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Yes... well.... this is where I will put all my plans, that Millie doesnt aprove of... HEY I WANT TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD TOO!!!! Okay well... Then Ill put my plans to take over the world here, and my other plans to ruin Larrys life! But Lary was my guinea pigs name!!!!!! Well um... due to that we will use Larrys real name... Hyu! ...thats a funky name... Its vietnamese... now for the plans!

World Domination Plan #1

Ok so I buy a personal plane, and remote control fly it into a lake, then saying I survived I sew (*clears throat* sue) .... yeah anyways... I SUE the company and get lots and lots of £££ (this being all in UK) then I will buy my own private Island, and build a big base, and peacefully invade the world!

How do you peacefully take over the world?!

That information is classified, and If I told you I would have to make you get into a pool of pepto bismal! (Hyu) so yeah...

Huh? No ones gonna get what you just said, you know this right? RIGHT?! RIGHHHHHHT?????!!!!

I do not care! now!

World Domination Plan #2.5t774578

What happened to the rest of it? Thats none of your business! Anyways...

I will borrow lots of money from Hyu, which I know he will gladly give me! How do you know that? I don't trust people with odd names therfore I don't trust myself or any of my rp characters! Oh by the way go on... ok..... fine I'll borrow it from Mark... Anyways... I will then buy a small farm in New Zealand, and buy all the sheep in New Zealand, which I will then take them all to downtown Tokyo, and make a big global distraction, while that is happening, I will go to China, and take all the Pandas, and run back to New Zealand, which I will trade 1 panda for 1 country, and soon I'll have all the world! ....oookay.... thats just...not right....

yeah... well anyways...

World Domination Plan #3

I will get elected to be president of México, and be ruler of México, and be ruler of México untill my 6 year term ends, and while im in power, I will dream that I had have tooken (*clears throat again* I think He means taken...) .... ok thats getting anoying Mrs. Grammar Okay dude if your gonna try to make a comeback or something at least spell annoying right. ............................... grrr you! Anyways... go on I'm watching... ... I will dream that I had have taken over the world, and arrest Millie! *growls* at least I can spell annoying and taken and sue unlike you. ..... grr you! you... you.... annoying taken sueing person! Why thanks! Yes well I will try to ignore her now... Its kinda hard because I grab the keyboard from you before you can go on and stuff.... but anyways go on with your W.D. plan! fooey! well Im done with this one, I will now say I'm* because Millie is going to say something! I already did... thats why you fixed it... okay is that all out of all your W.D. plans?

Yeah... for now, I need to talk to Mark, and Max to figure some more out! Well they were kinda lame... hopefully you come up with better ones later! Of course they are lame! Oh SO modest...

Plan to ruin Hyu's life... still say its a funky name... oh well...

yeah.. well.. anyways... (which you probably have heard a million times already, because I say it every time Millie interrupts me! ) Oh hush. yeah... well.. anyways...

Hyu's Life Ruining Plan #1

Wait does that mean you have more than one?...oh well...

Yeah.... I devote my life to ruin Hyu's life! You have a very stupid life plan then.... yeah.... well.... anyways... I'm gonna start counting how many times you say that... uh...huh..... anyways... When we get back to school in less than one month... I get back to school on the 31st or so... HAHA Well I get two weeks off in October unlike you. grr you! anyways... I will get Sarah, and Mark, and Nikole, and Marc and I LOVE YOU CD SHARD! ok...... that was random.... Hmmmm I think I hear pyscho playing... ..... anyways... nope its Chop Suey! ...yeah yeah I'll try to stop...not but go on anyways. ..... Ok so Sarah isnt going to be in this, I dont know why I even mentioned her, and then we will get Nikole to go to RJ, and tell him something, and I dont know, ok this is pointless, did I mention Millie is evil? Ok thats all! I'm quitting writing plan! I knew I was didn't have to mention it. Why you quiting? Can't think of anything? Thats happned to me in fact it happened to me when I was trying to write chapter 2 to Welcome To My Afterlife yesterday... Im getting a headache Yeah me too... I need advil... but my advil was stolen.... uh.... *whistles and gets away from Millie* I KNOW WHAT YOU DID COME BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACKKKKKKKK *chases Mauro* *Runs and hides*

Anyways this page is done