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      : Pros :

- Bam Margera
- Rodney Mullen
- Willy Santos
- Tony Hawk
- Vinny Pontay

       : Pictures :

- Vert Ramps
Flat Ground
- Other

     : links :

- email me
- lively surf
three days grace!
smile empty soul!
- antisocial!


Welcome to..

welcome to the Funks Skate Shack! this is my site about skateboarding! since its my favorite thing to do, i thought i would make a site on it! this is a pretty basic site, with a forum, and shit like that. it will have a skate discussion, and hopefully some other cool stuff too. thanks for coming and enjoy the site

This is my updates section!

::-: UPDATES!:-::

Wednesday, September 3rd, 2003

Now now now this is my first update! im building the site! i hope you like the layout! and be sure to check out my friends site is about halo! and the new game coming out, HALO 2! i cant wait for it. im gonna get my xbox repaired so i can play it! any how check out his site by clicking here!  Thats it for now boys and girls! i hope you like the site! I am now pronouncing this site in buisiness! cha ching! Bye bye boys and girls! ~funk

Copyright 2003 (Funks Skate Shack).

all rights reserved

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- Tagboard
- Forum
- Coming soon
- Coming soon
- Coming soon
- Coming soon
- Coming soon

  : More Pros! :

- Coming soon
- Coming soon
- Coming soon
- Comgins soon
- Coming soon
- Coming soon
- Coming soon

: Pic of da week!:

  Click to enlarge!