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Disclaimer: I do not own the characters created in the movie "The Lost Boys." I will not make any money off of these characters or this story as I am just posting it online. As for the characters not in the movie but in my story I did create myself so don't you be stealin' my ideas. That is of course the characters Timandra, Serafine, Treat, and Tobias etc.

It was getting closer to the end of the school, which couldn't be too soon in Sam's opinion. But Sam was more looking forward to Timandra's return. She had been gone for about a month now. Sam had just received a call from her the previous day and she said that she was coming back. He'd had time to forgive Timandra for lying to him. He knew she only did it because Treat threatened her. Sam was hoping that if he asked Timandra to go to the prom with him that she would agree. When she had left things between them weren't so good. He just hoped their time apart would have helped their relationship. Sam then began to think about what Treat had said to him a while back. He warned Sam that he and his family would soon have to move. Treat had somehow managed to "prove" that Gramps did not own the land. And what really got to Sam was that all the students were so jazzed up that the Mayor was going to be a guest at the prom.
The Frog brothers sat on the front steps of Santa Carla High. They noticed that the heat had intensified drastically from the day before. An unsuspected heat wave had hit Santa Carla. Neither boy had found a date for the prom. Of course not that they cared about that kind of thing. Although secretly Edgar wished that he had someone to go with and so did Alan. Neither would admit it to the other though, for fear they would seem less tough. Edgar saw Serafine walking by. He decided to go over to her and give her a hard time, like he always did.
"Hey Harper, I heard you don't have a date for the prom. Guess it's kinda hard to get a date when all the guys are probably afraid instead of a kiss at the end of the date you'll suck their blood. So what are you going to be doing prom night? Let me guess, staying home and watching some chick-flicks."
"I'm only half vampire right now, and I don't plan on finishing the process. And for your information I am going to the prom."
"But I thought you didn't have a date."
"I don't. I'm going stag."
"Are you kidding me? You're a girl."
"Thank you for pointing that out Ed. Gee what would I do with out your genius," Serafine said sarcastically.
"Well I mean girls need a man to take them to the prom or else she has no business being there."
"Oh that is such a chauvinistic thing to say Edgar. I bet you think that the guy has to pay for everything too huh?"
"Of course. A real gentleman wouldn't expect his date to pay for herself."
"You know what you are such a pig."
"And you're a dog. Bow wow, Barky."
Edgar stared into Serafine's eyes intensely. They were both heated up form the argument. Edgar didn't know if it was the intense heat from the fluke heat wave or the heat of their argument but he suddenly blurted out, "Do you wanna go to the prom with me?"
"Yes!" Serafine answered immediately with a bit of excitement in her voice. Then added nonchalantly "I mean, sure, whatever."
"Yeah whatever. I'll call you."
They then went their separate ways. Edgar smiled as he left and so did Serafine.
When Timandra arrived she went over to Sam's house. Sam let her in and they hugged. Timandra could feel the air of all the fans blowing in the Emerson housenot to mention the air conditioner was on as well. Sam said, "Tim, I'm glad you're finally back. And to celebrate I want us to go to the prom together."
"Oh Sam that sounds nice but I can't. You see there's a full moon that night. And I'm sure you know what that means now."
"Don't worry about it Tim. We'll just go for a little while and when the moon comes out we'll get you out of there. Besides if anything goes drastically wrong I have a tranquilizer dart that I could use to put the werewolf out."
"I don't know Sam, it sounds a little risky."
"Come on Tim this is our senior prom. We only get the one."
"Well if you promise to lock me up when the time comes no matter what happens."
"Of course. Nothing is going to happen trust me."
Treat sat in the big brown chair in his office. He dabbed his forehead with a damp rag. Over the intercom his assistant Tori said, "Treat he's here."
"Thank you Tori. Send him in."
The door to the mayor's office opened and in walked Terry.
Treat asked, "So what is the news?"
"Well Laddie told me that Timandra was back in town."
"Like she's any use to us anymore. That's why I'm glad I decided to mix you in with the group. I knew that girl might flake out on me. Well she's made her choice. If she's not one of us than she is the enemy. Therefore the night of the prom she shall die along with Sam and all his friends."
"A damp towel? I can see you are suffering form my work too."
