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B'nai Avraham Project

B'nai Avraham Project
A "Conversion to Judaism" site


Welcome to the home page of the B'nai Avraham Project. The phrase B'nai Avraham means son or daughter of Abraham, which is the name that Jews-by-choice take when they convert.

B'nai Avraham gives information on Judaism and explains the conversion process (Giur) from an orthodox, conservative, refrom and reconstructionist point of view. It will explain what to expect of the conversion process, starting with your first visit to shul through your first year of Jewish life.

We hope this site gives you the information you need and help you make the life changing decision of becoming a Jew.

Siman tov u'mazel tov


Angelfire has started putting ads on the bottom of my page advertising for "Judaism." This website does not endorse any of those websites. Occasionally you may see an add for "Messianic Judaism." The Messianic movement is not part of Judaism. It is merely a cult like, Christian missionary movement.

