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~top fives~

(i have been looking for a good way to use these)

Top five free roaming animals:

1. Antelope

2. Gazelle

3. Squirrel 

4. turkey

5. buffalo


top five favorite black haircuts:

1. corn rows

2. afro

3. jerry curls

4. perm

5. weave


top five favorite adam sandler movies:

1. happy Gilmore

2. billy Madison

3. anger management

4. water boy

5. mr. deeds


top five things frank has done involving excretion of body fluids:

1. shit while he was in a tree

2. wrote his name with shit

3. took piss while riding his bike

4. shit on pad

5. mixed shit with power aid and offered it too crystal and crystal puked


top five ways to kill a dog:

1. drag it from the back of your car

2. rat poison on genitals

3. no food

4. flush down the toilet

5. break its neck (with garden tool…preferably a rusty hoe)


top five TV shows (from the 60s/70s) made into a movie:

1. chariles angels

2. lost in space

3. batman

4. S.W.A.T.

5. brady bunch


top five worst TV shows (from the 60s/70s) made into movies:

1. chariles angels

2. lost in space

3. batman

4. S.W.A.T.

5. brady bunch


top five things not digested by the human body:

1. gum

2. corn

3. peanuts

4. metal (coins, aluminum foil, copper wire, exc.)

5. glass


top five reasons to stay home from school:

1. school is gay

2. you get to sleep in

3. can watch tv when normaly you would be miserably doing work

4. you can go poop with the bathroom door open

5. you can clean


top five reasons why not to stay home from school:

1. its boring

2. your alone

3. you cant go out because the cops will bring you to school

4. you find out that something cool happened at school and you missed it because you were home

5. make up work


top five bike companies:

1. Sick Child

2. quamen

3. ares

4. ronin

5. WeThePeople


top five instruments used for writing:

1. pen

2. pencil

3. crayon

4. feather and ink

5. sheep’s blood


top five metals:

1. aluminum

2. steel

3. chromoly

4. titanium

5. lead


top five cancers:

1. testical

2. skin

3. lung

4. breast

5. brain


top five reasons to go to the mall:

1. shopping

2. hang out

3. shop lift

4. piss off janitors

5. watch mall rats sit around


top five black related activities:

1. basket ball

2. break dancing

3. rapping

4. pickin de fro

5. stealing bikes


top five things to do on mischief night:

1. vandalize mail boxes

2. poop in paper bags and put in peoples yards

3. egging


5. spray paint


top five light fixtures:

1. candelabra

2. lamp

3. chandelier

4. car head light

5. the light inside of the refrigerator


top five carnival rides:

1. ferris wheel

2. gravitron

3. roller coaster

4. musik express

5. Merry-go-round


top five ways to kill your self

1. slit your throat

2. hang your self

3. overdose on tylonal

4. eat shit

5. fuck someone with aids and wait a couple of years


top five stores at consumer square:

1. best buy

2. target

3. staples

4. odd job

5. dollar tree


top five bones to break:

1. feamer

2. wrist

3. scull

4. ankle

5. toe


top five causes of paralysis:

1. bucked off of a horse

2. hit by car

3. fall out of a tree

4. drugs

5. house bursts into flames for no reason and your inside


top five ways to get money:

1. get a job

2. ask mom

3. ask stranger

4. sell organs

5. become prostitute and stand on a street corner


top five commodities made from trees:

1. Ply wood

2. paper

3. pencils

4. apple sause

5. tooth picks


top five best uses for cows:

1. milk

2. meat

3. cheese

4. dress up and make look pretty

5. manure


top five activities to do with a blind child:

1. listen to radio

2. piñata

3. pin the tail on the donkey

4. story time

5. feed there seeing eye dog chocolate


top five tools that can be used to remove body parts:

1. hedge clipers

2. knife

3. butter knife

4. hack saw

5. band saw


top five countrys:

1. usa

2. Canada

3. italy

4. England

5. turkey


top five presidents:

1. Franklin Roosevelt

2. George Washington

3. bill Clinton

4. Abraham Lincoln

5. JFK


top five TV channels

1. Comedy central

2. cartoon network

3. MTV

4. spikeTV

5. HBO


top five web sites:







top five computer programs made for graphic design:

1. adobe Photoshop 6.0 (7.0 sucks)

2. Jasc paint shop pro 8

3. Macromedia flash MX professional

4. AutoCAD

5. Macromedia fire works MX professional


top five sub shops

1. subway

2. white house subs

3. sugar hill subs

4. atlantic city sub shop

5. wawa


top five bad words

1. fuck

2. shit

3. cunt

4. ass

5. hell


top five ass holes:

1. Mr. Shiner

2. MS. Farnsworth

3. kevin

4. matt

5. duble


top five things dubles nipples look like:

1. gadoraid lid

2. derby  hat

3. tap light

4. pyramid

5. deflated balloon


top five reasons to live in Mays Landing:

1. the mall

2. the pad

3. the people

4. the good Chinese restaurants (best food in town, china may, exc.)

