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Cookbook Webquest


This webquest was created by Amieamie.gif and Val val.gif


This lesson is about recipes. Student will find recipes that sound appealing to them, and then display them on a poster, Power-Point presentation, or cookbook. It is designed for students in grades 4th and up. This webquest is in the ‘Health/PE’ section. *Note- Teachers or students will need to provide printing resources, poster board, Power-Point software, and/or materials for making a cookbook.


This unique web quest is designed to help students learn and experience the joy and challenges of cooking. Students will explore online recipes where they can choose foods that are appealing to them. They will create a poster, PowerPoint, or their own cookbook to demonstrate what they learned.



Students will be expected to learn about displaying information creatively, researching for information on the Internet, and making choices. They will choose to make a poster, Power-Point, or cookbook.


Students can make a poster, Power-Point, or cookbook. They will be graded on recipes, pictures, creativity, and neatness. Students will divide into groups of 2- 4 people. *Note- For extra credit, you may include a sample of your favorite recipe! These are the guidelines you must follow for each project:

Poster- If you choose to make a poster, you must find at least 5 recipes, and pictures to go with them. Visit the sites provided below. Then, you must display the information creatively and neatly on poster board. Make sure you spell everything correctly! When you are finished, present your poster to the class.

Power-Point- If you decide to make a Power-Point, you will need to find 5+ recipes and pictures. After you have found your information, you will need to arrange it in a Power Point presentation. Make sure to include color and make it neat!

Cookbook- If you have decided to make a cookbook, you must find 5 or more recipes, and pictures to go with the recipe. After this, you will need to arrange your information into a book format. Talk to your teacher about binding your cookbook.


Kid's Recipe's Resources


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