"I can handle a little heat. It's the rest of Santa Carla that won't be able to survive. You've done good work Terronikor."
"Thank you master Treat."
"Now go and finish your job."
The next day at school Alan had heard that Edgar and Serafine were going to the prom together. At first he thought it was a joke but Edgar embarrassingly admitted it. Alan realized that both Sam and Edgar had dates for the prom and he was the only going to be alone. Then Alan saw Zed tormenting a girl in the hall.
Zed had her diary and was dangling it above her. He said, "Come on Scary Carrie. Let's se what you have to say here in your little diary. 'Dear Diary, today his elbow brushed the side of my arm as he walked up to the front of the class. If only Alan knew how I felt.' Hey Froggy, it looks like Scary Carrie has got a crush on you."
Alan walked over to the scene. He attempted to punch Zed but Zed grabbed Alan's fist and stopped him. Carrie was on the floor and she squinted her eyes. Then Zed was hurled to the floor. Alan couldn't understand how he had overpowered Zed but he had. He helped Carrie up from the floor. Carrie thanked Alan. Alan asked, "Carrie would you like to go to the prom with me"
"Oh Alan I would love to."
The group met together in the library, not unlike another group of demon hunting teens. Serafine fanned herself with her hands trying to keep cool. Sam began to speak, "So we all know that Mayor Wilson is going to make an appearance at the prom. Why? He says to wish the class of '88 good luck. But we all know that Treat always has something up his sleeve. I'm certain his cameo at our prom is part of something bigger. So everyone must be ready to kick some vampire ass that night."
Edgar added, "Sounds good to me. Hey Serafine you wouldn't mind letting me store some stakes in your purse will you?"
Serafine: "Um, I don't think so. I think we need to talk about this date a little more."
Edgar: "Okay. Me, Sam, and Alan are going to split the pay on the limo."
Serafine: "Wait. Us girls want to chip in to right, Tim?"
Timandra: "Whoa wait. If they want to pay for it all, let them."
Serafine: "Timandra? Come on it's the 80s. We have to show these men that we are equal to them."
Sam: "Look whoever wants to can chip in for the cost of the limo. Now back to more important matters. Prom night there is a full moon. So Treat may try to get his hands on Tim. We have to make sure that doesn't happen."
Timandra: "Sam maybe I shouldn't go. It sounds too dangerous already."
Sam: "No Tim. We'll be okay. Trust me."
The night of the prom had finally arrived. Timandra and Star were at Serafine's house getting ready. Star and Mike were going to be chaperones. Timandra had put on her dress.
Serafine said, "Wow that dress is beautiful Tim. Where did you get it?"
"It was my mother's. She wore it to her prom. She always wanted me to wear it to mine."
"So what did happen to your mother, if you don't mind me asking."
"No. You see she wasn't like my father and I. One night we were locked up on the full moon. But my father broke free from the cage. My mother tried to stop him but he killed her. My father could not believe he had killed his own wife when we transformed back to normal."
"I'm sorry Tim I didn't know."
"That's okay. Look we had better hurry before the guys get here."
Treat stood in the cemetery with his vampire henchmen in toe. He opened a big book of spells. Treat recited one of the Latin spells aloud. All of a sudden arms started to reach out from underneath the ground in front of the tombstones. Treat continued to cite the spell as the zombies arose from their graves. Treat said, "The final part of my plan is now in motion. Tonight all of Santa Carla will be eaten alive by my army of zombies."
Sam came down the stairs of his house dressed in a tuxedo.
Mike: "Not to shabby little brother."
Sam: "You don't look so bad yourself Mikey."
Edgar: "Hey am I invisible here?"
Sam: "Yeah you guys look good too."
Alan: "Well the limo is here. Let's go get the girls."
Lucy: "Oh Sam, Mike wait. I need to get a picture of you boys. You all look so handsome."
Mike: "Mom. We have to go."
Lucy: "I know, I know. Just one picture I promise."

Sam: "All right. Come on guys pose."
Lucy snapped a picture of the four boys dressed in their tuxedoes.
Lucy: "You know what maybe I should ride with you guys over to Serafine's house so I can get some pictures of you guys with the girls."
Sam: "Mom we really need to go. We promise you can get some more pictures when we get home."
Lucy said trying to hold back tears, "Fine go. My little boys are becoming men."
