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+that's just the tip of the ice cube+

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04.13.04.question. does the fact that I prefer to watch a fake president trying to handle a fake crisis during a fake war to watching our real president trying to handle a real crisis during a real war, and battling really bad public speaking skills make me a bad citizen?

04.13.04.when david came in today with a mohawk, i started thinking about rebellious teens. there are a lot of them out there today, but, after a careful analasis of the topic, i have concluded that i am not among them. don't get me wrong, i'm not one of those miracle babies who hit puberty and still come across as human, but i'm no luke skywalker, either. how did i determine this? first, i figured, you had to have done rebellious things to be a 'rebel.' this is when i examined my past. my first act as a notorious teen was to deface and vandelize a stop sign. the poll of a stop sign. with a name tag. what was in my head?! i think, now, that it is very clear from just the name of the name tag, that it's not a good idea to put that name tag on a stop sign. can you spell imcompetant (sp?) ?! if we're being analogical, my 'crime' would essentially be the same thing as stabbing someone to death with your fingerprint. taste my untamed wrath, scum!

04.11.04.i got the guestbook and hit counter set up, even though I hate the hit counter. part of it might be that part of my terms of service agreement is that i keep the link to 'discount vitamins' on my site. i guess it's to be expected of free-of-charge internet companies these days, but…discount vitamins?! better than expensive vitamins, i suppose; i'd hate to think i was offering a bad deal to the general public. enough about that. vacation's almost over, and i still haven't blogged about what i did. that's largely because i didn't do anything. i saw a few people, but not nearly as many as i planned on. i saw secret window (which, by the way, has little to nothing to do with the title) and that was really cool. other than that, i walked around my house taking part in relentlessly scheduled activities, such as writing words on my story, playing snood, rearranging (and completely losing) my site, and i learned how to play a new song on the guitar. i picked up my cd player from the shop the other day—it was in because of a whirring noise that took my mind off all else but preventing siezure, and a 'system error'—and it still makes the noise. but, for now, i have come up with a fix: just listen to the music really loud so you can't hear it. i'll have to take it back eventually, however. the plot never ceases to thicken.

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