember to leave your site address if you want to be linked.

6. What will you do to people who take your props? Kill them.

7. Can I send you some props? Erm...I don't really like people sending's a nice gesture but most of the time they are either a) of bad quality or b) I already have them in ONE of my dollmakers ;) I also hate opening attachments because I'm paranoid about viruses :P

8. Will you make a _____ type dollmaker? It takes me forever to make a dollmaker, but I do have a list of ones I plan to add, just give some time yeah?

9. Will you make me a doll/dollmaker? If you want a doll, then that's what the maker's for. I don't make stuff for people because it's too time consuming, sorry :D

10. Some images show up as red crosses/ I can't move the images Refresh the page (press the 'F5' button), or come back at a later time.

Got a question that's not answered here? E-mail me.