The limousine picked up the girls at Serafine's house. Carrie had told Alan she would meet him at the prom. Meanwhile at Carrie's house her mother was trying to stop her from going.
"Carrie you can't go. They're all going to laugh at you."
"Mom I'm going."
"Nooo! They're all going to laugh at you. They're all going to laugh at you. They're all going to laugh at you."
"Shut up mom you sound like that Adam Sandler CD. Look I'm going at that's final." Carrie used her telekinesis to throw her mother onto her "Alex P. Keaton" bed spread. Carrie then left to the prom.
The limousine dropped off the kids in front of the gym where the prom was being held. They looked around at all the decorations. Sam noticed the painted banner that had the theme painted on it: "Don't Let the Sun Go Down on Me."
Sam: "Well I can see the school went all out for our prom. Hey, I think I painted that banner in my art class."
Timandra: "Sure Sam. Since when did you do any work in art class?"
Sam: "Ah touché."
Alan: "Okay, I'm gonna wait around here until Carrie arrives. Plus there's a cool breeze here by the door."
Edgar: "All right bro. Come on Serafine, let's hit that dance floor."
Serafine: "After the way I showed you up at 'After Dark' you still wan to dance with me?"
Edgar: "Hey I've been practicing."
Serafine: "Well we'll see."
They walked out onto the dance floor. She started kissing Edgar's neck. Edgar was surprised by Serafine's advances. Then he felt her nibble his neck.
Edgar shrieked, "Hey you're just trying to suck my blood aren't you?"
"Sorry Edgar. It's getting harder to resist the urge for blood. Trust me it won't happen again."
"Yeah well I should hope not."
Carrie arrived and she and Alan went to dance too. Mike and Star lingered around the punch bowl trying to do their job when they really wished they could be out there having fun.
Mike said, "You know Star it's to bad that you and I never got to go to our own prom together."
"Yeah well we didn't know each other then. Besides we could use this prom as ours."
"Yeah but we're chaperoning. Besides its hot as hell in here."
"So that doesn't mean we can't have fun."
Timandra told Sam, "While I was away I visited your cousin Marty. After I convinced him not to blast me with a silver bullet, he was okay. He introduced me to someone who taught me how to control the werewolf in me. But I'm still not all that good at controlling myself when I am the werewolf."
Sam replied, "Well when the moon comes out I'll be sure to get us out of here Tim."
"Thanks Sam. I hope I'm not ruining your prom night by making us leave early."
"Of course not Tim. It'd be ruined if you weren't here with me."
All of a sudden the gym doors were broken open. Everyone was startled by the incident. Zombies began to fill the room. Pale bodies in shredded dirty clothes walking toward the frightened teens. Sam and the others took out the stakes they had brought along. Though they weren't vampires Sam was sure they could still be hurt by a couple of jabs with a stake. One of the zombies grabbed Serafine by the shoulders. She forcefully broke free from his grasp. One of the zombie's arms became detached and still clung to Serafine's shoulder. As she pushed it off she said, "Um, ew."
Edgar said, "Watch out Serafine they want brains. We've got to get out of here."
"Well if they want brains then you have nothing to worry about Edgar."
"Ha ha. Now come on."
Terry had suggested to Laddie, Avalon, and Presley that they have a séance that night in the park across the street from the school. They thought it seemed a little strange. Especially since it was even hotter now and it was night time.
Avalon: "Is it just me, or did it just get like ten degrees hotter?"
Laddie: "I don't know. It does seem like it is hotter now than it was earlier today."
Terry: "I'm sure it's just part of Santa Carla's freaky weather."
Presley was taking the candles out of the bag when he noticed a figure coming towards him in the dark. Presley noticed it was a cat. Presley said, "Paxxon?" The cat jumped out and sunk his claws into Presley's chest. Presley screamed as his dead cat screeched and scratched him. Paxxon's fur was disheveled and covered with dirt, yet his claws seemed to be in perfect condition to scratch to Presley's dismay. Avalon grabbed a stick and knocked the zombie cat off of Presley. Presley's shirt was shredded and his skin under was bleeding from Paxxon's claws. Laddie looked across the street and saw more of the living dead going towards the school.
Laddie: "Hey guys come on! It looks like Treat is causing trouble at the prom."