5. all the flatlanders


top five reasons to go to ocean city:

1. The atmosphere

2. the hott girls to mess with

3. more people to ride with

4. super fresh

5. the board walk


top five places to get kicked out of in town (Mays Landing):

1. gazebo

2. st. vincent’s

3. the pad

4. wawa parking lots

5. tennis courts


top five things to do with cologne:

1. light on fire

2. put on dead animal and then light on fire

3. spill

4. wear

5. buy


top five Most annoying stores in the mall:

1. spencers

2. lids

3. the shoe dept. (the one next to habitat)

4. that stupid leather store

5. the gap


top five ways to make friends:

1. start a new job

2. go to school

3. talk to random people

4. make fun of fat kids in a humorous way

5. volunteer work


Top five reasons why a high school diploma is useless:

1. Anyone in there right minds can get a god damn job easy as that (even an autistic kid from Germany)

2. fast food restaurants

3. its not hard to feed a family with the money you make from your shitty job

4. you might be confident about winning the jack pot on your lottery ticket

5. you might want to live with your parents your whole life


top five holidays:

1. Halloween

2. Christmas

3. thanks giving

4. Easter

5. Independence Day


top five favorite words:

1. Grundle

2. douche

3. cunt

4. niggies

5. tampon


top five favorite things to do during a black out:

1. ride bike around neighbor hood in the dark

2. play board game

3. order pizza

4. listen to music

5. feed cat


top five things to bet money on:

1. horse racing

2. grey hound raceing

3. some one eating something realy nasty

4. casino gambling  

5. if Jesus exists


top five things to waist money on:

1. auto graphed picture of a celebrity

2. bad paintings from the early 19th century

3. a surgery for a pet witch cost 5 time more then the pet did

4. homeless people

5. really nice cars that just sit in your garage that you only drive once a month


top five places to find a dollar:

1. hanging out of vending machine

2. your moms purse

3. in a pair of pants

4. under the bed

5. in your wallet


top five reasons not to have a girlfriend:

1. more free time with out them

2. more money for you

3. you don’t have to talk on the phone (unless you choose to)

4. you don’t have to worry about making them sad

5. you can fart and not be embarrassed or act like it was someone walking by


top five things to find under the couch:

1. dog shit

2. nickels

3. toy shark

4. old piece of cheese

5. pretzels


top five things to do when alone:

1. watch movie

2. take nap

3. wish you were with a friend

4. use computer

5. ride bike


top five things to do before work:

1. take shower

2. get dressed

3. talk on phone

4. talk to friends

5. go to town


top five things to do on a day off:

1. hang with friends

2. listen to music

3. ride bike

4. eat dinner

5. think about what I should buy with all the money I have


top five ways to get a girl to hate you:

1. call them fat repeatedly

2. be really sarcastic when hold a conversation with them

3. tell them that they smell and when they say “oh, stop joking hahahahaha” ………say “no im fucking dead serious you smell like cat shit or something”

4. insist on the fact that her mother has a beard

5. when she askes you for money that she can borrow/have tell her that you have money but you wouldn’t give it to her skanky ass if she needed it to live


top five things to do before dieing:

1. jump from airplane

2. visit japan

3. get a large sum of money to spend freely

4. get married/have children

5. start my own business


top five reasons to not smoke crack:

1. makes you see things

2. not healthy

3. eventually kills you

4. look at whitney Houston

5. makes your children small and withered


top five reasons to not go to a baseball game:

1. baseball is gay

2. you could get hit in the head with a base ball

3. food is over priced

4. you have loosers sitting all around you

5. most of the time you can barly see the players


top five reasons oakcrest is black:

1. the school mascot does the harlem shake

2. you cant walk down the hall way without seeing an afro

3. even the punks use black slang

4. most of the school population is black

5. a lot of white people sport a black hair cut because they saw black people with them (and thats the only reason why)


top five flamible liquids:

1. any hair care products

2. perfume

3. gasoline

4. carosine

5. oil


top five good qualities of Harrison (for the ladys):

1. nice

2. no one  realy hates Harrison

3. he doesn’t discriminate

4. insults don’t faze him

5. he thinks everything is funny even if it’s a dumb joke
