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Updated as of: 4/30/03 @ 6:38P.M.

People To Know (people will be changed as I update and meet new people)

My Favorite Places (I am aware the links may not work )

My favorite band's site (click here)
Jokes and comics (click here)
A hoppin' spanish site (click here)

Hello everyone again. Even though I have talked about the stupidest things that don't make sense, I have found I another stupid thing!!! Skateboarding vs. agressive inline. Skateboarding rules way to much to even consider agressive inline. It even has the hott guys!! Enough of that. If you haven't seen the movie Holes, here is the break down. A dude (Louis from Even Stevens) is charged for steeling some famous dude with stinky feet's shoes that were up for auction for a homeless shelter. He gets a trial and the works and is found guilty (of corse, where would the movie be without that?)of steeling the shoes. Two choices... got to jail, or go to Camp Green Lake. He chooses camp. This camp is set up for the bad boys and they have to dig holes(thus the name). 5 feet deep, 5 feet wide all the way around. This dude makes some "friends" and one of his friends is quite cute from the opinion of me and a couple friends. Instead of "digging for character" like the counselor's like to call it, the head of camp is really trying to find Kissin Kate Barlow's treassure from like 50 years ago or something. Read or watch to find out what happens!! ~Saer Baer