Avalon: "Do you really think we should get involved?"
Terry: "Of course. I'm sure Sam and his friends could use a little help fighting those zombies."
Laddie: "How did you know there were zombies there?"
Terry: "Well I uh, just saw our good friend here get attacked by his dead cat. Besides me got the 20/20 vision."
The four kids ran over to the gym but it was being guarded by vampires. Tucker and Trey felt they could definitely
Meanwhile inside, Carrie was standing alone on the stage. Zed decided to pull a prank on her that he saw in a movie. Only instead of pig's blood he had to use a bucket of tomato saucehis dad worked at a pizza place. Zed dropped the bucket of sauce on Carrie. Carrie was humiliated. She used her telekinesis to throw Zed across the room. She stood on the stage and began to move things around all over the gym. Alan came up to her and said, "Uh Carrie? Can you not with the psycho moving things with your mind bit? You see we're trying to fight off these zombies. If you're going to do that at least use it to kick some zombie butt."
"But he humiliated me. Everyone does. They all will pay for laughing at me."
"Yeah in case you didn't notice no one is even paying attention to you. They're all trying to run away form the brain hungry zombies."
"Oh. Really? Wellfine then I guess I'll fight the zombies too."
"Now that's the Mary we know and love."
Carrie glared and said sternly, "That's Carrie."
Alan responded with a shaky voice, "Right. Of course. I'm sorry it will never happen again."
Timandra warned Sam, "Um it's getting dark out. The moon will change me soon Sam."
Sam said, "I know. Look if you want to go then you should. But I think maybe we can use the werewolf to fight off these zombies."
"I don't know Sam. I just don't want anyone to get hurt. But if you promise to tranquilize me if anything goes awry then I'll stay and wolf out here."
"Perfect. Treat is not going to win this time."
Terry, Laddie, Presley, and Avalon tried to get into the gym but they were stopped by Tucker and another vampire named Trey. Trey grabbed Laddie and Presley while Tucker grabbed Terry and Avalon.
Tucker: "Well, well, well, Trey, it looks like these little twerps were trying to go in to help their friends. What do you think we should do with them?"
Trey: "I could use a drink. If we vamp them Treat would be very pleased."
Laddie: "No one is turning me into a vampire. I've been there and done that."
Laddie kicked Trey in the knee and Trey dropped him. He pushed Tucker down to free his friends. Laddie picked up a big pile of sand from the ground. He said, "Hey Tucker, Trey! I don't know how much longer I can hold all these tiny little grains of sand. They're slipping through my fingers. Oh no what ever shall I do?"
The sand dropped to the ground. Tucker and Trey could not help but get down on the ground and try to count every last grain of sand. A curse of being a vampire is that you get OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder). That is why Tucker and Trey couldn't help but count the sand. Laddie picked up a near by fallen branch and staked Tucker and Trey. Then Laddie, Terry, Presley and Avalon went into the gym. Inside they saw students running away from lifeless zombies groaning for brains to satisfy their hunger.
Timandra went out into the hallway where the lockers were. No one was around so she wolfed out. Finn had arrived late to the prom and saw Timandra transform into the werewolf as he entered. The werewolf turned around when she caught Finn's sent. Finn was terrified by the snarling beast coming towards him. He ran into the gym seeking refuge. As he entered Sam was about to go out to see Tim. Finn ran right into Sam and they fell on the floor. Finn lay on top of Sam shaking. Sam said, "Finn, we really gotta stop meeting like this."
"Sam, there was a werewolf after me."
"I know get up. Don't worry it was just my girl friend."
"That was Timandra?"
"Yes! Now get up and let's get out before she comes in here and tries to kill us both."

Finn and Sam got up off the floor. The werewolf came bursting in the doors of the gymgrowling and hungry. The gym was now filled with zombies. Most of the kids had fled or were trying there best to fight off the zombies. The werewolf began attacking the zombies, tearing them limb from limb. Finn asked, "So what did I miss?"
Sam replied, "Well basically our mayor who is really a vampire raised the dead. Then he had his army of zombies attack our prom. Timandra then had to morph into the werewolf on account of the full moon. So now she is kicking zombie ass. Not to mention its hot as hell and no one really knows why."
"Oh. So Timandra is like Lassieon steroids?"
