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DarkSkies Fire & Ice is devoted to just random things that we came up with, and... we don't know what else. Oh yes there are two of us making this website one Millie (aka Fire) and Mauro (aka Ice). Millie is a pyro and Mauro is.... not. He likes ice though. Mauro also has a pen. Clap for Mauro. Okay moving on... Yes the people making this ARE insane.

By the way a warning to people that hate pink and stuff don't go to the website it is a very creepy site and pink and we would not recomend going to it. Also dont go to the site

Ignore Mauro he's odd. And cracking up.

STOP LOOKING AT ME okay heres the keyboard Mauro *hands him the keyboard*

Thank you Millie! (she is even odder...) Well me an my communist sheep are here, *Millie takes over the keyboard* PENGUINS ARE TAKING OVER THE WORLD I SWEAR THEY ARE!!!!!!!!!!!! *hands the keyboard back* Penguins are nice, but sheep are better, YES EVEN BETTER THAN COWS CARL! anyways... Millie is starting to act weird again, and telling me what to type... And Lauren who is sitting behind me is just acting very........ special.

*Millie has taken over again* Okay LETS see I'm done now, what about you Mauro? Yes um............................ lets see, well I just wanted to say that.... I have a dream! Ok I'm done!

AND I DON'T HAVE A DREAM! Well now go look to the left and click the little link things. Thanks for your wasted time!

Oh and if no one gets why the site is called DarkSkies Fire & Ice thats because we don't get it too. We also don't get half the stuff we write. Its most likely a random mess of inside jokes and.... random stuff. But we really have no clue.