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Batterie Intro

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Brief History Of Batteries
Basic operation Of Battery
Nickel-Based Cells
Lithium-Based Cells
Wet Cell Battery

Batteries are one of the most important objects in our everyday lives. Clocks have them (better than a sundial!), smoke detectors have them (but some people don't know that the battery needs to be replaced, so check your detector's battery before you go to another page!), your remote control for your T.V. has one (beats walking to the T.V.!), even your computer has one (of you didn't know that already!). In short, batteries make life so much easier. Take, for example, your car. Most people don't even think twice about starting their car, unless it doesn't start, they just turn the key, and away the car goes. Now just think about this... how easy it to turn a key? Not too bad. Now try doing the work that your car battery does, crank the engine yourself! "Yuk!" I can hear people saying, "wouldn't that mean that I have to stand outside in the pouring rain after going shopping all day at the mall?" So there you have it.