"You could say that."
Terry then revealed his real self. He was now larger than the small boy that he usually appeared to be. He was covered with flames. The large fire demon Terronikor said, "Well even if you do get rid of all these zombies you'll still have me to worry about."
Laddie, Presley, and Avalon looked on in shock. Laddie said, "Terry?! But you're justI mean you're my friend."
"Wrong Laddie. I just pretended to be your friend under the orders of my master Treat. Now I will kill you and all your friends."
"No. My friends will stop you."
"In your dreams boy."
Terronikor blasted flames from his hands and Laddie's clothes were burned. Avalon helped him put the flames out. Edgar, Alan, Mike, Star, and Serafine finished off the zombies. The werewolf finished eating the deceased meat of the fallen zombies. Luckily that kept her busy so she would not attack her friends. It was now even hotter in the gym. Sam asked Finn if he knew any kind of spell to vanquish Terronikor.
Finn replied, "I don't know Sam. You know I'm still new at this sorcery stuff."
"Yeah but if you were able to make the same day repeat over and over again I'm sure you can figure out how to vanquish this demon. Come on Finn, I've got confidence in you."
"Really Sam?"
"Of course. You're the best sorcerer in training I know."
"I'm the only sorcerer in training you know; but thanks. Okay I'm going to go to my locker and get my spell book. You keep Terronikor busy."
"Now you're starting to sound like me."
"Hey, I learned from the best."
Star had caught the tail end of the conversation. She told Finn that she would go with him since she knew a bit about magic too. So they went off to get the spell book. Meanwhile Sam tried to keep Terronikor busy.
"So Terry, aren't we the big tough guy now?"
"Sam you fool. I'm not a kid anymore. I can squash you like a bug."
"My, my, touchy, touchy. You know I remember when you were just a little tike. You always reminded me of Alvin from 'the chipmunks'. What was that song they used to sing? 'I told the witch doctor I was in love with you and he said, oo ee oo ah ah ting tang walla walla bang bang oo ee oo ah ah.'"
"You're testing my patients Sam."
"Whoo, what are you going to do, tell your mommy?"
"No, I'm gonna fry you." Terronikor blasted flames from his hands aimed at Sam. The werewolf jumped at Sam and pushed him out of the way of the flames. Sam said, "Timandra you saved me. You really can control the werewolf." Then she began to claw at his chest. "Or maybe you just wanted me to eat for yourself. HELP!"
Edgar picked up the punch bowl and poured it on the werewolf's head. Meanwhile Finn and Star had to punch the door open because it was blocked by collapsed zombies. The werewolf became angry with Edgar and got off Sam and went chasing after the now frightened Edgar. Edgar said, "I saved you Sam, but now who's going to save me?"
Finn and Star came now had Finn's spell book. They began citing the spell that would vanquish Terronikor. Star told Finn to stop when they were half way through. Star called out, "Laddie are you sure you are okay with this?"
Laddie replied, "Sure Star. I thought he was my friend but now I know that could never be possible."
So Star and Finn completed the spell and Terronikor was vanquished. All the while Edgar was still being chased by the werewolf. Sam finally brought himself to shoot the tranquilizer dart and Timandra the werewolf was put to sleep.
Sam: "Well it looks like we did quite all right. No more zombies, werewolf knocked out, and there's still a little bit of punch left. Yep, yep, yep I'd say we did a pretty good for tonight 'eh folks?"
Alan: "Uh Sam?"
Sam: "Treat's standing behind me isn't he?"
Treat: "Indeed he is."
Sam turned around to see that Treat was there in full vampire mode.
Treat: "Well Sam, my dear boy, it looks like you've foiled my plan yet again."
Finn: "Actually to have FOILed your plan it would've had to have been a math problem. Because you see the 'F' stands for first, the 'O' for outer...and you weren't talking about math were you?"
Treat: "Who is this geek?"
Sam: "He's not a geek. He just so happens to be the sorcerer that vanquished Terronikor."
Treat: "So you're the one."
Finn: "Gee thanks for pointing that out to him Sam."
Sam: "Sorry Finn."
Treat: "This is the last time you ruin things for me Spam. Tonight only one of us will leave this gym alive. Well I'm already dead, but you know what I mean."
