



Quiet Reflection by AineRose

The words drifted off with the breeze, fluttering and swirling with the leaves. She shivered. Thanksgiving-y coldness nipped at her, and she wrapped her arms around her body in a futile attempt to ward off the stinging cold.


Her voice was soft, and broke slightly at the end of words, and sentences. Constant tears and sobs had dehydrated her, and her voice was hoarse. She didn’t cry now, she just stared at the leaves on the ground.

It was magical, she decided; how they were snatched up by the light wind and twirled together in an endless whirlwind; how they danced in the breeze. Until it suddenly disappeared and they dropped to the floor, lifeless, hopeless.

There was a little pond in Giles’ courtyard. A small fountain led out to an ornamental pool on the patio. There was no life in the pond; only fungus inhabited it. The water was murky brown, polluted by rainwater and choked by dead leaves and other vegetation.


Buffy was beside her, hand gently touching her shoulder. A worried look crossed her face, and Willow saw resignation, too.

“No luck?” she asked, trying vainly to muster up some brightness. Buffy shook her head. Angel was gone. They had both known that before she had gone to look for him.

Inside, a syphilis-free Xander was heading up the party, obviously taunting Spike, from the sounds they heard outside. Lights flickered around them. The courtyard was silent, dark. Buffy rested her head on her shoulder and squeezed her hand, and looked into the pond with her. A sad peace settled between them, and neither of them spoke for a while, quietly drawing strength from the other’s pain.

Finally, Buffy stood up straight, squeezed her shoulder, offered a small smile, and moved away from her. When she was at Giles’ door, she turned around to look at Willow. The closing darkness settled around her, and stars made their way out.

“He’s on his way back, Will. I can feel it.”

And then she was gone.

Willow turned back to face the water. In her reflection she saw herself, tired and pale. Behind her, she saw Oz. Right behind her right shoulder- left shoulder in the reflection- where Buffy had stood only moments ago. He reached up to stroke her hair and she felt nothing.

Her heart broke, and she would have sobbed if she could. Thrown herself onto the ground and cried until her heart shrivelled up and she died. But she didn’t have the energy, so she only let one tear escape.

She didn’t sob aloud, or scream, or wail; that lone tear tracked down her face silently. That one drop held all her pain, all her anger, all her fear, and she felt it trail down her cheek until it reached her chin and fell. It dropped into the murky water, right where Oz’s heart was reflected, and their bodies were distorted. Ripples moved out from it to erase his reflection, and all that was left was a sad, lonely girl.

With one tear that night, she cried an ocean of pain.


| Site © AineRose | Layout © Darkmis29 |