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WOODS CREEK was the site where gold was first discovered in Tuolumne County in June 1848 by Benjamin F. Wood. The creek was so rich that it was reported that Woods and Company extracted 40 to 60 ounces daily simply by using hunting knives to prise nuggets from their resting places.
   The settlement was originally called Woods Crossing. But after a Colonel George James arrived early in 1849, and made himself popular with the inhabitants by treating them all to bottles of champagne, the town was renamed in his honour!
    Colonel James later fell upon hard times and he left the area with outstanding debts owing to many of the townspeople. The disgruntled townspeople tried to change the town's name to American Camp but, as the post office had already been named 'Jamestown' the attempted renaming failed.
    When, in due course, placer gold became scarce and mining less profitable the placer operations were replaced with lode mining which still continues around Jamestown.

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A number of the historical structures of Jamestown, including the hotel, have undergone much reconstruction following fires at various times in the town's history. However, many of the original Jamestown premises have now become curio and antique shops, award-winning restaurants, hotels, and 'Wild West' saloons to serve the increasing needs of the film and television industries and tourism.

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The Methodist Church.

(The Jamestown site continues on page 2)

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