Sam: "Yes I know. All right guys this is between Treat and I. I don't want you interfering."
Finn: "But Sam"
Sam: "I can handle thisI think."
Sam pulled out his trusty stake. His friends watched on hoping Sam could beat Treat. Treat said, "I don't want your friends to be bored as we fight to our death. Tobias, Tucker, Tristan, Trey, Tori, Ash, get in here. You shall keep Sam's friends busy."
Laddie was shocked to see Tucker and Trey had been freed from their doom of counting the grains of sand. And now they were angry. The vampires attacked the group. Ash tried to convince Serfine to give into her vampire tendencies. Ash said, "Come on Serafine, join us. You can sleep all day and stay young forever."
"No way Ash. Sam is going to kill Treat and I will be changed back to normal. You can't trick me Ash. Even if your eyes are drop dead gorgeous. And you have the softest lips."
Edgar butted in, "Hey! Don't forget who your date is Harper."
Serafine said, "Oh yeah. Sorry. It's just that Ash is so so...stupid." She pulled out a stake and jabbed it toward Ash's heart. Ash managed to escape the deadly blow. Edgar and Alan got their Super Soakers filled with holy water and started shooting the vampires. Their skin fried as the holy water hit them. Tori's face was burned. She said, "Damn you kids. Do you even know how long it took me to get my make up that good this morning? You are so gonna pay." She lunged herself at Alan. Alan simply put the stake out in front of him and Tori was dusted. Soon after Laddie and Avalon dusted Tucker and Trey. Mike and Star dusted Tobias and Tristan. Finn ran away form Ash who was chasing after him. Ash grabbed Finn in a headlock. He licked his neck clean and was ready to bite down and suck. But luckily Serafine freed Finn from being bit by Ash. Then she licked his neck and was about to bite it but stopped herself. Finn quickly got away from both Ash and Serafine. All the while Sam tried vigorously to stake Treat. But alas Treat continued to evade him. Finally Treat got a hold of Sam. He held the small boy up in the air by the collar of his shirt and pushed him up against the bleachers that were stacked up against the sides of the gym. "I've got you now Sammy. I've been waiting so long for this moment. Now you will be my son. Your Gramps killed my son years ago. Now I will vamp you and raise you as my son."
"I don't think so Treat. I'll never let you turn me into a vampire you freak." Sam reached behind him and grabbed a loose piece of wood that was breaking off the bleachers. Sam snapped it off. Treat realized what Sam planned to do with the wood. He tried to drop Sam but Sam quickly jabbed it into Treat's heart. There was a big explosion as Treat was terminated. Sam and his friends took cover from the explosion. After it was all over the group of teens stood there silent in the charred gym. Sam said, "Cool!"
They all just looked at him quizzically. Sam added, "Well it was."
Mike said, "Hey Sam at least now we won't have to give up our house. Wait till I tell mom and Gramps. They'll be so happy."
Finn went over to the sound system. It was still in working order so he turned on the theme song for the prom. It was Roger Daltry's "Don't Let the Sun Go Down On Me." Serafine could feel that she was now normal again. She was so relieved that she no longer had to fear becoming a vampire. She pulled Edgar out to the dance floor. They danced on the charred dance floor. Mike and Star began to dance as well. Laddie shyly asked Avalon if she would dance with him. She agreed and the two went out on the dance floor as well. Alan found Carrie who was lying unconscious on the ground. She had wore herself out using her telekinesis to fight off the zombies. Carrie awoke and danced with Alan. Sam went over to Finn by the sound system. He looked over at the werewolf tranquilized on the floor. Sam said, "Well Finn my man, it looks like you and I are the only one's with out someone to dance with."
"Mr. Emerson, you wouldn't be hinted at an invitation to dance would you?"
"You wish. No it looks like we'll just have to sit this one out pal."
Sam and Finn watched as the happy couples danced to the song. The rest of the kids came back into the gym when they saw that everything was okay again. Sure it now resembled a nuclear bomb test site but they all finished their prom by dancing to the theme song of the dance. Outside Ash watched on as all the teens danced with out a care in the world. Ash said to himself, "You have your fun now children. With Treat dead and out of the picture, I shall take his place as head vampire of Santa Carla. Of course I'll never be mayor though. Still soon everyone will fear my name."