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Time for quotes that sometimes I don't even understand.

"Love me coffee love me!"

"Okay the idiot in the Viking hat made this work."

"I'm on chocolate."

"Oh that was bad I'm a bad bad bad person."

"Its like talking to a wall only you get more from a wall."

"We will defend it with our very lifes."
"Yes we will defend it with his very life."

"Nobody cares you little monkey." "Oh really? Because I'm flashing back to Xander's whole bathroom speach."

"That was nifty."

"I can feel it. My soul. Its really there... kinda stings."

"It's just Jabari, beat him up."

"Its bigger than my body!"

"Today has been a long week."

"Wait! Wait! I made it I want to trash it!"

"its good to look on the bright side, that way you get a suntan."

"Its supposed to be purple... but its dying.."

"Idiocity is a common thing in males."

"Can I sit down? My butt hurts... he kicked it."

"Don't die! I'm to young for you to die!"

"Yeah I want to like decapitate you with a piece of paper."

"Tell them,"
"I just did."

"Warning dangerous person, will bite."

"Did I just hear Millie say it doesn't make sense?"

"Your mumbling and people mumbling in Italian accents are funny."

"Stop and smell the peaches." - Mauro

"You gotta love them undead peaches."


"Scieantist they're brilliant but easily confused."

"You naughty boys, you sank my battleship."

"I was scouring the audience, and I found this. What does it make you think?"
"I think... I'm asleep. You can practicaly see my brain through my nostrils!..."

"All squirrels are rabid."

"With all the power the stic-dudith hath you are crazy..."

"You say psycho like its a bad thing."

"Me fail English? Thats unpossible."

"Yes I am mean... fear me."

"You got big eyes."

"She's doing the twitchy freaky eye thing."

"I'm a red sea monster."
"Oh yeah well I'm a hot pink poodle!"

"I'm a hot pink goat!"

"The mutant bubbles will rule us all."

"I'm just a figment of your imagination."

"I think your mom thinks I'm freaky."

"Hey quote lady, wake up."

"My knew started randomly hurting and throbbing."
"Maybe because I kicked you."

"The servant we never asked for."

"Now I learned my alphabet, I learned it from my scrable set."

"You go through half the year borrowing a pencil."
"More like a forth but whatever."

"Hey look its a demonic Malik."
"He's always demonic."

"Don't you know who I think I am?" "My quote is, thats not my quote, thats it? My quote is thats not my quote. Hey stop typing this isn't funny."

"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh thats the quote."


"Oh and least but not last..."

"Its not more than that... Buffy.... Buffys."

"Is she talking to herself again?"

"Did you know Ben is Glorie?"

"Grumpy old men... thats funny."

"When exactly did you get stupid?"

"Hey I remember you, you're the original slayer that tryed to kill us all in our dreams... how've you been doing?"

"The only thing worse than not talking to someone is not talking to someone and they pull your hair to ask you WHY you're not talking to them."

"Don't you hate it when people say 'pacific' instead of 'specific'? Unless they are refering to an ocean..."

"Are you mad?"
"Define mad... or maybe I could... hm... demonstrate?"

"You know it's really nasty to chew on nails... especially when they're not your own."

"Look at this special ed remembers."

"What would you do for a Klondike bar?"

"Its not a threat, its a promise."

"My eye is closed but its not."

"I understand."
"Said the moron."

"Did you know that all people are crazy, but only the really crazy people are crazy enough to admit that they're crazy?"

"Whats the name of the movie?"

"What do you want to eat?"
"What kind of food?"
"Be more specific."
"Okay, VERY good food."

"Fuzzy Wuzzy WAS a bear. Fuzzy Wuzzy HAD long hair. Fuzzy Wuzzy made a racket, So I used him for my jacket!"

"I want to fly like a fruitfly."

"I want to FRY like a fruitfly."

"You know, when they said 'hit them where it hurts'... I don't think that's what they meant... but I guess that works too."

"Once my dog had worms!Heres a fudge pop!"

"I know the answer its... its... oh don't rush me... its... Baghdad!"

