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Adam Akaron

God has called Adam to a very unusual life. He stresses that Gods call on peoples lives are distinctively individual. We are all created differently and we are all called, gifted and prepared to fulfill different rolls. Therefore, the experiences and teaching that we are taken through are tailored by God to teach and strengthen us. This is why no one experiences the same path that God leads them on. It is therefore, essential that individually we live in intimacy with God, listing and following his voice.

This is part of Adams story, he has a unusual call and God has given him unusual experiences to prepare him for his roll in the body of Christ.

Called to follow

A brief description of God literarily called Adam.

Called to Evangelism

The vision and the message of Adams call to spread the word.

Called to Prophecy

Re-trained, re-educated, renewed or ( Stripped down, smashed and rebuilt)

Called to Follow
Called to Evangelism
Called to Prophecy


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