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ME and YOU and a Dog named BOO..:)

See this dog named BOO .. thats what I wanna DOOOO.. is learn to drive the cruiser..

Hey our Chrissy Presents that Chris brought us.. arrived today in the mail.. check them out.. I got a dummy and Cutie got a chew toy with a rattle in it and mine squeaks too.. We were so excited we could hardly wait for Casey to open them for us and had to lend a paw or two..:)..And all Cutie could say was "WOW" look what I got Cosmo and I`m like saying who`s da man.. who`s da man ..Chris is da man..:)

This is me and Cutie, playing with our toys Chris brought us..Look at Cutie she`s just so cute and she loves that toy, I try sometimes to take it off her so I can play but no way and I even tell her she can play with mine, but nope..

Casey always plays with us and this is me giving her my toy so she can play with us .. she chucks it and we run after it and bring it back .. and Casey said I have to teach Cutie.. how its done .. its a pretty neatO game.. although depends on how far Casey throws it, after awhile I get tired..

Ha Ha .. Cutie and I were playing chasie and I run and jumped up on the chair, so she couldn`t get me and she started to pull Casey`s robe out from under me.. trying to get me down

Smile for the Puddy Cat..:)

I think Casey has to move some magazines off here I can hardly fit on here anymore to sleep..

Here we are, getting a big lecture.. OH MY GOD .. did we both get in trouble this day and it was really Cutie that started it and I should`ve known way better, been in trouble before for doing this type of crap.. And look at Cutie, like shes listening and shes really not..:)

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Doggy Graphics Gallery
Graphics By: Dog O Mania

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