"I'm not crazy I just lack sanity."

"As a matter of fact, I DO own the road!"

"Your just jelous because the voices only talk to me."

"He is ugly... He makes me twitch."

"Some people are so nosey you feel like breaking their nosey."

"Is everyone here very stoned?"

"You made it pointy."

"Uh-oh I think you broke her."

"Do you have any quotes you'd like to share with us? I have a pen and a index card."

"Now you're arguing with the glue..."

"A box is like a life of chocolates."

"Dance dance lalala."

"Save me Jebus!"

"I'm insane, whats you excuse?"

"ITs the thought that- oops."

"AH! My bum is cold."

"If its the thought that counts, why do we have to do math on paper?"

"My name is charlie,
I drive a harely,
I make five dollars a day,
I go to Burger King,
I buy a whopper,
They take my five dollars away."

"I like being smacked..."

"Alls I did was reply to a question you never asked?"

"Great now I sound like a three year old."

"Odd. You neve know who Dumbledore will hire next."

"I go by many names."

"Okay when I'm marvaling at the immaturaty you should be scared."

"I didn't ask to be all crazy."

"Its time? Like time, time? Like timely time?"

"She's the decendant of a toaster oven."

"i love you like a korean kid loves rice!"
"KATE I just Love you No Kidding."

"Yay I'm home and I wasn't attacked by a squirrel!"

"No piece of paper can be folded in half more than 7 times."

"Donkeys kill more people annually than plane crashes."

"The first product to have a bar code was Wrigley's gum."

"Apples, not caffeine, are more efficient at waking you up in the morning."

"Lets voted off Ryan Seacrest instead."

"remember me? I saw you in the window the other day... night.. whatever..."

"No American in this whole world is that annoying."

"How could you do this to me man? You were my sire, you were my.... Yoda!!"

"Oh my god we hit a boot!"
"Where's the foot?"

"Hello Clarice.. are you Clarice? Good. I've been watching you Clarice... I KNOW WHAT YOU DID LAST SUMMER!!!"

"I know what you did last Halloween."

"Party in my eyesocket everyones invited! I should not speak words."

"Before you die you see the ring."

"...We get these pills to swallow, how they stick in your throat, tastes like gold... how does he know it tastes like gold?"

"Was he proud of you?"
"He was," long dramatic pause "freaked out at me."

"I got to scream, and yell, and march, and carry a fake little plastic.... thing, and die, and yell some more, and and and...."

"HELLO person."

"She got mad at him and punished me."

"I don't talk to myself, I talk to a computer, there's a differance."

"She's wiping an invisible windshield."

"Coool... you look like a marshmellow."


"She's a packet of fireworks today."

"It's headbang season already?"

"You got squidgy cheeks and she has wiggly cheeks."

"Yes, the battle markers of life."

"Can't sleep... clowns will eat me."

"Of course I'm real. I walks. I talk. I shop. I sneeze."

"Give it up once again for Sunnydale's crack police force."

"Oh, sorry, its just so hard to see what's going on with your big head in the way."

I can't believe you were going to kill me! Of all the nerve."

"You're not insane are you?"

"Boredom makes me think of ice cream, but then I start thinking too hard and I have to stop."

"It smells funny in here."

"Think happy thoughts... think Spike."

"I will not give into the force of Star Wars."

"I'm blind at heart."

"I hate it when they drown me."

"Your not helping..."
"I know, I feel sick."

"How come your eye twitches when I say Faith?"
"No it doesn't."

"I love you magic bone."

"Strange days, indeed."

"Uh-oh, you have but-face... you look like you are gonna say 'but'."

"My personal concept for the character can be best described as if Betty White and the Dell Computer guy had a baby, that would be Andrew."

"Everybody like the Tom Lenk."

"I think Jim needs a more interesting name. Lets call him... Schmidty firefly."

"I resent the decaff remark."
"I'm sorry your very caffinated."

"Listen to me, man, I've got a bad feeling about this."
"Say, you all didn't happen to do a bunch of drugs, did ya?"
"Something more? Implying what?"

