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All of their drivers have to go through rigorous training before they are allowed to drive their first group of passengers; safety is their first priority. Once we arrive in Williamsburg, we are planning on staying at the Williamsburg West Park Hotel, affiliated with Best Western. It is located at 1600 Richmond Road, Williamsburg, Virginia. You can reach the hotel at 757-229-1134. The Best Western West Park features an indoor pool and a game room for entertainment. The cost of the tour will be $315.00 per student, as was the Washington DC trip. This all-inclusive cost will include transportation, hotel, all meals, and admissions into Busch Gardens, Water Country USA and Colonial Williamsburg, supervision travel insurance, and a 27 exposure disposable camera. If a sweatshirt and souvenirs are in mind or your child/children desires to occupy him/her self in the hotels game room then $35 cash should cover any additional expenses. Checks should be made out to The Class of 2007 Fund, write the name of your child on the memo line. Room prices are based on quadruple occupancy. If fewer students in a room are desired than the following costs will be added: triple occupancy an additional $20 per person; double occupancy an additional $50 per person; if a student prefers his/her own room an additional fee of $155 will apply. Please fill out, sign, and return this permission slip and payment by Friday, July 18, 2003 to Brendan Galligan. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me using the contact information above. Because this tour is not sponsored or affiliated with the school, we need parents or relatives to chaperone, for this tour to be possible. Please contact me at my home, not at school. Thank you, Brendan Galligan Brendan Galligan NOT AFFILIATED WITH WESTFIELD PUBLIC SCHOOLS WESTFIED, NEW JERSEY ________________________________________________ has my permission to attend The Class of 2007 Williamsburg Tour on Friday, October 10, 2003 until Monday, October 13, 2003 By singing below, I agree that no responsibility shall be attached to school, Brendan Galligan, or any cooperation providing products or services on the excursion, or chaperones beyond providing adequate supervision. I also agree that I understand that this excursion is not being run by nor is it affiliated with neither the Westfield Board of Education nor any of its schools or its employees. Date of Birth________________________________ Mothers Name _____________________________ Fathers Name _____________________________ Mothers Work Phone ________________________ Fathers Work Phone ________________________ Mothers Home Phone _______________________ Fathers Home Phone ________________________ Mothers Cell Phone _________________________ Fathers Cell Phone__________________________ Mothers Email______________________________ Fathers Email______________________________ Person Responsible if I cant be reached _______________________________________ That persons phone Number _______________________________________ My child has the following needs as described below: Food and/or dietary restrictions: _______________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Allergies: _________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Medications (must be in original pharmacy bottle): _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ Medical Insurance Company: ______________________________ Policy Number: ______________________ My child has chosen the following students to room with on the excursion. Name __________________________________________ Homeroom ______________ Name __________________________________________ Homeroom ______________ Name __________________________________________ Homeroom ______________ Singed _____________________________________________________________ Date _________________ ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF RISKS, ASSUMPTION OF RISK AND RELEASE OF LIABILITY I hereby give my child _____________________________permission, to attend the trip to Williamsburg, Virginia on October 10, 2003-October 13, 2003, and to participate in all activities and events associated there with (collectivity. The trip). I further release the organizers, sponsors, and chaperones from any and all liabilities, claims and causes of action arising out of or relating to the trip, and from any and all damages, whether direct, indirect, special or consequential, regardless of whether such liabilities or damages were, or should have been foreseen. I acknowledge that the organizers, sponsors, and chaperones retain the right to deny or limit the participation of my minor child in the trip (or in any event or activity) to the extent necessary, in the exercise of the reasonable good faith discretion of said organizer, sponsor, or chaperone, to protect the safety of my child or the other trip participants. AUTHORIZATION: I hereby authorize any medical treatment deemed necessary in the event of any injury or illness while participating in the activity. I either have appropriate insurance or, in its absence, agree to pay all costs of rescue and/or medical services as may be incurred on my/our behalf. RELEASE: In consideration of services or property provided, I, for myself and my minor children for whom I am parent, legal guardian or otherwise responsible, any heirs, personal representatives or assigns, do hereby release Brendan Galligan, and each and every land owner, municipal and/or governmental agency upon whose property an activity is conducted, from all liability and waive any claim for damage arising from any cause whatsoever. I have read and understand the forgoing Acknowledgment of Risks, Assumption of Risks, and Release of Liability. I understand that by signing this form I am waiving all legal rights. Please Write, I (insert your name) have read and understand the Acknowledgment of Risks, Assumption of Risks, and Release of Liability. I understand that by signing this form I am waiving all legal rights. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Sign Here _______________________________________________________ Date ____________________  $.Vdeuz{   2 D Q U ` 뺱~m~m~mgaaXOXOh~ jh:^Jh~ jhlE^J hv{^J h`_?^J h~ jhW0J"CJOJQJ^J h~ jhQ@0J"CJOJQJ^J h~ jh U!0J"CJOJQJ^J h~ jh|^v0J"CJOJQJ^Jh~ jhwA^Jh~ jh|^v^J'hh|^v0JB6@CJ`OJQJaJ`'hh(0JB6@CJ`OJQJaJ`'hh|^v0JB6@CJOJQJaJ VvN u ,l%v:%v:%v:%v:%v:%v:%v:%v:%v:%v:%v:%v:%v:%v:%v:%9%v:%v:%^$a$gdwA$dd`a$gdwAgdwAgdh <^`gd U!<gdIgd|^v$,&a$gd&&` a f g h   L M N [ h r u } @ I U V [ _ y z   . 0 1 K V Z t ӯӦӑvh~ jhN_^Jh~ jh0X^Jh~ jhh^J hL^J hwA^Jh~ jh@0^Jh~ jhI+^Jh~ jhbpR^Jh~ jh~xg^Jh~ jhlo^Jh~ jhv{^J hv{^J hC^Jh~ jh7e^Jh~ jhlE^J hC^Jh:h:^J.   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