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We may be wrong...

Hi, Welcome to Candace and Jessica's home page.

Here you will find a lot of information that's probably useless to you, and probably useless to us, but interesting nonetheless. And if it's not interesting, at least it passes the time. We met 3 years ago, and we've been best friends for 2 years, it just hit us one day to make a webpage. Why not share our vast knowledge with the rest of the world? *wink* Alright, let's get started, shall we? We'll begin with one of our favorite animals, the monkey. Monkeys are great. If you click on the link, you can read a great story about monkeys. We also have a page of sentences that we make up word by word. They're pretty funny if you're interested.

[Don't click here!] Are You Lee McCormick?

Speaking of Lee McCormick, here are a few of our favorite sites. Oh yeah, if anyone can help us figure out how this works, send mail here. Also, Candace's SN on AIM is CrystylPalyce, and Jess' is SkipInCircles.

Cybernetic Artificial Neohuman Designed for Assassination and Ceaseless Exploration TAKE AN ACID TRIP Journeying Electronic Soldier Skilled in Infiltration and Ceaseless Assassination

You can also learn about our favorite band, EvanEscence. Hey, Candace finally got a picture of herself. Click here to see it. Jess and I have vowed never to drink again. And we've got two new stupid pages. Go here for The List, or go here for some video game fun.