"Yeah it was great... I felt like I was there."

"I would just like to fly with Danny."


"There's a prom picture I'd like to see."

"What are you laughing at?"

"However back to the evil boyband concept..."

"Yeah Adam threw me up against the wall... it broke the wall."

"It was weird. They weren't even shooting. Came up to him and clocked him in the jaw."

"I don't know if these are embarassing but these are painful moments..."

"Jim cat there you go."

"Yeah we're cracking up the camara man..."

"When the worlds about to end you might as well take a hike."

"I think... I think if I say they would break my thumbs."

"Being a nerd is a badge of honor."

"Nerds all the way to the bank."

"Have fun talking to yourself."
"I will."

"music to the deaf."

"I need a saga! Whats the saga?! Its songs for the deaf! You can't even hear it!"

"Two glass eyes."

"If he has more hair gel than I, I don't know how well that will work out..."

"I'm gonna get freeeee..."


"I can see why bum is in your screen name."

"When did you come up with your screen name?"
"I dunno prob. when i was sleeping in math class."

"Can YOU see why kids like Cinnamon Toast Crunch?"

"I dispise you in many ways." - Mauro

"Lemony fresh!"

"What is this called again?"

"Who am I again?"

"Whats my age again?"

"All guys are a bunch of idiots."

"Now with better lemon flavor."


"Buffy? Nice girl, not to bright."

"Your hair's not even black anymore."

"How many quotes have you quoted me when I wasn't looking?" - Mauro

"I have swimmers ear!"

"I'm drownin'! In footwear!..."

"Thank-you lord."
"Your welcome."

"Have we lost yet?"

"What am I? Like a target here?"

"I remember when Bradley was shorter..."

"I am an idiot!!"

"I confuse me."

"That's funny. Its a guy that started it."

"Am I paranoid or am I just stoned?"

"Sometimes I give myself the creeps."
"Only sometimes?"

"How do you outgrow music?"

"Talk later run now."

"Dumb moose, Dib, dumb like a moose."

"Cows are attacking... take cover... we're all going to die."

"All your base are belong to us."

"Smoking kills. If you're killed you've lost a very important part of your life."

"Mmmmm. Hot Pockets."

" you don't, not, dislike, not, Strong Bad."

"You've been doing this for three hours. THREE HOURS!" - Mauro

"Would you stop talking for a moment, I'm about to be killed by a rock. A shell, whatever. A shell that happens to have powers... YES I KILLED THE ROCK!"

"Here they come again. Ah jibblie jibblie."

"Thank you for not quoting me. Thanks."

"Okay sorry getting killed by slugs is getting me mad."

"Okay can you stop quoting me?"

"Which makes me sound pathetic. Which I am. Sorta okay not really!"

"You know these girls are kinda pathetic- OH CRAP I'M GETTING KILLED! Oh and thats not a quote for you to quote."

"You are what you eat."

"If at first you don't succed... skydiving is NOT for you. Example please."

"I am questioning my sanity."
"What sanity."

"Exactly, whats wrong with us quoting your funny jokes?" - Mauro

"Hyperize me Cap'n."

"LETS GET THIS PARTY STARTED...." *falls asleep*

"If it's RED cheese... why is it ORANGE?!"

"Thats My secret and I'm not telling."

"Good girl for getting you highlights green."

"Well Bart, we've learned that war is not the answer."
"Except to all of America's problems."

"I am the deliberate outsider; I don't want to be in anyone's club. It doesn't matter if I go on the H.O.R.D.E. Tour, Ozzfest, the Warped Tour or the Habby-Flabby-Babby tour. I want to be the turd in the punchbowl."

"There was some guy trying to heckle us before we walked out. He was a fool-- I have a P.A."

"Everybody knows your insane."

"Leave a message or live."

"A drug problem that never existed."

"But I don't think we can learn anything from County Crows, do you?"
"Yeah... how bad dreads look on white people."

"If you are down here you are stupid." "Imagination is more important than knowledge." (Albert Einstein said that)

I'm done.

...and the circus leaves town.